Deceptions in Pacific Unity


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
The North Pacific Strives for Pacific Unity!
... and then royally screws it up
Written by: Tabloidus Reporter


Graffiti becomes more common in The North Pacific after the government stops supporting its own ideas, proposals and laws

PIXIEVILLE, MAGICALITY CITY, THE NORTH PACIFIC: Thousands of gift baskets mailed from Eastern, Central and Southern Pacifics into the North have been recalled today, at great cost to the Meritocracy.* The North Pacific was due to receive these thousands of baskets due to it brotherly suggestion of a Treaty between all the Pacific regions.

The Pacific, along with those from the East and South, eagerly accepted the treaty and waited only on the word of West (assuming that as the ones to propose it, the North, would certainly be signing). Even the cousins in Lazarus and The Rejected Realms embraced the statement of feeder unity.

The West received the Treaty, but unfortunately, due to their literacy rate of 0%, no nations in The West Pacific were able to read the Treaty. It should be noted that the Minister of Literacy in The West Pacific is a man renowned for having the world's only negative IQ**, and being completely useless at every position appointed to him.

John Ashcroft Land, ever the Fair and unbiased voice of reason spoke briefly with Delegate Shasoria to 'Explain the Basics of The treaty***'.

Shortly following this brief discussion, The West Pacific officially renounced the treaty, citing that "The New Pacific Order is not a legitimate government of a Pacific Region." Shasoria would know all about Legitimate Governments, after studying them extensively whilst ruling the West Pacific Dominion.

Whilst many in The Pacifics (South, East, and Central) were aggrieved to hear of The West's decision, they continued on, secure in the knowledge that The North Pacific would be ratifying their own treaty.

However, the next day brought surprise. North Pacific dual citizen Freedom and Pride had been leading a debate in the North on whether or not to join together in harmony with their Pacifician cousins. Whilst some more notable citizens such as Blue Wolf II decided to abstain due their conflicting interests (Membership in The West Pacific), Freedom and Pride showed the total lack of honor expected by most members of the Order of the Gryphons, and led a campaign against signing The North's own treaty.

And so, with an idiocy and rudeness shown to Pacific Regions only once before**** The North Pacific issued a great slap in the face to the thousands of East, South and Central Pacific regions and refused to sign the treaty they proposed.

The North Pacific "Diplomatic Screw up Society," chaired by Hersfold, has applauded the Regional Assemblies handling of this issue.

*After declining for two years from being a major power, the Meritocracy has recently found its perfect vocation and reformed itself into an international Post Office.
**freedom and pride
***JALian for 'Moan about the Pacific' and 'have Relations of the intimate nature'
****By those talented diplomats in ACCEL.
This has been a Pacifica Tabloidus article,
A publication of Pacifica Veritas.
hang on....

And so, with an idiocy and rudeness shown to Pacific Regions only once before**** The North Pacific issued a great slap in the face to the thousands of East, South and Central Pacific regions and refused to sign the treaty they proposed.

didn't the author or the article, Dalimbar himself, vote against the treaty in our RA?

What does that make him? Idiotic or rude?
hang on....

And so, with an idiocy and rudeness shown to Pacific Regions only once before**** The North Pacific issued a great slap in the face to the thousands of East, South and Central Pacific regions and refused to sign the treaty they proposed.

didn't the author or the article, Dalimbar himself, vote against the treaty in our RA?

What does that make him? Idiotic or rude?
L. O. L.

In addition, it didn't look to me that it was F&P leading the anti-treaty offensive here-- I thought it was either Grosseschnauzer or just a general wave of dissatisfaction.
I'm assuming the "Pacifica Tabloidus" is meant to be deliberately misinformed.

Either that or someone's working out some personal issues...

This is not a work of satire, but rather someone venting their anger through a mask of a tabloid.

Sir Paul would be ashamed.
I wasn't aware that there was a community decision we wanted to go into this kind of treaty with the other regions. One guy did some stuff, brought some people over, and handed us a bill we were supposed to supposedly rubberstamp. It's not surprising that it failed.

I don't think the East or South care as much as the article alleges. I think they're more likely to be annoyed a vitriolic tabloid pretends to speak for them.
This is not a work of satire, but rather someone venting their anger through a mask of a tabloid.

Sir Paul would be ashamed.

Sir Paul's articles usually held a deal of truth behind them (hence, "satire"), whereas this is just using the tabloid as a facade to misrepresent the issue and to present a poorly fabricated insult to another region.
Indeed, The East has either not even heard of it or we have not expressed any opinion on the matter as yet.

Indeed. One longs for the golden age of the PNN. Alas, long gone.

I wish Sir Paul would come back...
[In addition, it didn't look to me that it was F&P leading the anti-treaty offensive here-- I thought it was either Grosseschnauzer or just a general wave of dissatisfaction.
All I did was ask questions about a diplomatic agreement that was submitted to the RA without any background or explanation.

I've criticized the way this agreement was handled, and written (it had some serious ambiguities.) Doesn't mean I won't support a better-written and explained treaty, on that or some other topic, or having diplomatic relations with all of the feeders.

I had not posted any comments about the treaty other than my questions, until I posted my candidacy announcement. By then, it was already clear that the RA was going to reject the treaty.

As to the satire, well, it is satire, and I take it as such.
The same person who wrote many of the tabloids under Sir Paul is writing them now, and in comparison this seems relatively the same in terms of mockery. Nothing has changed, other than perhaps the climate is not as receptive as it was then for such writings. We will re-evaluate the use of the the Tabloid.

mmm. To me this translates as "the journalism was always this crap, but at least in the old days there was decent editorial control."
This is not a work of satire, but rather someone venting their anger through a mask of a tabloid.

Sir Paul would be ashamed.

Sir Paul's articles usually held a deal of truth behind them (hence, "satire"), whereas this is just using the tabloid as a facade to misrepresent the issue and to present a poorly fabricated insult to another region.
OK, funniest thing ever in NS: Pope Hope as the Borg Queen!

Any takers? Anybody?