Lexicon solution.

Haor Chall

The Power of the Dark Side
TNP Nation
Haor Chall
A peace treaty will not, hopefully, be necessary.

The Lex is currently having Delegate elections themselves and all the candiates are running on a peace with TNP as part of their program. Having spoken with Cartwrightia, their EA Councillor, the likelyhood is that the new delegate will post a statement after the election stating the end of hostilities on their part. As we have already effectively done so, this will bring hopefully draw a line under this, and I believe they will also want to apply for a consulate at the same time as well.

The timings are such that this will be left for the next government to deal with, but I thought I would post it now so we know where we stand.
Haor, I am still banned within the lexicon, despite petitioning to have the ban removed. Please could you reprint the post referenced above?

Sovereign Dixie:
As most of you know, since July 10th, The Lexicon has been in a state of war with The North Pacific (TNP). We fought bravely, valliantly, and most of all, we fought with honour. We fought for our right to exist here in this region, this community called The Lexicon, and be free from attempts at subersion or infiltration by those who would do us harm.

Thanks in no small part to the results of those who fought so well and so hard in TNP, The Lexicon is now as safe as it has ever been. There were things we could have done different, things we could have done better. When it came right down to it though, we did the best thing of all, we stood for what we believed, and what we hold to be true.

It is in that same spirit, that I declare this war to be over.

Tonight, let this region be at peace. At peace with others, and at peace with itself. For of all the lessons the TNP war tought us, the most important one was.......

The only ones who can defeat us, are ourselves.

Long Live The Lexicon!

Half of it is crap, but still.
wasn't this just a plot to lure us into a fall sense of security?

I'm all for give peace a chance, but I also smell the flaming bag of shit on our front door.
I'm all for give peace a chance, but I also smell the flaming bag of shit on our front door.
Yeah, and as soon as we stamp out the flames they ring the back-door bell.

But seriously, if they want peace, give it to them and maybe they will go away. If they engage in any espionage, then we can do a tune on them and be entirely justified.