Former English Colony

TNP Nation
Former English Colony
I would like to declare my running for Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs. I don't really have a platform per se, but I do have an obsessive need to organize, which means I think I'll be able to keep up with Limi's recent organization of the RA rolls.

Given my great experience with TGing lots of nations, I think I shall recruit a few people (or just do some of it myself) and telegram large numbers of nations for recruitment into TNP. That's really all that's on my agenda at the moment.

Any questions? Pretty please?
do you feel that you will be able to understand the records with all the colours i have put everywhere? :P
FEC's got some Excel skillz, I remember that from February with the entire election monitoring thing, so, I'm sure she can handle your rainbow-records.

In other news, how much do you agree/disagree with the following statements, Missus Bunny Tyrant:

The Constitution is bloated and needs to be rewritten.

The NPO is bad and we should oppose them (IC and/or OOC).

Paranoia ftl.

NS Trials = phail.

grammer iz 4 stoopid losrs
What would be your stance on Lexiconians applying to the RA?
That actually depends. I'm not totally conversant on where our regional stance in regard to Lexicon is at this current juncture. If we're still in some period of conflict, then I would probably attempt to run applications past the Cabinet that I thought were a little bit dodgy. If there is no current conflict, then I'll let them in to do their part for the RA.

do you feel that you will be able to understand the records with all the colours i have put everywhere? :P
Yes, given my obsession with Excel, colors are nothing. :P

FEC's got some Excel skillz, I remember that from February with the entire election monitoring thing, so, I'm sure she can handle your rainbow-records.
Why thank you. :blush:
In other news, how much do you agree/disagree with the following statements, Missus Bunny Tyrant:
The Constitution is bloated and needs to be rewritten.
I'm not sure bloated is the right word so much as it seems to be quite clear in some instances and remarkably vague on others. Also, sometimes *where* the heck information is located is rather weird.
The NPO is bad and we should oppose them (IC and/or OOC).
OOC: NPO boys are cuter then TWP boys. ;)
IC: I don't really like what the NPO people do in their region. I'd rather see feeders as supporting their people as opposed to kicking them out because they're not UN or don't endorse the delegate. But on the other hand it's pretty much up to them what they do in their own region.
Paranoia ftl.
heh. Paranoia is good in some cases, but sometimes I think people carry it too far. I tend to try to talk to people before I give in to paranoia.
NS Trials = phail.
In some cases, and with huge amounts of red tape and many steps to go through, I agree. If it was able to be swift, but carried out by trusted people in the region, I think it would work much better.
grammer iz 4 stoopid losrs
Grammar is something to be practiced at all times. JAL is especially good at commas, while I specialize in the spelling aspects.
Okay then, under what circumstances would you deny an application for the Regional Assembly?
I would outright deny applications from those publically declared to be enemies of TNP and determined to bring it down. Of course, I'd have to be pretty sure their intent was malicious, so that would have to be an open war with an obvious name on the applicant.

In the case of someone I was uncertain about, I would post a thread asking the input from the Cabinet members and the admin in order to determine if said person was in fact a member of a region or group out to harm us. Then I would post inquiries to the applicant if necessary.

I. I.
The very backbone
Guarantee citizens
The right to choose their government