
Well... I think that about covers it. LOL Anyway, I suppose I should introduce myself and explain a bit about my country.
The Theocracy of Mybelia is just that, a Theocracy. As our profile on the main game page states, we are a "small devout nation", built on the principles of traditional, Biblical Christianity, and in all things subservient to the rulership of God. Our King, HRH King Peter, while deriving power from the example of God, nevertheless makes no claim to any more infallibity than a King should have (which is understood nationally to mean that a King is human and subject to the laws he makes and also to the foibles of humanity), but as King, is without exception respected and loved as his office is due. With the help of a Parliament which is elected by the people to represent their ideas, he enacts laws based on the infallible rule of the Bible, which we believe is comprised of the benevolent will of the deity whose sovereignty we honor.
Life is an incredible gift to Mybelians, and we strive to live each day to the fullest in peace and harmony with our fellow man, which we realize is not always possible, and in ever-increasing holiness. We are blessed with a society whose eonomy and political freedoms are good, and we believe in liberty, justice, and the pursuit of a meaningful lifestyle for all. The truancy rate is only slightly above zero, the divorce rate is also relatively low. The Parliament strives to make laws that will make life easier on and enjoyable for the people it rules. Our social services are organized in an orderly fashion so as to fix the problems that fall within their specialties. We pledge to work with our neighbors in The North Pacific region to make inter-regional relations peaceful, as it is not our intention to cause problems for other nations or become a stumbling block. We extend no malice and expect none in return. We trust our presence in the North Pacific will be a good thing for all.