
Good morning/day/afternoon/night all!! :)

My name is Idunnowhat and I am Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs in the region North Pacific. I was wondering if it would be possible for someone to direct me to the place where I should be requesting for a consulate?

If this is the place, what should I do in order to open one?

Thank you very much!

Good morning/day/afternoon/night all!! :)

My name is Idunnowhat and I am Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs in the region North Pacific. I was wondering if it would be possible for someone to direct me to the place where I should be requesting for a consulate?

If this is the place, what should I do in order to open one?

Thank you very much!

My name is Idunnowhat and I am Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs in the region North Pacific. I was wondering if it would be possible for someone to direct me to the place where I should be requesting for a consulate?

Consult with Hersfold, my friend!


Lol thanx everyone!!! yeah Dalimbar I must have seen you around other forums I so have lots of accounts everywhere now if I could keep them active :P

Harm it's nice to see you here I do love ur avatar!!!! :D