Pacifica Veritas Formed!


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
New News Organization Founded!

A represenative from Pacifica Veritas taking questions at a press conference in Dalimbar.

A spiffy new news outlet will be gracing newsstands and the minds of readers across the NS world in the coming days. This news organization, run by reporters from Dalimbar in The Pacific, will be called “Pacifica Veritas”. For those who never took Latin in high school, or never had the opportunity to do so, Pacifica Veritas means “Pacific Truth”, which is the main goal of the newspaper, to expose the truth in the articles that is produced by the organization.

Currently, numerous syndication deals are in the works between Pacifica Veritas and various regions. As of this edition, the following locations shall host official branches of the Pacifica Veritas:
  • •Pacifica Veritas Headquarters: Kingsport, Dalimbar, The Pacific.
    •The Pacific Offices: Francograd, The Pacific.
    •Lazarus Offices: Port de la Furtonia, Killer Kitty, Lazarus.
    •The Rejected Realms Offices : Malev, Kandarin, The Rejected Realms.
    •The East Pacific Offices: Rillanon City, Christie Island, The East Pacific.
    •The West Pacific Offices: Administration Island, The West Pacific.
    •The North Pacific Offices: Magicality City, The North Pacific.
At the time of print, it is anticipated that branch offices will be opening in The South Pacific, the Meritocracy, Gatesville and elsewhere.

Excitement was high across the lands of NationStates, even comments from high dignitaries was raised. “I look forward to hard hitting and truthful reporting from the best newspaper in the Pacifics!” states Lazarusian Delegate Killer Kitty, while New Pacific Order Senator Moo-Cows with Guns “has every confidence that Comrade Dalimbar will return The Pacific to its rightful place as the premier media source in all of NationStates with Pacifica Veritas.” We at Pacifica Veritas hope so as well.


Part of the Pacifica Veritas Building in Francograd, The Pacific
Written by Dalimbar for Pacifica Veritas,
Exposing the Truth!
A question for all the brits...

Was anyone else expecting Robert Kilroy Silk when they read the title?

Anyway, congrats to all involved!

You can't tell me you'd never noticed all the little sidebar pieces about "Dave VanSteve wins Journalist of the Millennium from Associated Cowpoke's Benevolent Society" and the like in your local paper. The things that are important to the people who print the news, are the news.