The North Pacific Poetry Triathlon


Yes, that's right. A proper contest! Calling all poets... If you intend to participate, please post below.

How this here thing will work: There will be three legs to the tournament (hence the name), all weighted equally. The three stages are:
  • Number A: Rhyming Poetry
  • Number B: Free Verse
  • Number C: Doggerel
To clarify what constitutes doggerel: According to

1. (of verse) a. comic or burlesque, and usually loose or irregular in measure. 
b. rude; crude; poor.

So come one, come all, no matter what region you hail from!
I want to take a shot at this. Do I post the first rhyming poem here, or what?
don't go with the or what just post it here.

life is full of people
people are full of lies and truth both sad and true
just by reading this you will know its true
I posted this one under the poetry topic below

Cookies are wonderful
Cookies enlighten your day!
for a short while anyway...
They rot your teeth,
but what else who you want to eat?
They warm your heart,
then make you fart.
Cookies are wonderful,
simiply because they make you fat 'n' full!
So enjoy your cookie!
Or else I'll kill ye!