Yes, it's been brought up before but I'm willing to give it another chance. The basics of it is, if more than 1/3 of the vote is abstain then the list of candidates will be released from campaigning with a new election called forth. The original list of candidates would be barred from running again of course.
Since I haven't found anything in the Constitution which says anything about winning conditions (pls correct me if I'm wrong) I'm just going to introduce this as Legal Code bill.
Ok hounds, rip it apart.
Since I haven't found anything in the Constitution which says anything about winning conditions (pls correct me if I'm wrong) I'm just going to introduce this as Legal Code bill.
Section 1
a) Should the number of Abstains amount to more than the number of votes of any one of the candidates, they will be barred from running for this particular position during this particular electoral cycle.
b) A new election would then be called with all prior stated electoral rules in place.
c) Should no other candidate decide to run, the original election results will stand.
Ok hounds, rip it apart.