Haor Chall
The Power of the Dark Side
- TNP Nation
- Haor Chall
Welcome to your consulate!
Update 8.01
News from The Great Land of the Moon
22th september 2006
Nations: 120
Delegate: Willowinds
Region Age: 91 days
Creator: Minaris
The region and forum are continuing to grow.
A 9/11 thread (http://z6.invisionfree.invalid/GreatLandoftheMoon/index.php?showtopic=298) has begun along with Steve Irwin, Live Stream, Mille!, and The Top 10.
To see the chat always forums, click here!
also, a new game called Ban The Person Above You (http://z6.invisionfree.invalid/GreatLandoftheMoon/index.php?showtopic=302&st=0&#entry4590509) has started, along with teh spammer thread! (http://z6.invisionfree.invalid/GreatLandoftheMoon/index.php?showtopic=333).
The Contagion has been discovered to evolve by recombining with other strains in the host's cells!
In AngloGermany.com, Aklin Muhami is auctioning the vital gems, unless iolendom has his way...
UMAM (United Minarian Arms and Munitions) has opened its existence, but is not currently ready to sell many products. However, basic supplies are only starting to form.
Sir Gavin has decided to construct a duplicate of The Colossus in Sir Metz.
Also, the Moonlight RP Academy (http://z6.invisionfree.invalid/GreatLandoftheMoon/index.php?showtopic=153) is starting to have class in a couple IC minutes.
Finally, The Warrior of The Dead Lands RP has started with an AI, a magick warrior, and a wind glider defending a prince (baby).
UN Voting:
Individual Working Freedoms (or repeal "The 40-Hour Workweek") - Voted AGAINST
Clothing Supply Pact- AGAINST
Repeal "Support Hemp Production"- AT VOTE
The government continues to excel as the forums grow and evolve.
Greeting From TGLM
Update 10
Saturday, October 21th, 2006
Nations: 138
Delegate: Willowinds
Region Age: 119
TGLM is excited about the first elections. That's right. You heard it first here. After our Minister of Internal Affairs disappeared , we now have The Bananafruit as our new MoIA. If you see The Bananafruit around, make sure to congratulate him. The vote was very close with the tie- breaker coming in on the last day of voting. The first steps toward Democracy! Gotta love it!
UN Voting
Marriage Protection Act: Against
Fair Sentencing Act: For
Repeal "Establish UNWCC": Against
"Let the Good Times Roll" Forums
Spectacles is a new poll in the Chat Aways part of the forum where people are now discussing the need of glasses, contacts or the fear of looking too geeky. If you can not read this then you probably need glasses
The Delegate's Office has now moved to the Chat Aways as members of the forum are trying to commit ill will to our Delegate. Where is the love?
A new game has hit the forum, First To A Hundred Wins! Already up to the eighties. Come on over and maybe you will be the lucky 100th person to post. Maybe even win a free..well, we'll get back to you on that.
Role Playing
Students are learning how to RP correctly in Miss Lunita's class in Moonlight Academy and it looks like they are finally coming together as a group, working together to form their own RP. A RP inside of a RP, this should be very interesting to watch. One of the students is having a hard time with attendance right now as he keeps blowing things up. Oh my, better keep an eye on your things around this youngster.
The small group in Bainram's Bar has met with several incidents these past couple of weeks. A hunter after the Half-Elf/Half-Wizardess came along to wreck the bar but was banished sucessfuly by a lephrechaun. The scene suddenly changes when one of the small group decided to threaten the lives of everyone within the bar due to a posession and during all of this, a dragon appears to help things settle down a bit. Now, we have two people fighting for the love of a woman's heart. Lots of activity you will not want to miss out on.
After battling through ogres, a fire dragon and other obstacles, our small band of adventurers finally made it to the Elven City in The Warrior of the Death Lands. Will the Elven Prince make it safely to where he needs to go? Will the small band part ways in peace? Stay tuned to find out.
Welcome to Middle Age Adventure! A newer RP where the castle is under siege and all hope relies on a message of help. What will happen to this poor kingdom? Will the enemy take over and all hope be lost? Come and check it out.
New to the Forum:
The forum has an all new look to it, sub forums were created to give the forum a more "organized" look. The members seem to be happy with this.
The Off Topic Forum is a place for friendly debates to happen. Marriage, abortion and a couple other issues are in discussion right now. Come and check it out.
That is it for another update and as always, if you have any questions feel free to ask me at any time.
TGLM Update
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Nations: 157
Delegate: Willowinds
TGLM has just formed its first alliance. We and the RED SOX NATION have signed a Peace Treaty, something both regions have been working on for some time. We're still in the process of picking up champagne corks.
The House of Members has just voted to accept the first part of the bill dealing with the "Timing and Conduct of Elections". The second part of the bill, dealing with lengths of terms of office and the number of consecutive terms a candidate may hold office, is currently up for vote. The bill dealing with "Ministerial Accountability", which was being voted on at the time of the last update, was passed.
TGLM is well on it's way to becoming a full democracy!
Also up for "vote" is the election of our new Minister of Cartography.
UN Resolutions
Repeal "Public Domain" - In favour
Unconventional Arms Accord - In favour
UN Fair Wage Convention - Against
"Let the Good Times Roll"
Chat Aways
The look of the forum has changed AGAIN... next on TLC: Extreme Makeover, Forum Edition!
Thanksgiving has come and gone. Bananafruitians feast on leftover turkey until mid-January!
Our founder has given up smoking, picking up a hunk of man named "Ancelt" in it's place!
Is O.J. crazy? My magic 8-Ball says "Ask Again Later... (okay, I didn't say yes, now get that knife away from me!!!)"
Fun and Games
Still rolling...
The topic du jour - illegal MP3 downloads, ethical or no? Let me listen to my collection front to back, and I'll get back to you (a month or so from now)!
Role Playing
The RP Acadamy gets stranger by the minute! Students with powers, the god of destruction causing chaos and a cool guy with attitude are all pulling together to make a very fun read. Come and check it out, you may laugh, cry or run away screaming. I know I almost did.
Epidemic What do you get when you put a vampire scientist alone with a beautiful scientist? Trouble and that is what is going on right now. A vampire falls in love but neither of them are willing to admit their feelings for each other. An evil mistress comes along and throws a fit and now two Moon Children show up to throw in an interesting mix of love, hate, fear and unease. Will everyone be able to figure out a way to stop this virus? Stay tuned.
If you are looking for a whacked out group of people locked in together in a whacked out kind of bar than look no further. Bainram's Bar has this and lots more to offer. A Leprechaun in love with an Elf, Mr. Bain in love with the same Elf tries to accuse the Leprechaun of being some pretty nasty things. The Elf stands up for what she believes is right but the pressure is on. Others just seem to be laying around or crying in corners, so come on by and join them.
The Warrior of the Death Lands, Lorn has now gotton himself into a real pickle. The woman that was protecting the child got kidnapped and Lorn lost the baby Elf Prince, along with half of the group they were travelling with. Alone with a Dark Elf, Lorn must figure out a way to get the woman away from two very dark and evil creatures, one of which is a fire dragon. The other creature is half spider-half man, hey I wonder if he likes wearing red and chasing down that beautiful M.J. Oops, sorry wrong story. Anyway, come check it out.
That is all for this edition of the TGLM Update. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
TGLM Update #13
Saturday December 9, 2006
Number of Nations: 158
UN Delegate: Willowinds, Eminence Grise
% of UN Nations Endorsing UN Delegate: 93.2%
Our New Minister of Cartography, Khareign, was acclaimed.
The "Timing and Conduct of Elections", the legislation outlining when, in what groupings, lengths of terms and maximum number of consecutive terms has now passed the House of Members.
The final piece of legislation necessary to hold TGLM's first elections for all positions, "Decision Making in TGLM re: Founder Vetos" is now up for discussion in the Members' Discussion Area. Once this legislation passes, TGLM will be ready to hold it's first elections for all Cabinet Positions, including that of Delegate, sometime in late December, or, to prevent conflict with the holidays, early January.
The Ministry of Strategic Planning and Affairs is currently doing an independent study of our recruiting and retention statistics within the region. The study has been ongoing for some time in an effort to see what can best be done to minimise efforts and maximise returns in that area.
Our thanks to Donchatryit, Minister of MoSPA, for his work on the Blue Papers that have been passed leading us on our path to democracy, and for the work MoSPA is doing at the request of the Members of TGLM.
UN Resolutions
Repeal "World Heritage List" - In favour
Repeal "Due Process" - In favour
"Let the Good Times Roll"
"Chat Aways"
In true TGLM style, November 29 was granted it's own special status by Kyato, our RP MOD:
After being without a mouse I can definitely say that the mouse is a saviour. I propose a national holiday. From now on I unofficially declare this day (November 29th)"Mouse Appreciation Day." For too long has the mouse just been known as the small chunk of plastic with/out a wire and with a roller-ball or laser beam stuck it in which makes the arrow on the monitor go "zoom, zoooom" Well Mice are people too! Just small plastic ones which you can throw at things!
In retribution for having to work his browser without his mouse, November 30 has also gone down in TGLM history:
I also propose that tomorrow (November 30th) be "National I HATE THE TAB KEY Day." All TAB keys not attached to a keyboard shall be flung into the depths of Mount Doom and then we shall burn a Hobbit at the stake.
That is all.
Fortunately, our RP MOD has since recovered from the following episode (author refused to be named ):
Er ... Kyato ... dear ... you've definitely lost it this time!
Come on! Come on down off that high, high rooftop!
That's it ... no, your mouse isn't up there. Honest! See! It's right here! ... Here's your mouse!
That's ... no. NO! Don't throw the keyboard! ... Pardon? ... Yes, it does have a TAB key ... but it's attached ...
Well, yes, you could do that, but ... no, it's a cable. Well ... no, you'd need to disconnect it ... yes. The CPU. ...
Yes, it will. ... some of the cables just pull right out of the ports ... yours doesn't ... oh.
No, I understand. You can't get the TAB key out. But Kyato, if you throw the keyboard, it's attached to your CPU.
What other cable? ... NO! DON'T DO THAT! ... Yeah. Thaaat's it. ... Right! It attaches your monitor to your CPU ...
No ... it should just unplug ... it doesn't either .... well, try unscrewing it ... it won't unscrew ...
Yes, I do understand. You REALLY don't like the TAB key. But ... yeah, the TAB key ...
(TAB key, attached to keyboard, attached to CPU, attached to monitor, hits ground)
Rumour has it that despite the comfy white jacket, he is learning to type quite well with his toes ... :rolleyes:
"Fun and Games"
What is it that keeps people going back to arcade games that they can't possibly win? Our big time attraction this month seems to be "Block Frenzy". Remember the game of Labrynth? Pull out a block and see when the tower tumbles? Good. This is nothing like that ...
"Off-Topic Forums"
Afraid we still can't give you a verdict onpiratedmusic downloaded from the net. Our ... uh ... er ... "deciders" ... still have their earphones on ...
Galactic Peace Conference is an opportunity for all nations within TGLM to travel to the country of The Eternal Moon Children to engage in Peace Talks, and possibly begin talks regarding the exchange of Embassies/Consulates within countries. The evening has begun with a social gathering.
Welllll ... the "Epidemic" is still in progress and things are starting to get worse. No signs of a cure and Paragon Spec-ops are now trying to steal the Tyrant, Helena, who is crucial to finding a cure, out of the Willowindsian lab.
In "The Warrior of the Death Lands", Enthelas and Lorn are closing on Nolla's captors and it appears that things could get messy...!
Feel free to visit us on the Great Land of the Moon forums.
That is all for this edition of the TGLM Update. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to post them and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
TGLM Update #14
Saturday December 23, 2006
Number of Nations: 168
UN Delegate: The Eternal Moon Child
From the time of it's founding, just over six months ago, it was always the intention that The Great Land of the Moon be a democratic region. At the time, it was felt that until the region became more stable, grew in size, became a comfortable environment for our members and passed the laws necessary to put democracy in place, that it would be about six months down the road. It seems that our Founder's and original Delegate's estimates were right on.
The final piece of legislation necessary to hold TGLM's first elections for all positions, "Decision Making in TGLM re: Founder Vetos" was amended in the Members' House of Discussion, and then passed in the Members' House of voting on Dec. 18. TGLM will be ready to hold elections for the first block of Ministers in early January. The only thing preventing that from happening sooner is the holiday season.
The independent study of our recruiting and retention statistics within the region is still an ongoing project. The collection of stats started in early October in an effort to see what could best be done to minimise efforts and maximise returns in that area. By the time the collection of stats is finished and the results analyzed, the region should have a very good handle on where best to concentrate it's efforts.
TGLM is very pleased to announce the reciprocal openings of Embassies with Liberalia.
TGLM will not be entering into an alliance with ACCEL.
UN Resolutions
Mutual Recognition of Borders: Against
Environment Protection Act: Against
"Let the Good Times Roll"
"Chat Aways"
It's hard to believe, but after declaring November 29 "National Mouse Appreciation Day", our RP Mod submitted a request for a SECOND "National Mouse Appreciation Day". It would appear that typing with his toes from the comfort of his straight-jacket was a wee bit tough on his brand new mouse. After only 13 days, another funeral had to be held ... He did, however, get rid of the cat.
Everyone is also talking about family holiday traditions, and arguing over which country has the best cooking. Not surprisingly, not a soul has mentioned England.
In Off-Topic, a run in with a police officer has the forummers wondering about the state of police corruption in a little town. Mayberry meets Training Day.
"Fun and Games"
It's becoming quite obvious that some of us need real lives. You know, the kind that have nothing to do with spam?
In Moonlight Academy ( http://z6.invisionfree.invalid/GreatLandoftheM...p?showtopic=153 ), the administration let class out for the day as a result of a demon taking out half the school. Miss Lunita, however, is now being questioned by a school official, and her competence is being questioned at a board meeting. Kermiahou and Johann (now healthy) come in and defend Miss Lunita, trying to explain that the moon barrier, set by Miss Lunita around the classroom before she left it to protect her students while she was gone, could be broken. Carol testifies in defence of Miss Lunita, revealing her (and subsequently her father's) and Gio's mutations to the board in the process. How will Gio react to this?
In Galactic Peace Conference ( http://z6.invisionfree.invalid/GreatLandoftheM...?showtopic=593), Madaline (of EMC) has been giving David (of WIllowinds) a tour when he reveals that his wife died of cancer. Soon after, the duo get stuck in an elevator trying to go to the mega library. Meanwhile, Prince Gene (of Sir Metz) introduced himself to Jason with MUCH humility. :rolleyes: And the Red Raeken delegate, Sezja Umayjihan, assured the Kandarinese delegates, Lily ansd Isaac, that the food was alright. It's too bad they had dental work.
The Epidemic ( http://z6.invisionfree.invalid/GreatLandoftheM...p?showtopic=211 ) continues to rage on as the lab is invaded by the creators of the virus and Sevristh and Gwen attempt, unsuccessfully, to save the Tyrant who's been helping them. Sev is forced to turn Gwen into a vampire in order to save her life, while the Elites of EMC help try and contain the contagion and the most powerful Tyrant who is running loose in Willowinds. Kyato, the nation first hit by the virus, is being overwhelmed.
To see this and our other RPs, go to The Fantasy Isle ( http://z6.invisionfree.invalid/GreatLandoftheMoon/index.php?c=5 ).
Special Holiday GreetingsCard For All Of Our Friends!!!!!
That is all for this edition of the TGLM Update. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to post them and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Dear Armageddon,Dear Gilda,
Is the world going to end soon?
'Soon' rather depends on your current interpretation of the space-time curve, which truthfully, doesn't exist. Accepting a hypothetical premise of perspective however, the end of the world will come according to a thousandth monkey..ie. once a certain as yet mysterious quantity of monkeys, err..I mean humans, around the world succeed in carrying lightweight boards on their front and backsides with 'Doom' handpainted and misspelled on them, then the world as some know it, or pretend to, will certainly become perceived to have ended at least, in it's current form.
Dear In problematic circumstances, I telephoned the local Emergency Ridiculousness chapter hotline and they said they'd send a rescue team over immediately. However I warn you, the scene is being videorecorded for a new trash reality tv program.Dear Gilda,
I just superglued my hands to my face and then fell into a swimming pool. Luckily I was carrying my laptop and managed to log onto TGLM with my feet and post this with my toes. The swimming pool is shut for the next 18 years so how should I escape? I think I might be able to create a rope from my nasal hair and somehow create a pully system but it could be tricky. On the other hand you could ring the emergency services fo me...
Strong like bull, Smart like tractor.
Did I detect an actual sophisticated conversation arising?
*gets out Surface-to-Conversation missiles*
Sikey is the classic anime version of the '64 vette split-window coupe that would have been painted baby blue if it had wheels rather than oysters for eyes.
I propose we conquer and inhabit two objects which we can turn into outstanding sources of industry, while maintaining low environmental impact. I speak of two objects that really are not moons, but pretenders to the title. They orbit their planet in dull ignorance to the fact they are asteroids. I speak of Phobos and Deimos. They must be overtaken and taught a lesson. We can teach them this by delivering colonists from TGLM to build stardomes with scenic views of Mars, where we can have five-star resorts at low costs, beach homes that never get swept away in hurricane season (on Mars that is), and Par 10 Golf Courses. The orbits of Phobos and Deimos are erratic, so that residents will never be dulled by the same view of the solar system every day. And, since sound does not travel in a vacuum, the colonists will not be bothered by government mining operations on the far side of the moon, which could generate more funding for even more lunaforming. Finally, our own home of Charon will be less crowded and less stressed by the enormous amount of citizens contained here. By lunaforming Phobos and Deimos, we can make them into the moons they want to be.
Deathmore:I confess that I don't care about my weight.
Willowinds:Me?!? A mind reader? Nah ...
Kel-thuzad:(*faints, overwhelmed by the enormous amount of traitors inside the region. immediately, a legion of ninja.gif appears at his side, smiting the scottish pikemen, the monsters, the gorilla-dog and ALL the incoming reinforcements*)
I don't care HOW good you think the music will be, do not plug your headphones into an electrical socket.