I registed to let you know about a TG I just received. Don't know if you already know about this or not, but just on the offchance you don't...
I fully intend to stay out of internal stuff in this region, but also understand that unendorsement campaigns against feeder delegates can have the potential to threaten stability. I know some of the history of this region and feel that instability is the last thing TNP needs.
By the way, hello everyone
The United States of Great Cool
Received: 6 hours ago
Fellow Nation of The North Pacific.
I am writing to you, because our fine region is in the grip of an oppressive and corrupt government.
This government was effectively "imported," and if you are not part of their inner circle, you will be sidelined from regional politics.
So, I am asking you to unendorse the current Delegate, Great Bights Mum.
This player has been "appointed," under the disguise of an election, and has no intention of following the rule of the region as a according to us, its inhabitants. This government is intent on stamping out any form of opposition to itself, regardless of whether it is legitimate or not.
Whether you are just here to answer daily issues and vote in the UN, or whether you like to collect endorsements just for the fun of it, I urge you to consider what I have said, and help secure the future of the region.
Yours Sincerely,
Great Cool
I fully intend to stay out of internal stuff in this region, but also understand that unendorsement campaigns against feeder delegates can have the potential to threaten stability. I know some of the history of this region and feel that instability is the last thing TNP needs.
By the way, hello everyone