In RL, I dunno.

In NS, there a lot of players who enjoy crafting UN proposals and lobbying regional Delegates to support them. There is some notoriety attatched to having drafted a resolution that achieves passage. I can think of a couple of players here in TNP who have that honor, and I salute them for their abilities.
I can think of a couple of players here in TNP who have that honor, and I salute them for their abilities.

Getting a resolution passed has become a lot harder of late, but it is still considered a very high achievement - to draft a bit of legislation that over 10,000 people worldwide are willing to support.

Those resolutions affect every UN Member - your nation's statistics will change depending on the category of the resolution. For example, a "Furtherment of Democracy" proposal (of which there are very few, if any, left after the Jolt move) would increase your nation's political freedoms, where an Environmental proposal would reduce the production of one or more of your industries.

The United Federation of Hersfold
Author, UN Resolution #54, UN Educational Committee

One more thing. In the FAQ, it gives a brief summary of "endorsments." However, as I have been reading old posts here, I got confused. It seems that there is a lot of fuss over exactly how many "endorsments" you have. Why?
Whoever holds the most endorsements in a region becomes the regional Delegate - the nation you see at the top of the region's page. The Delegate often (always in the feeders such as The North Pacific) has access to special abilities such as access to the World Factbook Entry for the region, and the ability to eject and ban nations from the region.

The North Pacific elects our delegates here on the forum, and due to a history of "rouge delegates" who had no problems with banning nations all over the place, we've become a bit paranoid towards nations nobody knows who get LOTS of endorsements. The Security Council works to keep track of these nations, and if neccessary, authorize the Delegate to ban them so that the nation doesn't take the Delegate's seat illegally (under our laws).

Edit: Our current elected Delegate is Great Bights Mum, who is trying to take the Delegate's seat to replace our Vice Delegate, Unterwasserseestaat, who's only supposed to be there temporarily. SO until she gets securely in position, we're a bit extra paranoid.
Also, if you want to be in the North Pacific Army (NPA), join a defender organization or an invader army, in most cases you will need a UN nation in order to go out on missions.

Let us know if you have any other questions. And.... if you do decide to join the UN, please endorse me! :D

Edit: Woot! 2000 posts!
It sounds important, but what button?
The Button.

I felt it needed to have extra emphasis.

Actually, it's a text box + button. I sorta do wish it was more like:
