Cthul Murgos
Why is it that we have Admins/Mods and a Judiciary? What exactly stops us from making our Administration and Moderation our judiciary and law enforcement, answerable to the cabinet?
If I may...Why is it that we have Admins/Mods and a Judiciary? What exactly stops us from making our Administration and Moderation our judiciary and law enforcement, answerable to the cabinet?
It would effictiveley make the forum administration become an IC body and subject to whatever crazy rules the RA and Cabinet decide to pass (Don't worry Hersfold, your polka dot suspenders are safe for the time being).
Stop flamebaiting. Now.sure lets do it, and wipe out a good portion of the law making section of the government and the appeals process, and move even closer to democracy!
ARTICLE V. The Judicial and Administrative System.
Section 1. The Court of The North Pacific.
A - The judicial and law enforcement authority of the Regional Government and official regional forum is vested in a court, to be known as "The Court of The North Pacific." The Court is composed of a number of judicial officers, that is, a Chief Justice and at least two Associate Justices, with such an additional number as may be ascertained by law.
B - Trials and Hearings in civil, criminal and impeachment cases shall be before a single judicial officer.
C - Appeals of final judgments of trials and hearings shall be to the Court en banc before the Chief Justice and all of the Associate Justices.
D - The Court has power to adopt rules and regulations for the procedure of trials, hearings, and its internal operations, including rules of evidence and the random selection of trial and grand juries, not inconsistent with this Constitution or The North Pacific Legal Code.
Section 2. Chief Justice and Associate Justices.
A - The Chief Justice shall be the head of the Judiciary of The North Pacific Regional Government as well as primary forum Administrator of the official forum. The Chief Justice is responsible for oversight of all judiciary activities in the Region, civil, criminal, or otherwise, including hearings on Regional security issues and ejections from the Region.
B - The Chief Justice and the Associate Justices shall serve a term of six months a life term, ended by death, successful impeachment or abdication. The Chief Justice and the Associate Justices shall be Members of the Regional Assembly and forum administrators who shall hold no other office during their tenure as judges.
C - The term of office of the Chief Justice and Associate Justices shall only begin on the first day of the months of August and February month following sucessful confirmation. Nominations and referendums for the full term if a vacancy exists shall take place during the months of July and January exactly seven days after the creation of the vacancy. The Chief Justice and the Associate Justices Any vacant judiciary positions shall be nominated by the Prime Minister with the advice and consent unanimous support of the full Cabinet. and during the interim period between the creation of a vacancy in the office of Chief Justice or an Associate Justice and the confirmation and installation of a successor to that office, the nominee shall serve as an acting judicial officer on the Court of The North Pacific and have the authority to exercise the duties and responsibilities of the office.
D - The appointment must thereafter be approved at a referendum, which shall extend for seven days, of the Regional Assembly, with the participation of a quorum, by at least a 50 75 per cent vote in favor of a motion for confirmation. The nomination and referendum election shall be conducted as expeditiously as practicable. If the motion for confirmation fails to receive such approval, then the appointee is not confirmed to serve as a judicial officer, and the Prime Minister shall promptly propose another nominee, with the advice and consent unanimous support of the full Cabinet, who shall act as a judicial officer, subject to approval of to be approved of by a motion for confirmation in a referendum by the Regional Assembly as outlined earlier in this section.
1) No. I believe that the title of forum administrator is a position of extreme trust. So is the position of Chief Justice. We as a region must be completely confident in the abilities of those who uphold the law here. What is proposed is to merge those who uphold what is essentially the two laws of the land.Ok. So how would regular forum administration factor into this?
Would it be possible for someone to be an Admin without being a Justice?
Would this require us to add a third (or more) Admin?
What would be legitimate grounds for impeachment of a Justice, and would it be run differently than other impeachment trials?
*Hersfold will probably have more questions later...
Section 7. Impeachment.
A - Any Regional Assembly Member may bring charges against a Cabinet-level position if they believe the officeholder has violated this Constitution or partaken in other gross misconduct. The Nation must provide enough evidence to a Grand Jury to warrant a trial.
B - Any Regional Assembly Member may petition the Cabinet for redress of grievence if they believe a member of the Judiciary has violated the Constitution or partaken in other gross misconduct. The Nation must provide sufficient evidence for either a unanimous vote of the Full Cabinet (to wit, the Prime Minister, all Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers, and the Delegate and Vice Delegate), or a vote of a Grand Jury of All Assembled (the full Regional Assembly and Cabinet) to which not less than 3/4ths of the total number vote in favor.
C - A panel of five Regional Assembly members who are not holding a Cabinet-level position and who are randomly selected from a jury pool shall be selected by the Chief Justice to review the evidence given. If the Chief any Justice is being impeached, the Prime Minister will randomly select the whole of the Regional Assembly will serve as Grand Jury. If any jury member expresses a clear bias, they shall be excluded from the Grand Jury and replaced with another juror for the exception of Judicial Impeachment proceedings. The Grand Jury shall have not more than 96 hours to review and weigh the evidence cited in the complaint, and determine whether a trial is warranted.
D - All proceedings shall be recorded and sealed by the Chief Justice, or his/her designees, where applicable (including the Prime Minister if the Chief any Justice is being impeached), until that officeholder is either exonerated or removed from office. Thereafter, the proceedings shall be published.
E - If the Grand Jury, by majority vote, decides that the given information provides a reasonable basis to warrant a trial for removal from office, the Chief Justice (or the Prime Minister if the Chief any Justice is being impeached) shall call a trial. This trial shall be conducted under the same rules as a criminal trial, except that the Prime Minister shall preside if the Chief any Justice is being impeached, and all remaining Cabinet Ministers and their Deputies shall serve as the Jury. Should the defendant be found guilty, they will be immediately removed from office. After removal, the removed officeholder may be subject to expulsion from the Region following a separate criminal trial.
If we're serving a judge/admin, I don't feel that matters, in all honesty. Feel free to elaborate and reccomend.Minor issue here - do we really want the grand jurors to serve as the trial jurors as well?
Deputies, the Delegate, and Vice Delegate aren't a part of the cabinet, and have no vote in cabinet affairs.(to wit, the Prime Minister, all Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers, and the Delegate and Vice Delegate),
Heft - pbbbbbbbbbbbt.