Temp Office of The North Pacific Weather Service


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
I am pleased to announce that the Office of The North Pacific Weather Service is now open. TNPWS will start broadcasting weather reports and trends for the region on July 1st, however at this time I, as the self-appointed Meteorologist of The North Pacific, I am in need of willing nations to help the TNPWS in using their main city as a Weather Service Recording Station (WSRS).

Every country interested in having weather results for their specific country needs to give me the name of at the max 3 cities in their country, their location based on the map and the grid on the map, and I will be able to do the rest.

If nations are not interested in posting that information, they will still be able to recieve information about weather trends in their region based on the main Weather map.

The format I would like this information is as follows:
Name of Nation: [Insert nation name]

Name of City 1: [Insert Capital city name]
Name of City 2: [Insert major city name]
Name of City 3: [Insert major city name]

Coordinates of City 1: [Insert coordinates of City 1]
Coordinates of City 2: [Insert coordinates of City 2]
Coordinates of City 3: [Insert coordinates of City 3]
So, my information would be:
Name of Nation: Chodean Kal

Name of City 1: Anabar-Daito City
Name of City 2: Port Talria
Name of City 3: Swoevo City

Coordinates of City 1: Sector 8 D-5
Coordinates of City 2: Sector 7 J-7
Coordinates of City 3: Sector 8 B-5

Cities recorded in this topic prior to June 28th will be marked on the first regional weather map on July 1st. Individual weather maps for the nations that register here will begin after that. I plan for a regional map every 2 weeks, and an individual one between 1-2 weeks, depending on my time level.

Hopefully this can get off the ground and be a great addition to TNP.
Name of Nation: Chodean Kal

Name of City 1: Flemingovia Central
Name of City 2: Cruithne
Name of City 3: Andrewstown

Coordinates of City 1: Sector 2 G-0
Coordinates of City 2: Sector 2 H-0
Coordinates of City 3: Sector 5 G-1

What is the weather like? "It's hot! Damn hot! Real hot! Hottest things is my shorts. I could cook things in it. A little crotch pot cooking. Fool, it's hot! I told you again! Were you born on the sun? It's damn hot! It's so damn hot, I saw little guys, their orange robes burst into flames. It's that hot! Do you know what I'm talking about? Tonight it's gonna be hot and wet! That's nice if you're with a lady, but ain't no good if you're in the jungle!"

Dalimbar at his station
Name of Nation: Hersfold

Name of City 1: Hersfold City
Name of City 2: Qo'onos
Name of City 3: Vulcan City

Coordinates of City 1: 5, 6C
Coordinates of City 2: 5, 7D
Coordinates of City 3: 5, 7C

If it helps...
Hersfold City is kind of temperate, sort of like the American Mid-West.
Qo'onos is mountainous, elevation about 4,000 feet above sea level.
Vulcan City is coastal, on the nation's southern border.

Edit June 20: Hersfold has also been rated #81 in the region's best weather.
Name of Nation: Teruchev

Name of City 1: Troxville
Name of City 2: USW
Name of City 3: Neroo

Coordinates of City 1: 8, 4H
Coordinates of City 2: 8, 4G
Coordinates of City 3: 8, 5G

"Teruchev is ranked 5409th in the region and 94,666th in the world for Best Weather"