I petition the Court in the following manner, in anticipation of the fulfilment of threats made by Hersfold, both PM of the region and Root Admin.
1) Under article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution the following is enshrined:
I believe it is likely that my rights under the Constitution are imminently to be affected by the actions of Hersfold.
I petition the Court to serve Injunction on the PM to prevent any actions which would impinge on my rights under this section, including specifically the right to free speech and the redress of grievances.
2) I further petition the Court in respect of my rights under Article 1, Section 8 as follows:
I request that the Court serves notice on Hersfold (PM and Root Admin) that he may not act in such a way as to ban me from the forum, as seems his inclination, in a manner which is not authorized by the Constitution.
1) Under article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution the following is enshrined:
Each Nation's rights to free speech, free press, and the free expression of religion shall not be infringed, and shall be encouraged, by the governmental authorities of the region. Each Nation has the right to assemble, and to petition the governmental authorities of the region, including the UN Delegate, for the redress of grievances. The governmental authorities of the region shall act only in the best interests of the Region, as permitted and limited under this Constitution
I believe it is likely that my rights under the Constitution are imminently to be affected by the actions of Hersfold.
I petition the Court to serve Injunction on the PM to prevent any actions which would impinge on my rights under this section, including specifically the right to free speech and the redress of grievances.
2) I further petition the Court in respect of my rights under Article 1, Section 8 as follows:
8. No Nation shall be ejected from the region, or banned from any forum, except as expressly authorized by this Constitution or the Legal Code. Should any official of a government authority of the region with authority to act, declare that the immediate ejection or banning of a Nation is an urgent matter of regional security, the ejected or banned Nation shall have prompt and immediate recourse to judicial review of the matter. The UN Delegate shall not exercise the power of ejection or banning unless expressly authorized by a specific action of a government authority of the region pursuant to this Constitution or to the Legal Code.
I request that the Court serves notice on Hersfold (PM and Root Admin) that he may not act in such a way as to ban me from the forum, as seems his inclination, in a manner which is not authorized by the Constitution.