Equilism email


I received this today, and if you're a member of the equilism board then maybe you have too. I know that there are still some people that blindly click on links, and this is for them. Don't ever click on a link that ends .exe as it is an executable file and is a virus. This is pretty amatuer considering the person sending this could have hyperlinked it www.innocentlink.com like so. Basically I never click on links from anyone. Keep your firewalls up to date and all that jazz. Also block that person from sending you email.
Sarcasm doesn't usually translate well over the internet. I know of at least one person on the equilism forum who did click on it, so people should be warned.
was it ever determined whether this was a random attack on the forum, or whether it was targetted at Equilism the NS region?
I don't think so.

Winnipeg on Equilism's Embassy in The Meritocracy:
This wasn't someone attempting to destroy the forum Ryan, it was an attack by a SPAMer who was trying to get another place to infect uses with his trojans that are known to be used to download Spyware and Harvest Emails. This Particular Torjan is linked closely with many of the about:blank exploit Spyware Programs.