Google Trends

Ever wonder how popular your search term is? Or how it stacks up against other search terms? Well the folks at Google Labs have come up with GoogleTrends, where you can look at search engine trends! You can even compare different terms and see which is searched more!

Now you see what the people really care about!


Even more interesting.

Blue is "Steve Carrell," red is "Stephen Colbert."

EDIT: It would help if I posted the graph.

I could see this being used to let people better buy search terms, or for marketing data.

Or to just amuse everyone while Google steals our stuff from the room next door.
Quiet, the google ads above have eyes, eyes that will tell master...

Google is seriously way too powerful a company, but it is b/c they are good at what they do...While we the consumer get what we want, the producer thrives...o the morality of it all.