Customer Service Desk

I have now created a special section for any and all kinds of gripes, grudges, or grievances. The place where petty misunderstandings, frivolous lawsuits, and glib answers collide!!

Feel peeved about a certain Minister and want some kind of backdoor hail mary shot at an impeachment charge?
Want to try out a new insult but lack the right setting to sound as witty and urbane as you think you are?
Looking for cheap drive-through legal advice?
Have some time to kill and want to spend it rifling through magazines and making a mess out of the washroom?

Well then you just might be in the right place, don't ask me. Take a number and wait in line for your answer...
Mr Sniffles spoke down to me, without good reason.

What can I do about it, short of hounding him out of office?

I'm sure if your mom told his mom he'd be in for a good spanking, other than that crying to Oprah will help.
I don't think you're taking me very seriously *cries*

I have another complaint; I think our Minister of Justice might be a big fat emo-head. :( He stole my shoes too.