Al Blog


Wow. So much dust an mahem in the office today.

Anybody interested in a ministry sponsored RMB cleanup crew? It's an idea that's been rolling around in my head. We are tired of RMB recruiters using our board. So why not provide good TNP content on it. Personally I've been posting digested versions of the forum (3~4 events) and the url for the forum. The idea is to monopolize the RMB so that recruiter messages get dumped off the botom of the list.

Any takers?
My Personal thoughts on the recent events of Lexigate

A few things to begin this blog post with. I do admit that I have a few disagreements with Insane Power and Cathyy. I do understand exactly why they did what they did, however I believe that the way that they went about it totally invalidated any trust they had with me. Second I acknloedge that I am in absoluteley no way neutral in the situation.

The recent spate of less than civil postings began here with a post announcing the victory of NPA forces over a coalition composed of DEN and Lexicon. While the posting was deliberateley inflamitory, it had the same tone of post as the Lexicon embassy updates. Understandabily Insane Power defended against what, at least to me, seemed like a direct attack on a region that he helped found. This coupled with less than civil retorts and moderation actions that are less than wholesome leads to the region requested closing of the Lexicon Embassy here.

My thought on this is thus. Yes Insane Power acted and posted less than civily, but only because his region was being attacked by someone who had a personal grudge against Insane Power. Yes flemingovia could have toned down the story, refrained from moderating when he was a direct contributor to the inflamed discussion.

My point. If we all excercised a bit more self moderation we would probably not be in this situation currently.
Resignation Superman?

Why are so many of the ministers that people voted for dropping like flies? Is the rigors of a few weeks that dificult? Could not the minister elect see what was comming in terms of their lack of access to the region? Does it not smack of corruption when someone never elected, but appointed gets the position that they were never voted into.
But it seems this happens every time. Maybe it's time that we write some contingency law to cover this, say something to the effect of, a resignation within two week sof taking office is an effective cessation, and the 2nd place resultant moves into the position.

Or, the old US Pres/Vice Pres situation, wherein the #2 vote-getter becomes deputy?