Formal Protest

The Consulate of The Pacific has been removed from the Hall of Consulates after several questions regarding the administration of this forum were raised and could not be addressed.

I, as Grand Viceroy of The Pacific, wish to protest this action and inquire as to whether this action is to be considered an official action of the government of this region and if so if such action should be interpreted as a desire to end diplomatic discussion with the Peoples of The Pacific?
So... this has come about from Hersfold doing his splitting/merging in *just* the wrong order. :P

Instead of merging the posts back into the Consulate, he did it in the reverse order, which caused the Consulate ID to change to the newer topic of split posts, which was unpinned.

If you want to check this, check out the link I put in this thread in the first post. It *used* to link to the Consulate a couple days ago. Now the thread doesn't exist.

So... :fish: to Hers.
The consulate was pinned yesterday after some of the posts (not all unfortunately) had been returned to the thread. I know because it was pinned when I posted my inquiries regarding specifics in forum guideline violations, which have still been unaddressed.
May I also ask the forum admins to move the consulate back into the consulate forum, rather than the embassy forum where it is currently.

EDIT: Never mind, I can do it myself. :)
There are 7 people with moderator abilities in that forum.

3 Global Mods

2 Ministerial positions
Cthul Murgos

2 Admins

Cthul Murgos' last mod action is 4/16. DD hasn't touched the embassies in at least several months. Same for Gross. Same for GBM. Flem has only split out the original topic and now pinned the current consulate. HC has only split out topics from the Pacific Consulate and locked the split posts. (And now moved it)

So... the only one left is Hers. And he took an action on 4/24 in which he merged the Consulate thread with a temporary topic which was located in the Embassy Row. (This also explains how the thread ended up there and not in the Consulate section). He is the only one (aside from Flem's pinning and HC's move) that has touched a topic with the ID of 1077 (the current consulate).

If you thought the topic was pinned yesterday, I'm afraid either IF has gone completely wacko or you were mistaken.

Sorry. :hug:
Here is the topic history for your consulate:

Haor Chall Moved a topic from Embassy Row to Consulates Apr 27 2006, 10:04 AM
flemingovia Pinned topic from post form Apr 27 2006, 09:46 AM
Hersfold Merged topic 'Consulate of The Pacific' with 'Temporary topic' Apr 24 2006, 05:18 PM

It is probably the merging which caused the unpinning - sorry about that, I hadn't noticed. The only other time anything was done pinning-wise was by Flem, today at 9:46 AM EST. It's not possible to delete portions of topic history without clearing the whole thing, (in fact, I'm not even sure this can be deleted at all without deleting the topic), so it would appear the topic has only been pinned once.

As for the violation review, I'm working on it. However, I remind you, again, that you are not an Administrator on this forum, and your judgement on rules violations has no authority here. I tried to state that diplomatically yesterday, apparently it wasn't enough.
There. Now that it would appear I've just wasted a good half-hour of my time, please check your in-box, Pierconium.