Exporting News


I'd like to see The North Pacific establish a system similar to InterMet or the Pacific Press, where the Wire is posted in many different regions across NationStates. I think it would help to bring more prestige to a fine newspaper currently undergoing revival.
That would be really good. If we could arrange something (maybe with the PNN and InterMet) so that they can post their articles here and we can post ours (when we have some... :P) over there it benefits us and them in both directions I think. It would be good for us to get news from outside and from other sources, and once we start exporting our news stories outside it helps TNP internationally.
I may or may not have mentioned being in favour of something like this a while back (memories not what it was...).

I would say that between the InterMet and PNN, they've pretty much wrapped up the news business around here. I think we might have to carve out our own little niche if is going to work.
Sorry....this wasn't ignored....I thought I replied!!!lol

I'll talk to the other news publications soon as we get these articles that are being written done and posted.
Okay, so I was going to contact the following regions.

The Pacific
The South Pacific
The East Pacific
The West Pacific
The Rejected Realms
The New Meritocracy

Anyone else I should add or remove?

What about Equilism, Nasicournia, and Gatesville?
Would NPA Propaganda Department releases be included in this exporting deal?

Do we have a good staff level to even supply news to ourselves, never mind the outside world?

Perhaps all regions we have diplomatic ties with should be included in this exporting deal?
I like the idea of a syndication deal, where we broadcast our news in a region and they broadcast ours here. It would help hide the fact that the Wire is very inactive at the moment, and while I plan on getting it active, it will take time. I know of at least one region that would be interested.