Regional Reports???

Okay, I started to write regional reports once a week, then I didn't have enough stuff to report every week, so it became every other week. It didn't seem to have a lot of readers, the MoEA seems to be writing their own for the diplomatic corps, so this is mainly just for us. Should I continue to write them weekly? Are they a big help? Do people even read them?

I also started posting shorter ones on the Regional Message Board on NS. This was to inform non-forum players of TNP news and invite them on the forum. I think this may be a better idea than the full reports which take a lot of time and don't seem to be that popular.

I'm open to comments, suggestions, etc.
If possible, maybe both? Have the Embassy Reports compiled and sent out every 2 weeks or so, or more depending on a special situation that calls for it, and then also have a Internal Report as you have been doing. Maybe it will bring in interested people, and thus bring in activity.
They're a huge help, and over half of what I put in mine comes from yours anyway. The only reason mine has different info is because the timestamp on your last one was, well, too old for me to pull from.
How about posting it in The Wire? You should be able to Carbon copy up to 10 members. You can ask the Ministers whats going on in each Ministry and put it together in one article.
How about posting it in The Wire? You should be able to Carbon copy up to 10 members. You can ask the Ministers whats going on in each Ministry and put it together in one article.
Good idea. It might be easier for me to ask the Ministers, rather than try to fill in all the events myself. I've been real busy lately, but hopefully this coming week I'll be able to start doing that.
Why not post the long version on the RMB (depending on how short the short one is I guess), obviously you can't have the flag image or bold/italics/etc but as you say it would be good to try and show people what is happening on the forum.

In fact we should probably try to establish a rota of sorts to keep the weeks report on the RMB for most of the week- perhaps reposting it every 6 hours or so- we've got people across all sorts of timezones so you'd have thought we could manage it.
In fact we should probably try to establish a rota of sorts to keep the weeks report on the RMB for most of the week- perhaps reposting it every 6 hours or so- we've got people across all sorts of timezones so you'd have thought we could manage it.
That might upset the MODS....Not sure if they'll get upset about reposting the same message...I'm sure a shorter version an be composed and posted. Still a good idea and should be looked into.
I've always been in favour of posting some kind of update on the RMB.

As to the internal regional report, I think its a bit difficult for most of us to say. We tend to hang around here enough to already know whats going on. I assume there useful to the casual forumite. I do quite like the though.
Okay, here's what we'll do. Every other week we'll have a report posted. I will PM all the ministers to send me a report with links to posts. I'll compile these and put together a full regional report, to be posted in the RMB if we want as well.
Okay. Tomorrow I'll be PM'ing all ministers asking for a report, and then, if all goes well, hopefully I'll have a report done by Friday or Saturday.