I would like to take this time to apologize to the members of the region and government for doing a crappy job as Vice Delegate. I will take this time to explain.
A few weeks after winning the election I had comp problems for a few weeks (I mentioned it to cabinet members and posted that in the forum as well). I kept my endo count rising by going to my friends comp and endotarting there, but this became harder to do after I had gone through the list of nations in TNP and had endorsed most of the UN's. I requested a lil help to get that done, but that didn't pan out either...hence my leveling off in endo's as of late.
I am opening a business as well and have a few other ventures going, so my internet time has been shorter. This hasn't effected how I use my net time, but a few personal problems that I haven't spoken about to anyone (online) did interfere with my endotarting.
I'm not going to get deep into the personal stuff...but I do think that people should know the jist. About a month and a half ago my grandmother was admitted to the hospitol for pains in her abdomen and her condition got worse during that week. Doctors were not telling us much or rather were slowed in diagnosing her due to the crappy staff. My mother, aunt and uncle weren't capable enough to seek out the proper steps to getting her better care and since they were there I wasn't too worried about what was happening. When I did notice, I had to jump in and guide them as to what to do to correct the situation (I have no authority to handle these matters myself). Shortly after, we finally got some answers and they weren't good. My grandmother was diagnosed with 2 types of cancer (one that is treatable and the other that is terminal).
This and my problems with my girlfriend (who I keep dumping but she can't seem to let go) have caused a lot of added stress. I have never been the type to let stress get me down...but since I have more of it... I have had to spend more time venting and staying positive. So, things like endotarting slowed down because of this.
I am not posting this to get sympathy (though I do appreciate any kind words) or give excuses. I just think that an explanation is deserved.
I do not want to take a break from NS (I did think about it). I enjoy the interaction with my friends here and I love this region...this can't be bad. I simply cut down on my TV, Xbox and PS2 time instead of cutting NS.
Thanks to Erastide, my ability to endotart in a short amount of time was just elevated.
Hopefully I can get back in the swing of things and make up for lost time.
My apologies to Dalimbar and others who I spoke to about certain public service ventures that I wanted to jump on...these things will have to be dealt with slowly...I haven't forgotten about what we have spoken about. I still intend to work on them as the time becomes available.
Thanks for listening...please don't make a big fuss about this and don't get me impeached!!! I'm on my job and I will be dedicating a lil more time to getting things done.
A few weeks after winning the election I had comp problems for a few weeks (I mentioned it to cabinet members and posted that in the forum as well). I kept my endo count rising by going to my friends comp and endotarting there, but this became harder to do after I had gone through the list of nations in TNP and had endorsed most of the UN's. I requested a lil help to get that done, but that didn't pan out either...hence my leveling off in endo's as of late.
I am opening a business as well and have a few other ventures going, so my internet time has been shorter. This hasn't effected how I use my net time, but a few personal problems that I haven't spoken about to anyone (online) did interfere with my endotarting.
I'm not going to get deep into the personal stuff...but I do think that people should know the jist. About a month and a half ago my grandmother was admitted to the hospitol for pains in her abdomen and her condition got worse during that week. Doctors were not telling us much or rather were slowed in diagnosing her due to the crappy staff. My mother, aunt and uncle weren't capable enough to seek out the proper steps to getting her better care and since they were there I wasn't too worried about what was happening. When I did notice, I had to jump in and guide them as to what to do to correct the situation (I have no authority to handle these matters myself). Shortly after, we finally got some answers and they weren't good. My grandmother was diagnosed with 2 types of cancer (one that is treatable and the other that is terminal).
This and my problems with my girlfriend (who I keep dumping but she can't seem to let go) have caused a lot of added stress. I have never been the type to let stress get me down...but since I have more of it... I have had to spend more time venting and staying positive. So, things like endotarting slowed down because of this.
I am not posting this to get sympathy (though I do appreciate any kind words) or give excuses. I just think that an explanation is deserved.
I do not want to take a break from NS (I did think about it). I enjoy the interaction with my friends here and I love this region...this can't be bad. I simply cut down on my TV, Xbox and PS2 time instead of cutting NS.
Thanks to Erastide, my ability to endotart in a short amount of time was just elevated.

Hopefully I can get back in the swing of things and make up for lost time.
My apologies to Dalimbar and others who I spoke to about certain public service ventures that I wanted to jump on...these things will have to be dealt with slowly...I haven't forgotten about what we have spoken about. I still intend to work on them as the time becomes available.
Thanks for listening...please don't make a big fuss about this and don't get me impeached!!! I'm on my job and I will be dedicating a lil more time to getting things done.