Consulate of Aberdeen

Haor Chall

The Power of the Dark Side
TNP Nation
Haor Chall
Welcome to the Consulate of Aberdeen, enjoy your stay! We look forward to a friendly relationship between The North Pacific and Aberdeen.
Thank you for your welcome, Haor Chall. Sorry I haven't been back by sooner, but I am here at last to open and update this consulate!

News From Aberdeen!

Greetings! Aberdeen has been doing well lately, very busy, and its good to see that The North Pacific is doing well also! Well, here’s what’s going on –

Our regional nation count has climbed back up to 113 thanks in large part to our new Minister of Immigration, Hekloslogravia, and his deputies (PGrier and Piemunchingsickclobs). After we had dropped to 109, a concerted effort has been made to halt the recent decline due to nation die-off.

-Aberdeen’s 10th bill was defeated this week by 5 votes to 3. The Bill, peacekeeping force legislation, was Dancing Bananland's first bill to go to vote. One reason given for the failure of this legislation was the concern voiced regarding having a powerful regional army directly controlled by the Prime Minister (“Can we say Star Wars and the rise of Palpatine” - Bloopa)? See the final vote and read the failed Bill HERE

Coretta, our new Minister for Internal Affairs and the Regional Court, has announced his 3 associate judges who will help him in the Court. The Senior Associate Judge is Khaoz, and Dancing Bananland and Imperfectior are Associate judges

The very long bill 11, “Rules for Judiciary Conduct and Procedure,” has ended debate and is currently being voted upon - Read bill and debate HERE.

MP candidates have been announced - PGrier, Mittsville, and Forgottenlord's X-Box (yes, I know, it sounds like somthing the region of Hyrule would do... :P ). Voting will begin the first day of April. Story can be found HERE.

Aberdeen has recently re-established diplomatic relations with the GRA (Global Right Alliance), and has opened Embassies in the following regions in the past couple weeks –
-The Lexicon
-Scroll Islands
-The North Pacific (consulate)

RP –
News from the nations:
After the outbreak of civil war, the Kief of Hekloslogravia and his son have both been killed. Dancing Bananaland, Mittsville, and PGrier have come to the aid of the government, supporting the “legitimate” government, while Forgottenlord has moved his army into Hekloslogravia for "peacekeeping." Follow this breaking story HERE

-Dancing Bananaland, Mittsville, Forgotten Territories and Coretta have all started space programs in anticipation of a future RP.

Imperfectian Speaker of the House Jonathan Nobel was assassinated via poison at second Eramia Peace Summit. Imperfectia has since elected a new Speaker, Michael Carmack. Other national delegates from Angel Fire, Dancing Bananaland, Coretta and Bloopa were held for a five day period almost resulting in a crisis between the government of Eramia and the other nations

Other news:
-Massive violent crime rise in Dancing Bananaland following terrorist attack.
-Record storm hits Isle Fandango, set to hit northern TEN Island, though weekend.
-Coretta and New Coretta enter peace talks, things look hopeful.

That is all for now from the region of Aberdeen! As always, keep in touch! ;)
Its that time again, time for...

The News From Aberdeen!
Nations - 107
Delegate Endorsements - 13
Regional Power - High
forum - http://s11.invisionfree.invalid/aberdeen/
wiki -

Government activity -

We recently held MP elections and since there were really only two candidates (our Prime Minister, Forgottenlord, introduced a third candidate, Forgottenlord's X-Box so as to make the elections a little more interesting, but needless to say the X-Box lost - probably because more nations in Aberdeen prefer the Playstation consoles over the x-box ) there was no real doubt who would win.
The nations of Mittsville, and PGrier are now Aberdeen's two official MPs. You can read the election announcement HERE.

In other government news the Minister of Immigration, Hekloslogravia, was brought up on charges in the regional court for spamming the region by repeating the same words to a song over and over again in posts on both the RMB and the forum. This was the first case to be heard under the new Law 8, Judiciary Act. Heklo pleaded guilty (more because he didn't want to be the show trial for the new law than because he thought he had actually spammed). Read HERE for the verdict and the transcript of the trial.

Aberdeen has entered into an alliance (defensive) with Flavian Amphitheatre. This brings our allies to a total of three regions (Hyrule and Futaba Aoi being the others)
A consulate was also opened in the region of Jethnea. :D

In Legislative news, Bill 11 was passed and became Law 8 (mentioned above), and Bill 12, Regulations Regarding Unclaimed Territory, is currently at vote.

There have been calls for Government reform and the region is currently waiting for reform proposals from Hekloslogravia.

Mittsville, as part of his duty as Minister of Cartography has created more colorful map of Aberdeen:

One final note, our region's founder, Dundee East, has sent a mass email to all registered forum users, in order to promote the forum and hopefully entice a few people back.

Roleplaying -

One of the most popular and long standing RP is still the revolution in Hekloslogravia. Read HERE to see all the action.

Forgottenlord and Dancing Bananland are still RPing out the aftermath of the terrorist attack in DBL. You can read the last few entries HERE.

There has been talk of doing a couple different RPs on the forum as well. A possible "alternate history" American Civil War is currently being planned (read here) and a possible alien invasion RP is being discussed too.

As you can read, much has been happening in Aberdeen! Thanks for reading, and until the next update, keep in touch! B)

The News From Aberdeen!
Nations - 106
Delegate Endorsements - 15
Regional Power - High
forum - http://s11.invisionfree.invalid/aberdeen/
wiki -

Recent Forum activity has been very high for Aberdeen's standards - we have averaged well over 100 posts a day with around 250 posts last Friday alone. Aberdeen is once again "chatty," with conversations taking place on several different areas of the region!

It seems that the mass email our founder sent out to encourage more forum activity had the effect of bringing nations back to the game. Two nations that were former cabinet members both revived their nations, Blackrock64 (held the position of Sec. of State in the first Aberdeen government last spring and summer), and Bloopa (one of the first MPs elected last January). It should also be noted that Capitalist Neutrality (formerly Sec. of Interior and former AMID Director), while not being gone completely, has once again become active on the forum. B)

A new IRC chat was set up by Dundee East. Read all about it HERE.

Government activity:

- The biggest government news is that the calls for a restructured government, as noted in the last update by Hekloslogravia, have not only picked up steam, but seem to have carried the day. The Founder, Dundee East, and the PM, Forgottenlord, have both offered different ideas on how government reform should happen. It should also be mentioned here that these suggested reforms will actually make Aberdeen a more democratic region, with the emphasis on how we can transition some positions to become elected posts, rather than appointed posts. More details wil be announced as they are determined.

- Bill 12 (Regulations regarding unclaimed territory, authored by Dancing Bananland) was defeated in a tie vote. A ruling by the regional court in regards to Bill 8 (Embassy Security, authored by Bloopa), which also ended in a tie, stated that a tie was not a majority and therefore failed.

- Bill 13 (Regional Military Emergency Response, authored by Dancing Bananland) is currently up for debate. For the current debate on this bill read THIS thread.

- Blackrock64 was named Deputy of Foreign Relations and given several embassies to supervise. Given that his former government position was foreign relations, there is little doubt that the will do well in his new role. Read HERE for the formal announcement.

- Aberdeen has opened formal diplomatic ties with the region of Canada. We look forward to a long friendship with their illustrious region! :)

RP activity:

- The "Heart of Darkness" thread is a new storyline that takes place on the ashes of a former nation with the premise of a corrupt army general gone native, looking to establish his own nation, Hendricksonia. Read all of the action HERE

- After a period of inactivity (most of the past week), several of the older RPs are picking up where they left off (these include, "The Jail Cell," "Revolution in Hekloslogravia," and "Terrorist Attack in Dancing Bananland."

Special Announcement:

It has been brought up that Aberdeen will be celebrating its first anniversary on May 6. :) To celebrate the occasion, a committee has been formed (Aberdeen Celebration Committee - ACC) and charged with sponsoring a big gala event. All nations from regions we have diplomatic ties with are invited to a big shindig to take place on the Aberdeen forum, Saturday May 6. There will be parties, RPs, LOTS of polls, and several other special events planned to take place. All are invited and welcome to join us as we celebrate Aberdeen turning 1! Keep your eyes open for a more formal invitation to appear in each of our embassies next week.

That's what has been happening in Aberdeen. And now we return you to your regularly scheduled show... :D
Sorry for the delay in updates! :huh:

The News From Aberdeen!
Nations - 109
Delegate Endorsements - 20
Regional Power - High
forum - http://s11.invisionfree.invalid/aberdeen/
wiki -

As of late, there has been a TGing campaign underway to increase region participation and get more of our nations onto the forum. This effort seems to have helped some, but the effects have been counter-balanced by many of our more active nations taking a break or having to deal with RL issues...

Here's what else is happening in Aberdeen:

Government activity:
- In a not so suprising move, the Minister of Immigration, Hekloslogravia announced his resignation from the cabinet effective June 1. Our PM, Forgottenlord has named PGrier, a MP and Deputy of Recruitment as the new Min. of Immigration. PGrier has worked with the immigration ministry for the past 6 months so the entire region feels good about his appointment and know that the ministry will be in capable hands. We also wish Heklo luck with his next endeavors.

- Another cabinet resignation was announced when Imperfectia announced his resignation as Min. of FR due to RL issues and other game commitments. To quote Imperfectia:
These past three months, serving the government in the realm of foreign affairs, I realized just how wide, diverse and enjoyable the larger NS community can be. I met many great nations and peeked in on many cool regions.
Forgottenlord has not yet had time to announce a new Min. of FR, but is currently accepting applications.

- With the appointment of PGrier to Min. of Immigration, Forgottenlord has called an election in June to fill the vacant MP seat left by PGrier's move. So far two candidates have stepped forward and announced thier candidacy: Hekloslogravia and newcomer Metis Liberation Front. Campaigning is currently underway with elections scheduled somtime first of next week.

- Since our last update the HoM (House of Members) has been busy crafting new legislation. Here is the latest on the addition and changing of Aberdeen Law:
Bill 13 - Regional Military Emergency Response Procedure, written by Dancing Bananland was defeated by a vote of 7-2.
Bill 14 - Repeal of Law 6, written by Imperfectia, was passed and became Law 9 by a vote of 5 for, 1 against and 2 abstain.
Bill 15 - Regional Tax and Budgeting Code, written by Coretta, is currently up for vote.

- Dancing Bananland has announced that he has appointed Metis Liberation Front as the second deputy of AMID.

- The month of May also witnessed 5 new nations signing and accpecting the Aberdeen Constitution: Gis, Kudo Slavia, Sayt, Metis Liberation Front, and Bobolinks.

RP activity:
- Someone (or some group) has stolen a prototype of a new jet fighter from Dancing Bananland. Who was it? What kind of capabilities does this plane have? Read HERE to see how this story unfolds...

- The Greater Commonwealth of Coretta was scheduled to execute 73 prisoners at 12:01, May 30. Read HERE for the press release. These executions have sparked several national leaders to express thier deep regret and misgivings regarding the Corettans actions. See HERE to read thier official letters of displeasure.

And that concludes the news from Aberdeen. We now go live to our coverage of the Dundee East bagpipping contest usually scheduled for ESPN 8, "The Ocho," but brought to you today by popular demand... :)
June 16, 2006

Nations: 106
Endorsements: 25

Government News:

-Unable to find a suitable candidate, Forgottenlord has taken over the duties of the Minister of Foreign Relations for Imperfectia. He is still looking for a candidate.

-In his dieing days as Minister, Imperfectia openned embassies in BOT, ACCEL and Alpha Omega. Another embassy is being considered with the IDU.

-A new Member of Parliament has been elected. Metis Liberation Front defeated Hekloslogravia 6-4. However, Metis Liberation Front did not be accept the position due to RL issues that had already resulted in his resignation from his other posts. Hekloslogravia took up the seat in his place.

-The House of Members continues to be busy with more and more legislation being proposed and debated:
Bill 15 - Regional Tax and Budget Code, written by Coretta, passed by a vote of 6-5-1. It became Law 10
Bill 16 - The Office of the Commander and Chief, written by Bloopa, was proposed but hasn't yet gone to debate due to conflicts with passed legislation.
Bill 17 - Regional Defence Force, written by Coretta, is now at vote

-Jonavit, Newfoundcanada, Paladinstan, Amanet, Murphanistan and Bentay have added their signatures to the constitution.

UN News

-New member Newfoundcanada has joined the ranks of Dancing Bananland and Forogttenlands in proposing new proposals - already surpassing the former and matching the latter in number of proposals that have been drafted. Proposals that have seen drafting activity from the region since the last update include:
*Prison Quality Act by Newfoundcanada
*United Language by Newfoundcanada(Since abandonned)
*An education proposal by Newfoundcanada
*Gun Control by Newfoundcanada

-The resolution Repeal "Legalized Euthanasia" resulted in some very heated debate. Imperfectia is to be credited with settling the dispute. See the fight here

-Future updates will include vote tallies for resolutions within the region.

RP Activity

-Coretta has been charged for his execution of 73 prisoners for violations against the constitution. Procedings of the case have begun. Forgottenlord is representing the United Nations of Aberdeen while Coretta is representing himself. To see the procedings, check out this

-Hekloslogravia raided the Mittsville embassy and executed all personnel there. They then overran the Dancing Bananland embassy and took all personnel there captive. Forces working against the government have overthrown President Clawston and returned all Dancing Bananland citizens. The Former President has been handed over to Forgottenlands for regional trial.
-->Mittsville Embassy
-->Dancing Bananland Embassy
-->Hekloslogravian Embassy
-->Hekloslogravian News

-Metis Liberation Front is suffering a civil war that has resulted in the launching of nuclear weapons. Nukes are prohibited in Aberdeen and an investigation is being conducted - if we can survive the bombs dropping. Read the latest here
The News From Aberdeen!
Nations - 110
Delegate Endorsements - 29
Regional Power - High
Forum - http://s11.invisionfree.invalid/aberdeen/
Wiki -

Government activity -

- With Prime Minister elections coming up soon, Dundee East, founder, has proposed a new Regional Charter that is currently being debated by the House of Members. It is now entering its final stages, and it is hoped that its introduction to the region shall be voted on soon. The new charter will introduce an altered government structure and it is hoped will maximise government efficiency and activity.
The debate can be followed here: http://s11.invisionfree.invalid/aberdeen/index...?showtopic=1211

- Bill 18 has been proposed in the Legislative Branch by long time resident and Member of Parliament, Mittsville. Bill 18 hopes to introduce formal procedures regarding embassy creation in Aberdeen.

- Dundee East has volunteered to take over the vacancy left by Imperfectia after he resigned as Minister of Foreign Affairs. One of his first duties has been to commence negotiations on a new alliance treaty which it is hoped will bring the two regions of Aberdeen and Charis closer together and will begin a new age of friendship and prosperity.
Along with his new reign of terror Dundee East has appointed a couple new Ambassadors to Aberdeen's embassies across NS.
Current Ambassadors and their Assignments -
Mittsville - Liberalia, Hyrule
Coretta - Canada
Imperfectia - Jethnea, Charis
Servikio - Futaba Aoi
Jonavit - Flavian Amphitheater
Newfoundcanada - The North Pacific
Flatisia - ACCEL
All other embassies without ambassadors are being covered by Dundee East.

- With the Minister of Immigration (PGrier) on holiday, Imperfectia and Flatisia have very kindly volunteered to recruit in his absence. No regional population target has been put in place as of yet, but it is believed Aberdeen can maintain a steady growth trate.

Forum News -
Along with the proposed new charter, forum administrators have been gearing up for a large reorganisation of the forum. Each of the three government branches will be given its own category and it is hoped that there will be a greater degree of clarity as to the workings of our government.
Along with this reorganization will come a new news box and an automatic PM system that will send a greetings message to newly registered members.

Role Play News

Role Play has been slow over the past week or so, but has now been recovering.
Currently active RPs include:
- The First Aber-Vision Song Contest where each nation can submit a song (only its lyrics and some images are required), latest entries can be read here: http://s11.invisionfree.invalid/aberdeen/index...?showtopic=1226
- Jet Fighter Stolen! A top secret jet fighter has been stolen from Dancing Bananland: http://s11.invisionfree.invalid/aberdeen/index...?showtopic=1034
- Ronalk's War: http://s11.invisionfree.invalid/aberdeen/index.php?showtopic=980
- Vengeance! Murder in Bentay: http://s11.invisionfree.invalid/aberdeen/index...?showtopic=1127

And that concludes this edition of the 'News from Aberdeen'! Thanks for reading, and remember do drop in by the forum for a friendly chat and some of the local muffins!
Yay for updates!

The News From Aberdeen!
Nations - 84
Delegate Endorsements - 19
Regional Power - High
Forum - NSWiki - Aberdeen

The PM election is finally over and the new PM/Delegate of Aberdeen is Imperfectia. Here are the vote totals for the recent election:

Imperfectia - 7
Mittsville - 4
Dancing Bananland - 2
None of the Above - 2
Hekloslogravia - 1

In all, it was the highest voter turnout for any election ever in Aberdeen. Imperfectia is currently accepting applications for minister appointments. Ministry positions for Internal Affairs, Immigration, Foreign Relations, and Intelligence and Defence (AMID) are up for grabs. He hopes to be able to announce a new Cabinet sometime this weekend.

Aberdeen Free trade treaty
Thanks to the dilligent work of Coretta, the Aberdeen Free Trade Treaty was posted for ratification on Augusut 3. Since that time, 8 Aberdonian nations have ratified this treaty and opened their borders to free trade with each other. It is hoped that more nations will join the growing trend towards free trade in Aberdeen.

RP Realm
The struggle at the Coronation ceremony in Hekloslogravia is continuing to unfold. Read here for the latest in the action!

Terrorist have seized the city of Gil'eadan in the nation of Sayt. Find out how they are being combatted here.

That's all for now from the great region of Aberdeen! Feel free to drop in any time and tell us hi!

The News From Aberdeen!
Nations - 61
Delegate Endorsements -18
Regional Power - High
Forum - NSWiki - Aberdeen

State of Aberdeen Adress
My fellow Aberdonians, I am here to tell you now that the state of our region is good. Yes, there are noticeable differences in certain aspects of our region, but overall health and community is just fine.

Aberdeen has experienced several changes since I became Prime Minster a little over three months ago. Anyone who has had the thankless job of following in the footsteps of a leader who so undeniably left his imprint on his office, can attest to the truth I tell when I say that it has not been an easy task to follow in the footsteps of Forgottenlord. However, I believe that Aberdeen has been as busy the past three months as it ever has been during any previous time after its founding.

The HoM has not been idle with the “retirement” of its most prolific contributor. In September, Coretta proposed Bill 19, “House Resolution Act” which would become Law 12. Forgottenlord proposed Bill 20, “Political Party Limitation Act” which became Law 13 after a fierce debate and a vote of 7 for and 6 against. November, arguably the busiest month sawa three different pieces of legislation being voted on by the HoM – HR-1, Bill 21 and Bill 22. HR-1, was the first resolution to be passed by the HoM utilizing the process set forth n Law 12. It established the creation of The Forgottenlord Star of Outstanding Service and awarded Fl himself the first presentation of this honor. Bill 21 was drafted by Bloopa and attempted to establish a regional force to be used at the discretion of the serving PM in times of emergencies. It ultimately did not pass after a vote of 8 against and 3 for. Bill 22 was drafted by Mittsville and established an endorsement limit for nations in the region other than the Prime Minister. Bill 22 became Law 14 after a vote of 10 for and 2 against.

The last piece of business the HoM conducted was a vote on the proposed Charter by Dundee East. Due to the fact that the founder has been absent form regional activities for some time now, the Charter was voted on in its most recently updated form, but did not even garner a majority of the votes. With a vote of 5 against, 2 for and 3 abstain, it clearly did not gain the required 2/3 majority to supplant the UNA Constitution as the supreme law of Aberdeen.

The past three months has brought new faces to the Cabinet as well. After my election, every Cabinet member that was appointed had served in the regional government before. Combined with this team of experienced nations, I created the new Ministry of Culture, originally headed up by NewFoundCanada as a way to bring more activity and a greater sense of community to the Aberdeen forums. That initial team of experienced individuals was not long put together, when Coretta, Min of IA moved in RL and has since had problems connecting to the internet as a whole. Mittsville resigned from Min of Immigration – also due to RL issues and NFC also experienced connectivity issues. By the beginning of November the Cabinet was composed of DBL as Minister of AMID and Heklo as Minister of FR. Action was taken and by Mid-November our cabinet was back up to full strength with Aioran being appointed Minister of IA, Bentay serving as Min of Immigration, and Pandadice taking on Min of Culture. It has been pointed out that this is the youngest and most inexperienced Cabinet Aberdeen has ever seen, but so far the future looks very promising! This represents the “next” generation of leadership in Aberdeen, and it is great to see nations stepping into new roles and expanding their overall NS experience.

As for forum usage and activity, there has been an average of 49.46 posts a day since the first day of Novemember. Our activity as of late has been phenomenal. The Cbox has been used as it was originally intended to be utilized and has been busier than ANY of our former chatrooms or mIRC channels. Hands down. Our sense of community on the forum has increased, and though the Ministry of Culture has yet to actually make any formal awards or open any new games, the hoped for outcome has been the same.

One of the biggest, visible differences that Aberdeen has undergone the past three months is that we have dropped in membership form hovering between 95-85 member nations to barely staying above 60 nations. It might have happened slowly, but we have CLEARLY dropped in numbers. Instead of assigning any blame for our current situation, I want to point out three things. First, the rate of die off for nations has sharply declined over the past month. Yes, there are still nations dieing off (The Holy Republic of Cruxylvania died off 9 hours ago as of this writing). But we should be encouraged that the previous die off happened 4 days ago. In other words, we are not loosing nations very fast at all. Secondly, We should view this decline within the larger decline of NS as a whole. Within the past several months, the game as a whole has lost several thousands of nations! Almost EVERY region that I know of has experienced some decline and die off due to this fact. The exceptions to this rule have been those regions founded within the past 3-4 months. As such, every region is fighting even harder now for recruitment and thus gaining new members is harder now that it was a year ago. Finally, I want us to take a look at our regions past history. A month after its founding, in late May or early June 2005, Aberdeen hit the 70 nation mark and great celebration ensued! Over the course of the summer and fall of 2005, our region hit a low of 19 nations at one point. After some emergency recruiting and re-organization of the regional government, Aberdeen then exploded in membership form late December through the month of January 2006. Many of you who are reading this now came from that explosion in growth. We hit our all time hi of 143 nations in mid-January and have been “declining” in numbers since then, with the occasional bump in recruitment to maintain current nation levels. Currently we have 61 nations, and while that number seems low, I would argue that we have a stronger community than we have ever had in the region before and thus our numbers are ok. Keep in mind that we have also lost several nations due to die off that were once very active members of this community. Dundee East, FL, Coretta, NFC, Capitalsit Neutrality, and Flatisia, have all departed our region (nation wise that is – some still haunt our forum *cough* FL *cough*) within the past 3-4 months. So to wrap this up, would I like to see our region above 100 nations again? Yes, of course! Do I think my election campaign goal of 200 nations in Aberdeen is still realistic? Maybe not, but I do think that we are in a perfect position to double our membership within the next month or two and KEEP and ENGAGE new nations so that hopefully they will become active members of our community. In summary, we should be able to double our nation count and active community base by the end of January. I will work with the current Min of Immigration to help accomplish this goal.

As to other goals and aspirations of this government, I would like to point out that while I really had nothing to do with it, our RP forum has once again become a central theme to define Aberdeen as a region. And not to exclude anyone there are still several member nations who make good use of the Word Games forum – so much so that a few of our active word gamers are closing in on the 1,000 post mark.. Both of these forums could be even more active with new members. I would like to see more crossover as well. AMID is currently working on putting together an Aberdonian task force made up of AMID Deputies in the event we are ever asked to support our allies in a time of invasion. Finally, in speaking about Foreign Relations, I would like to see us do a little more dealing with our current allies and focus more on getting to know each of the four regions better. To that extent, I will be placing puppet nations in Futaba Aio, Jethnea, and Flavian Amphitheatre (I already have a nation in Charis  ). Our regional ties with Charis should also be strengthened, and I would like to explore different ways we can make that happen over the next few months. My government will also look into the establishment of Aberdeen News Service updates every two weeks.

As for my UN involvement, it has been more non-existent until this past week. I have written two UN Draft proposals, one of which I feel is almost ready to be submitted, and one of which needs a crap-load of work. I feel that as a region, we should look over the different Proposal drafts that are in our UN Forum and determine if we want to follow through with those ideas are not. I have began taking a more “active” role on the jolt UN forums and on a couple UN focus group forums as well. It is my intention that this involvement will continue and that I will truly represent Aberdeen’s voice to the UN.

In conclusion, as I have pointed out above, the State of the UNA is rather good. We have our areas where we can improve and where more nations pitching in would be nice. But in a region such as ours that is continually changing and re-focusing our energies, I see that Aberdeen is doing great. I look forward to serving as Prime Minister of this region through the end of my term and have faith that Aberdeen’s future can be brighter than our past.

Michael Carmack
Speaker of the House of Imperfectia
Prime Minister of Aberdeen

House Resolution-2 Passed!
HR-2, a resolution to merge Charis and Aberdeen, has passed 9-1

New Admin!
Mittsville has been announced as a new Admin! Congradulations! Also Forgottenlord has agreed to come back and become Aberdeen's third Admin. Look for many new forum improvements over the next few months!

New Minister of Culture
Our second Minister of Culture in three months, Pandadice, has resigned. Our former Prime Minister, Forgottenlord has been appointed as our new minister. Forgottenlord has just recently handed out the annual awards from the Ministry of Culture.
Best Newbie
Best RP Charácter
Funky G, Dancing Bananland
Most Active Nation
Most Helpful Nation
Most Active Recruiter
Best Flag
Most Active UN Member
Funniest Poster
The Hanging Judge
Best Roleplayer
Dancing Bananland

Great Aberdonian War
Northern Front
A force composed of mainly Hendricksonians, assisted by the Hekloslogravian Army, has liberated the city of Stenchiko from UKTGM occupation after a grueling siege. Presently, components of the Hendricksonian and Hekloslogravian Armies are pushing south.

Andyan Front
After making peace with the United Kingdoms of Trans-Galasia and Moravia, Andany turned around, and attacked them. After being hit by UKTGM nuclear attacks, Andany is preparing for a UKTGM invasion by sea, and from the occupied regions in the north and south of the bordering nation of Mittsville.

Eastern Front
The Duchy of Earl has occupied and annexed most of Dancing Bananland, though some of the Dancing Bananlandian Army, hiding in the mountainous northern region of the nation, continues to resist under the direction of General Krull.

In Alzgor, the nation's small navy put up a brave fight against the forces of the Duchy of Earl, but have been all but destroyed. The Duchy of Earl is now preparing to invade Alzgor.

Bloopan Civil War
Bloopa's government, backed by the UKTGM, and the breakaway Mittsvillian province of Eramia and the CRA, backed by most of the nations of Aberdeen are dragging the nation into civil war!

Garestion Pact News!
Andany has been admitted into the Garestion Pact after a vote of 2-1.

UNAD Status
The most recent UNAD report by our Minister of Internal Affairs, Aioran is as follows.
$1 = UNAD=
Bentay -
UNAD 2.0736 0.4822
Bloopa -
UNAD 1.2789 0.7819
Conesville -
UNAD 0.7749 1.2906
East Hekloslogravia -
UNAD 70.4165 0.0142
Eramia -
UNAD 1.2511 0.7993
Erdaldun -
UNAD 4.0017 0.2499
Hekloslogravia -
UNAD 2.2657 0.4414
Imperfectia -
UNAD 0.5242 1.9078
Khaoz -
UNAD 0.7140 1.4005
Khaoz UN -
UNAD 0.9103 1.0985
Merkeligstan -
UNAD 4.0592 0.2464
Mittsville -
UNAD 5.0656 0.1974
Of Dutch States -
UNAD 0.5153 1.9407
Sayt -
UNAD 7.3662 0.1358
The Great Holy Dragon -
UNAD 6.6347 0.1507
Wahei Kuni -
UNAD 2.7144 0.3684

AVG 6.9104 0.7191
Sayt Joins Aberdeen Free Trade Zone
Sayt recently became the first new member in the AFTZ in over two months!

Sorry that we haven't posted an update in several months. Feel free to drop in any time and say hi!