Consulate of United Arabia

Haor Chall

The Power of the Dark Side
TNP Nation
Haor Chall
Welcome to the Consulate of United Arabia, we hope you enjoy your stay! We look forward to a friendly relationship between The North Pacific and United Arabia.
Thank you Haor Chall.

The Arab Republic of United Arabia is also looking forward for good and fruitful relations with The North Pacific and its allies.

I am here as Diplomatic representative of United Arabia and of the Arab Alliance.

here is the United Arabian Forum:

and the Arab Alliance Council forum:


A nation embassy in the North Pacific region has also been created: The Emirate of UA embassy NP.
Yes, We are more than just in touch with them:

Arab League is our main ally and we are close friends, they are also member of the Arab Alliance like us and we have a very long history of relations with them.

We have even send there some troops to defend them against an Invasion a year ago.

Here is the United Arab Forum that we share together:


United Arabia and Arab League are the main Arab regions of Nationstates.
Thank you and hello Flemingovia! :hello:

I am impressed, your Arabic is very good :clap:

And I anwer you:

Wa aleikum assalam wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh:May Peace and Allah's blessings be upon you.

You will always be welcomed in United Arabia.
For those who wants to see a beutiful Arab Building like they were really visiting it:


This is the Arab Alliance Headquarters Building:

Visit the Arab Alliance Council Hall, The Diwan Reception Room, the Arab Library, The Pre-function Hall, The Tunisian Room, The Damascene Room, The Mamluk Room, The Prayer Room and The Great Atrium or The Ultra-modern Meeting Room and even the Office of the Chairman like in real.

I wonder if any civilization is able to do something like that. :winner:
Hello dear colleague, welcome in our consulate. :hello:

United Arabia would like to strenghten its relations with you region. Could you help me in asking to your Foreign Affairs officials to sign an embassy treaty in order to make a true Embassy for us in your nice forum?
I have tried with the Previous Minister Haor Chall but I have no answer. :huh:

Thank you for your help.

United Arabia has accomplished the merge with the region Arab League and has thus ceased to exist.

They form together the united region of The Arab League.

There is no elected government for the moment, just a transitional government:

Acting President:Saddaam

Ministry of foreign affairs: United Arab Diplomats

Ministry of internal affairs: Al Khamali

The Arab League wich to renew diplomatic relations with the North Pacific and establish a permanent embassy in the TNP forums.
Since this region has merged and thus no longer exists, I am closing this Consulate. The Arab League is more than welcome to apply again with their new region.