Minister of Culture and Education


The resignation of namyeknom during the last election campaign left us with no minister of Culture and Education, and no deputy.

Under the constitution, it falls to me to make an appointment, to be ratified by the vote of the Assembly.

It is, therefore, with great pleasure that I propose Thel D’ran to be the Minister for Culture and Education.

There are a number of reasons for this appointment.

Firstly, Thel is a respected member of this region. He has been delegate and served in a number of government capacities, from the time when he led the government in exile during the great bight era. His wisdom is valued in high places throughout Nationstates, and he would contribute greatly to the cabinet.

Second, he has particular skills he can bring to the ministry of Culture and Education. His experience in setting up the Lemurian University, and his contribution to North Pacific culture through his map, banner and flag making all speak in his favour. Not to mention that he knows just about EVERYBODY in NS, so getting interviews for the Wire should not be a problem.

If you are a registered voter, please vote in the appropriate thread in the voting forum to ratify this appointment.