----MESREC- - Apollon Command.
Dear Sir or Madam;
It is with a heavy heart that we learn of your most recent civil war. While it is not the policy of the Byardkurian Defense Corporation to take sides in such a conflict, we would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the services and merchandise we provide, from teams of Restorer shock troops, all of whom are trained in basic medicine, engineering, and science; to the newly-available OM-35 Mjolnir orbital-launched missile. We understand the financial difficulties faced by organizations such as yours, caught in the throes of civil war, and, as such, would also like to extend to your group a line of credit in the amount of 750 million FHR , complete with indivdualized purchasing cards for each of your trusted lieutenants . Please contact one of our account representatives today to find out what the BDC can do for you!.
Your friends at the Byardkurian Defense Corporation