-Minister of Communication's Office-

*Ator People walks into a large office, with hardwood floors and navy blue painted walls. A desk sits across from the door. On it: a desk calendar, a lamp, a laptop, and a desktop computer. Three chairs sit in front of the desk, while an office chair is behind it for the MoC. A small table to the left of the door holds a wireless projector which is used to project information on the screen to the left of the desk. There is are two flags hanging on the right side of the door; Ator People's flag and The North Pacific's flag. On the front of the desk is engraved and painted the royal seal of Ator People.

Links to Communications Related Posts

TNP Campaign Against Spam

Warning Center for Campaign Against Spam

Campaign Against Spam Part II

More to come...

Questions, comments, complaint, concerns...post them here!
*Ator People picks up a briefcase with old communications files, takes down some picture frames and his Atorian Flag, and leaves the office *

It's been nice being Minister Of Communications. Sadly, I cannot hold a cabinet office this term because of term limits, but I hope to run again next term.

I hope I have served you well! :hello: