From the RMB:**3 hours ago** The Empire of Devastis Recruiter**
Tonight Devastis Recruiter will be taking a break from its regularly scheduled broadcast in the North Pacific to air a call to reason. Since the start of this service and the beginning of North Pacific's "15 Line" policy, I have been warned - nay, threatened - at least twice with banning and possible modly intervention because the ad-roll exceeds fifteen lines. I have explained myself, twice, patiently, that the Devastis Recruiter ad service covers multiple regions and puts the ads into a single post, making it so that when it rolls over, a lot of the ads go with it, which is far better for the RMBs than having ALL the regions on the roll post their own advertisement. It stands to reason that the DevRec ad-roll should exceed fifteen lines. As well I note that all the ads within the Ad-roll are themselves only fifteen lines or less. As is, even if I complied, maybe even enforced a "one-line per region" policy or some such nonsense, what am I supposed to do if and when I provide the service for more than fifteen regions? Just throw in a big, unformatted list of region names with no information? For my service, the fifteen-line rule is unenforceable, and harassing me for it will not help. If I am forced to leave or change the ad, I will simply make one post for each of the clients with seperate puppets, which will clog up the RMB far more and take longer to phase off. As well, the alternative of posting it on TNP's message board is unfeasible as if you're honestly new to the game, are you going to want to have to hunt through even more forums and websites looking for places to go? The only people which will frequent such a place would be invader infiltrators looking for an easy conquest, not newbies.
Now for your regularly scheduled, slightly shortened, definitely temporary, and quite castrated ad:
Go here. It's cool.
This place is too, but I only have one line, so trust me!
***The Virgin Islands of Ecchi***
Same here.
***City Ankh Morpork***
Here as well.
***Red Army Headquarters***
They might be communists! Isn't this descriptive?
They might like explosions. 12 Lines total.
My reply:
The Tresville Element:I sincerely doubt that u were threatened...and saying so is offensive. Posting an ad in the regional message board more than once a day is illegal in is posting 15 times with different puppets (the alternative u mentioned). You should be glad that u were warned about posting ads more than once a day instead of being was rather nice of our delegate to do so.
If you do not like our 15 line limit...u are free to argue your case in the regional forum...perhaps it can be changed if the citizens vote that way.
In any case...I don't see anything wrong with asking recruiters to limit their ads...these ads clutter the RMB and the days of regular chit chat on the RMB ended due to this over advertising that has plagued NS for the past year or so. We are not the only Feeder to have done this...and we don't even enforce it as much as others have in the past. We won't be the last.