Looking to buy a computer


I'm really starting to tire of my Gateway. It's 2 1/2 years old and it's been going down the toilet since around Christmas. Now I'm looking to get a new one...one that actually works half ass decently! LOL!! Can ya help me pick one??
Three words, Puckton.




It can seem like a big step for a first-timer, but the freedom of being able to swap parts out as you need more power, memory, or storage down the road is heady indeed. With the current component generation, there is almost no tweaking needed to get your system running, and when the question of "Well, what kind of X do I have" arises for support, you just go grab the box from the basement.

Plus, why pay someone extra for last year's technology, just because they turned the screws?
well, I've actually been looking to get a new one for a while now. It's just that passion has gotten stronger since I've had random hard drive crashes and both CD-ROM drives I have no longer work.
Three words, Puckton.



Best advice anyone could give.

I personally reccomend Microstar for your mobo and video card and AMD for your processor.

I would personally be happy to help you pick your parts and help you through the process. The neat thing is, with a custom, you save on labor and get exactly what you want.