We need candidates!


If you're considering running for a position, we still need candidates for these posts:

Vice Delegate - This officer holds the second-highest endorsement count to support the UN Delegate during absences and emergencies.

Attorney General, serving as Minister of Justice - Chief prosecuting officer in almost all criminal trials

Minister of Culture and Education - Charges include administration of The North Pacific Wire and archive management

PLEASE, if you are considering running, we must have someone to fill these posts. I'm not exactly sure what we do if nobody runs, but I would greatly prefer not having to worry about it.
I'm willing to run for VD or Delegate....if needed and if I get some public support...I have a few days to decide...so please post or pm me your opinion on me running for these positions.

If anything I'll just get back in the NPA and help the new MOD with that. I'm not looking to get back into TNP Politics deeply...I just want to do my part.
I'm even more relunctant that Tresville would be, but if it becomes absolutely necessary I might stand for AG with the express understanding that I would step aside if a candidate I believe is qualified comes forward either before or after the election starts, even if that person has to be elected by write-in ballot.

I really don't want to stand for election at all, my real life circumstances would be a complication, and I really do not think that there is a likelihood that I will have the time for a full term. Besides which I've already been Minister of Justice so it would not even be a challenge.
Yes, I had noticed that there were no threads in the Delegate Campaign subforum. At first I wondered if there was some rule I didn't read about different starting dates for Delegate nominations....
Yes, I had noticed that there were no threads in the Delegate Campaign subforum. At first I wondered if there was some rule I didn't read about different starting dates for Delegate nominations....
Honeysheep declared her candidacy in the topic, but I haven't seen a campaign thread for it yet... :unsure:

Edit: Does anybody have any idea what we would do if nobody applied for a position? I'm not sure if we've ever considered the possibility...
It would end up being a vacancy where there is no Deputy to fill the position; and the Constitution does provide a succession mechanism for that eventuality.

TNP Constitution Article III Section 5:
3) Where a vacancy occurs in any Cabinet Ministry and no Deputy for that Minister is then installed in office, the Prime Minister shall appoint a Deputy Minister who is qualified to serve as a Cabinet Minister, subject to a confirmation referendum of the registered voters of the Region. In that instance, the appointee shall serve as Minister on an acting basis until the referendum election is completed. If confirmed as a result of the referendum, that appointee shall thereupon assume the position of Minister and Cabinet member for the interim until the next election for that office. A vote of the registered voters is required to approve a motion for confirmation of such an appointment by the Prime Minister. If, after seven days, a quorum of the registered voters has participated and at least 50 per cent of those voting approve of the motion to confirm the appointment, the appointee shall remain in office to serve on an interim basis until the next election. If the motion for confirmation fails to receive such approval, then the appointee is not confirmed to serve as that Cabinet Minister, and the Prime Minister shall promptly propose another nominee for Deputy Minister, who shall act then as minister, subject to approval of a motion for confirmation in a referendum by the registered voters of the Region.
Personally I wouldn't be too worried if the MoC&E remains unfilled- its really an unnecessary position at the moment- the jobs can easily be filled by the MoC/MoIIA I imagine. It has been mentioned before, but perhaps if no-one runs we can look at an ammendment to remove that position.
Going back to the work of the first Constitutional Revision last winter, I questioned then why the office was titled "Culture and Education," when in fact "Culture" really meant "History," as the office is really meant to be the "historian" of the region and to maintain the regional archives.

Of course, if Flem's proposal for a "Lemurian U" type program in TNP is implemented, that would also re-vitalize the position very, very quickly, since the MoCE could be the "Dean" of the new program.

BTW -- I will make any decision about the AG on the 28th, which is the last day of the declaration period.
Going back to the work of the first Constitutional Revision last winter, I questioned then why the office was titled "Culture and Education," when in fact "Culture" really meant "History," as the office is really meant to be the "historian" of the region and to maintain the regional archives.

Of course, if Flem's proposal for a "Lemurian U" type program in TNP is implemented, that would also re-vitalize the position very, very quickly, since the MoCE could be the "Dean" of the new program.

BTW -- I will make any decision about the AG on the 28th, which is the last day of the declaration period.
You mean actually give the MoCE something to do??? :o

Edit: So we'll probably have a VD and a MoJ running (although that's not exactly set in stone)... we still need someone willing to run for MoC&E. At the moment, it's an easy job, so if you're not the most organized person, it might be a good choice.
Sounds like MoCE could possibly be up my alley. I'll wait and see if anyone else steps up. I prefer to see new faces in government.
Darn! Should've gone for Attorney General! Can I drop out of the race for Minister of Communications and throw my hat in the ring for Attorney General?
Darn! Should've gone for Attorney General! Can I drop out of the race for Minister of Communications and throw my hat in the ring for Attorney General?
I don't see why not... just announce in your MoC topic that you're dropping out (I'll lock it once you do), and make a new one for MoJ.
I maaybe would like to run for a position of Minister of Culture and Education...
from the constitution:
Section 4: Rules and Requirements for the Cabinet of the Regional Government.

2) The Nation must be a member Nation of the Region, and be an active Regional off-site forum member for a minimum of one month prior to the date of the acceptance of a nomination to, or a declaration of candidacy for, elective office.
Sorry, your a few weeks to late. But don't be discouraged..our Ministers will need deputies once they are elected. Please look around...get to know the people and our laws...see which Ministry best suits u.
Oh, I'm sorry...

I like mostly the Ministery of Culture and Education, so I'll let know the next minister, if there would be one....
I have a concern that one or more declared candidates are ineligible for election.

Article III Section 4 of the Constitution provides that:
Section 4: Rules and Requirements for the Cabinet of the Regional Government.

1) To stand for elected office, a candidate must be a member Nation of The North Pacific (as outlined in Article II, Section 1 of this Constitution ). UN membership is not required, but it is recommended. Nations with UN membership should reside within The North Pacific unless active in the North Pacific Army.
2) The Nation must be a member Nation of the Region, and be an active Regional off-site forum member for a minimum of one month prior to the date of the acceptance of a nomination to, or a declaration of candidacy for, elective office. Should a member Nation be inactive or leave the Regional off-site forum for a period of three weeks or more, they shall be required to become and remain active in the Regional off-site forum for at least one week following their return before that Nation may accept any nomination to, or declare itself as a candidate for, any office.
3) Cabinet members shall not hold more than one Cabinet-level position at the same time.
4) Cabinet members shall not violate the term limitation provisions of Section 3 of this Article of the Constitution.
5) To stand for election as the Minister of Defense, a candidate shall have received the endorsement of a majority of the nations then in active service in the North Pacific Army within seven days prior to nomination or declaration of candidacy. Members of the North Pacific Army may endorse one or more candidates that stand for election as Minister of Defense in the same election.

I have confidence that the Election Commissioner are in the midst of verifying candidate eligibility. I wanted to post this in the candidate declaration thread, but it's been locked. (Although I am a global mod, I think that it would be an abuse of that authority to unlock the thread at this point, so I'm just going to make the point here, so they can respond in due course.
If you guys want to kill my candidacy, I won't mind. It's for the region, anyway, I presume...
I assume you had Hersfold or Flemingovia change your name? And yes, unfortunately your candidacy is not allowed under the Constitution, since I'm unaware of any previous activity from you in this region. Terribly sorry. Perhaps you should look into becoming a deputy. :)
@ Eras: Yes, he did. Apollo's one of his more "main" nations apparently.

@ GBM: I didn't notice any others...

I don't think so. The only other one I was worried about was Puckton, and he came in mid-December, with previous citizenship, so he's fine.