Dalimbar for MoD


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot
TNP Nation
Friends, allies, and voters of this great region, I come to you tonight to allow you to decide on who you want as the next Minister of Defence. We need a strong, independent yet cooperative leader to guide the North Pacific Army, to defend our home region and our friends, and to stop our enemies in their tracks. We need a leader who is not afraid to stand up for this region, but also we need a leader who is willing to work with other groups to help protect our allies and good friends. Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe I am that leader.

About Me:
Who am I really? For those who do not know all about me like you should :P , I am Dalimbar. Since my nations birth on July 19th, 2004, I have handled various positions in diplomacy and defence, be it in the user-created world or here in the feeders. Currently I serve The North Pacific as General of the North Pacific Army, which allowed me to be more comfortable with working our soldiers. I also serve as Deputy Director of Red Liberty Alliance Intelligence.

What needs to be done:
One of the largest issues facing the NPA is the lack of people. Every one knows this, even in the far reaches of the user created world knows this. If elected, I intend to fix this trend.

"What needs to be done to fix this though?", one may ask. Well, I believe a combination of recruitment, restructurment, activity and awareness that the NPA will rebound from stagnation and be a might in the world.
  • Recruitment:
    Getting new people into the NPA is key before we even think about defending ourselves, our allies, and countering our enemies. If elected, I will establish a Military Recruitment Agency, a agency in the Ministry of Defence that will be made up of willing members, most likely NPA members (but maybe not depending on who wants to help out), who will go out into the region, and bring new members to the forums and to the military. I plan to have all members divide their recruitment efforts to specific letters, or "Military Recruitment Districts." These MRDs will not be formal, unless the people of this region want it to be so.
  • Restructurment:
    The current structure is not capable to fit in all my desired changes, nor does it seem it is effective enough for this type of army. I first would like to have a internal Military Command Council, composing of the Minister of Defence, Deputy Minister of Defence, General of the North Pacific Army, the newly created head of the MRA which I call the Commissioner of Recruitment, the leader of the Auxilary Army, which I call the General of the North Pacific Auxilary Army, and the Director of the NPAI. The reason for the creation of the MCC is not to supercede authority or eliminate the purpose of the Security Council, but to provide an internal communication centre for the various branches of the new Ministry of Defence. All of the decisions made in the MCC will of course follow TNP Laws, and will be subject to both MoD and in neccessary cases either Cabinet, Security Council or Regional Assembly approval, depending on the situation. Depending on the size of the NPA and the NPAA, I will decide to divide the military into several divisions, and appoint a Captain for each division. The Captains will direct their fellow soldiers based on the orders of either the MoD, DMoD, GNPA for NPA soldiers or GNPAA for NPAA soldiers.
  • Activity:
    After we have a good level of recruited soldiers up, and a reformed Ministry of Defence, we need to focus on getting our troops more active in today's defences. Each month I will schedule in "Warzone Days" with some of our allies, for training purposes, and for some fun. Depending on the number of divisions we have, we can do multiple missions at once, which I see as benificial to helping out our allies and friends especially in particularly heavier invasions.
  • Awareness:
    The people of the region need to know what exactly the Ministry of Defence is doing. How else will we get people interested in joining if they don't know what the hell is going on? Through the combined efforts of the MRA, the various North Pacific news agencies, and other methods, the people's awareness on what we are doing to protect our region and our allies will increase, and hopefully we can get some interested people willing to serve our great region this way.
My friends, I thank you for taking an interest of my ideas for a better Ministry of Defence. With your help, we will see a regrowth of activity here in the MoD. With your help, we will keep TNP free from groups who want to control and dominate us, our friends, and innocent people around the world. With your help, TNP will be one of the best feeders ever.

So I urge you, vote Dalimbar, for a strong, independent yet cooperative Ministry of Defence!
Do you forsee a conflict of interest at any stage seeign as your military allegiance is with the RLA?!

How can you assure us that the NPA will not be under pseudo-command of the RLA under your leadership?!
You seem to want to introduce alot of new positision. But these depend very much on the ability to get enough people to join the NPA. What are your intermediate plans, how would you make the transition, since I believe we cannot jump from what we got to what you envision.
Answer time!

Polts #1:
Do you forsee a conflict of interest at any stage seeign as your military allegiance is with the RLA?!

No, I do not, and intend there to be no conflict of interest. I will take neccessary precautions and actions to ensure that there is no conflict of interest.

Polts #2:
How can you assure us that the NPA will not be under pseudo-command of the RLA under your leadership?!

Firstly, there is no reason for the RLA (contrary to growing believe I am sure) to have the NPA under the pseudo-command of the RLA. It is because I am truthful, I have always been a good friend and ally of TNP, the RLA has worked along side with TNP various times. I regard the friendship between the RLA and TNP as strong as steel, regardless of the anti-RLA rhetoric I have seen over the months.

Secondly, if it pleases you, I am not a member of the Executive Committee of the Red Liberty Alliance nor a command officer in the Red Liberty Armed Forces. I do not have the "powers" if you will to have the RLA take over the NPA by what your invisionment is. My only source of control is in the RLAI, and only as Deputy Director.

Thirdly, I swear that I will not let any groups have control of the NPA. Regardless if they are RLA, ADN, PRP, Invaders or some neutral outsider, this army belongs to the people of The North Pacific.

What are your intermediate plans, how would you make the transition, since I believe we cannot jump from what we got to what you envision.

Thank you for this question Koona. The road will be tough at first to get the job done, but in the mean time, I intend to have the current faithful soldiers of the NPA be the best that they can be. I intend to have them work in the warzones training, or out in the various regions in this vast world, defending in attacked regions, ect. We will, if we are out there, accomplish parts of my activity and awareness points, as well provide meaningful training for our good soldiers.

Ator People:
What would be your personal opinion on whether TNP should in the future join the ADN again?

No. Though I am prepared to work with them in good faith periodically, especially when we are defending, I do not see the need of us joining the ADN. We should make our name for ourselves, not thrusted out there by a large defender group. As I have said over and over again, I will not allow groups to control us. Please see Part 3 of my answer to Poltsamaa's second question for more. :)

In your opinion, under what circumstances should the NPA be used?

What exactly do you mean? I will not answer this question until I get perhaps a explination on what you mean. I don't want to appear rude or anything, I just don't want to answer a question that may have a different meaning than you intended it to be.

Thank you so far for your questions everyone!

EDIT: Damn, just remembered what else I was going to put for Ator's answer. If the region via the appropriate bodies decide to join any organization via a democratic vote, I will not oppose that and I will work with that organization to the best of my abilities. I do not intend to hinder the process, I just want the people to decide if we are to be back in the ADN or whatever, not a Minister in his/her office.
I wasn't asking if the RLA was going to take over the NPA, I was asking how you would prevent the NPA becoming little more than a small dog running alongside the RLA?!

You are Deputy Director of Red Liberty Alliance Intelligence and a member of the Central Soviet!! What if the "strong as steel" friendship gets a little rusty?! What if the RLA and TNP are on opposite sides in an issue or conflict as per the forum attack?! Where would you order the NPA to go?! Would you order them on a mission to oppose the RLA?!

This is not a personal attack, it is an important issue to me!! I cannot see how someone whose allegiance is to one army can command another without the second army becoming subserviant to the commanders true army!!

I'd ask the same question of Gaspo had he bothered to campaign as his situation is similar!!
What exactly do you mean? I will not answer this question until I get perhaps a explination on what you mean. I don't want to appear rude or anything, I just don't want to answer a question that may have a different meaning than you intended it to be.
I'm not sure how else to explain it. Do you support using the NPA as a political extention, do you support them defending like in the RLA and ADN and other places, do you support their use in places like The West Pacific. Thinks like that.
I wasn't asking if the RLA was going to take over the NPA

I am sorry that I may have made it sound like that.

You are Deputy Director of Red Liberty Alliance Intelligence and a member of the Central Soviet!! What if the "strong as steel" friendship gets a little rusty?! What if the RLA and TNP are on opposite sides in an issue or conflict as per the forum attack?! Where would you order the NPA to go?! Would you order them on a mission to oppose the RLA?!

Depends on the issue in my opinion. In the event that the RLA starts invading regions, I will order the NPA in against them. I have refused to serve in a few missions with RLA due to my disagreeing ideas on what is technically invading and what is defending. If they are defending I intend to work with them like I intend to work with other groups. If they are invading I will have no problems of defending against them even if that means I am thrown out of the Central Soviet. I am a defender. I do not invade, as that in my honest opinion would be very hypocritical of me as a defender to invade.

If elected, what do you intend to do about the pod people and brain slug wars?

I was once a pod person.... wait, I did not say that :lol: Erm, no comment!

I'm not sure how else to explain it. Do you support using the NPA as a political extention, do you support them defending like in the RLA and ADN and other places, do you support their use in places like The West Pacific. Thinks like that.

In regards to TWP, though I do indeed have my own personal opinions on the matter, I will not order troops into there for either side unless the Regional Assembly "orders" me to do so. I do not intend to even push for one side of the either in the RA, to allow people's own opinions to be discussed without the MoD looming over their heads.

Also, do you mean if RLA/ADN regions are attacked? Regardless of my opinions of them, I will defend their regions if they are under attack.

I'd ask the same question of Gaspo had he bothered to campaign as his situation is similar!!

I would hope so. And I do hope that he gets a campaign area up soon.
Also, do you mean if RLA/ADN regions are attacked? Regardless of my opinions of them, I will defend their regions if they are under attack.
I meant defend regions in general, but I think you answered my question in the last part anyway. Thanks.