At Vote:Artistic Freedom [Complete]


At the risk of getting too much of a head start, this resolution should be the next in line:

Artistic Freedom

Category: Human Rights - Strength: Significant - Proposed by: Jey​

Description: The General Assembly of the United Nations,

NOTING Article II of Resolution #26, “The Universal Bill of Rights,” which states that “All human beings have the right to express themselves through speech and through the media without any interference.”

ACKNOWLEDGING that the majority of artistic genres are not transmitted by speech or the media; thus

CONSIDERING that the rights of artists are not covered by any N.S.U.N. resolution;

UNDERSTANDING that artistic freedom should be protected and promoted throughout the world;

1. DEFINES for the purpose of this resolution:

a) A “work of art” as an object (such as a painting or sculpture) or intellectual construct (such as a novel or musical piece) created with the primary purpose of attaining aesthetic value,

b) An “artist” as a person who plays a major creative role on either the construction of an original work of art, or the interpretation of an existing work of art;

2. DECLARES the rights of artists to create and interpret works of art, and of any person to distribute and preserve them, without interference from other individuals, any government, or the N.S.U.N., provided they:

a) RESPECT national and international law on property rights, including copyrights,

b) ENSURE that no other person is harmed, or likely to be harmed, directly or otherwise, by their activities,

c) RESPECT any other relevant legislation that does not directly restrict their freedom of expression;

3. ENCOURAGES N.S.U.N. members to endorse and promote all artistic genres, by such means as they see fit, as long as these genres do not infringe on the restrictions described in clause 2.

Co-Authored By: Fonzoland

Voting should begin tommorrow. I'll let Eras do the multi-mod though. :D
This resolution is currently up for vote in the UN.

Please post your views and stance on this resolution below. Note, however, that you must have a UN nation in The North Pacific, or on active NPA duty, in order for the Delegate to count your vote.
NOTING Article II of Resolution #26, “The Universal Bill of Rights,” which states that “All human beings have the right to express themselves through speech and through the media without any interference.”

Right off the bat, this resolution is illegal. You're not allowed to reference other resolutions anymore, because the possibility of it getting repealed. The mods call this a "House of Cards" violation - if one resolution gets removed, the whole house comes tumbling down. Not sure how the mods let it get to the floor.

Edit: Although, now that I look at it again, it's not actually using this as support, but rather proving that this is needed. Should #26 be repealed, it actually shouldn't affect this, and may actually make this resolution necessary. See below.

ACKNOWLEDGING that the majority of artistic genres are not transmitted by speech or the media; thus

CONSIDERING that the rights of artists are not covered by any N.S.U.N. resolution;

UNDERSTANDING that artistic freedom should be protected and promoted throughout the world;

I would personally consider a painting visual media, a song audio media, and a poem or something similar textual media. I think any sort of artist's work would be protected by the illegally referenced resolution.

1. DEFINES for the purpose of this resolution:

a) A “work of art” as an object (such as a painting or sculpture) or intellectual construct (such as a novel or musical piece) created with the primary purpose of attaining aesthetic value,

b) An “artist” as a person who plays a major creative role on either the construction of an original work of art, or the interpretation of an existing work of art;


2. DECLARES the rights of artists to create and interpret works of art, and of any person to distribute and preserve them, without interference from other individuals, any government, or the N.S.U.N., provided they:

a) RESPECT national and international law on property rights, including copyrights,

b) ENSURE that no other person is harmed, or likely to be harmed, directly or otherwise, by their activities,

c) RESPECT any other relevant legislation that does not directly restrict their freedom of expression;

A lot of this is previously covered, I think.

3. ENCOURAGES N.S.U.N. members to endorse and promote all artistic genres, by such means as they see fit, as long as these genres do not infringe on the restrictions described in clause 2.

Personally, I've got better things to spend money on... including the education systems these people need to be able to know how to create such works of art.

This resolution is completely unneccessary, and its own reference proves it. AGAINST.
You can reference resolutions as long as they can stand on their own if that resolution were repealed. You can't cause a "house of cards" effect, however, merely recalling a resolution is okay I believe.

Now, I don't know for certain if this resolution could stand on its own or not, but I think it would be able to. But I don't like it anyway :P
Although forms of visual art and performing arts are encompassed under the basic right to free speech, this proposal makes it explicit.

Great Bights Mum votes FOR.
A UN nation in the North Pacific is all that's required to vote here, NS. You don't even need to be a member of the forum.
I'd like to put in my two cents as a nonvoter, nonTNPer. Sorry if this is frowned upon...
This resolution is not that bad, and it has a good message behind it but three things...

1) Art is partially a revolt in paint or words of the status quo, the elite, the whatever...this resolution makes art into something that is automatically the status quo (unless it will cause nuclear meltdown or something extreme) and thus really cheapens art. It forms it into pure entertainment, mind numbing pleasure, not actual things to think about and to rattle the mind or heart. Now artists will just push the envelope so open, there will be nothing new, no taboo undone.

2) The UN has a lot of resolutions, and I fear ones like these are the beginning to the end of any rights of indiviual nations. If artists, people, religions, everybody is totally free, totally allowed to anything barring extreme consequences than whats the point of issues or running one's own gov't. The UN will just decide for you.

3) Finally, shouldn't nations have some say (their democratic systems especially) on some types of art that might offend them greatly, or they feel is corruptive. Where's the democracy in one opinion on art...

Mind you, I really like this resolution as an issue where everyone can vote, and even choose a form that is more to their liking (with the multiple option ability) but not as another UN resolution...that's my two cents.

(this is going to be the third time I've tried posting this, effin' wireless internet!)

Anyway, Sirixis - thanks for the info. I couldn't be arsed reading all tyhe rules on registered voting...

As for the resolution, I'm generally for this, as it's a relatively reasonable resolution (HA! What do I win for alliteration?) that's working towards enshrining freedom of expression in law.

However, in itself it is flawed, as it attempts to define what art is (and even then not overly exlicitly). Subsequently, anything just outside of that definition is not going to be covered by this, giving people just enough leeway to interpret this to their own ends.

Similarly, without wishing to start an Aesthetics thread, attempting to define art itself is an exercise in futility. I'd hate to imagine what Walter Benjamin might have made of this...

Furthermore, I'm also troubled by the use of the word "Interpret" in section 2, as it's not clear precisely what is meant by this. Criticism? (Good God I hope not!) And while defining this is essentially beyond the scope of the resoultion, it is necessary, and without it the resolution is unlikely to work on its own.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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