Re Process of Amending the Constitution

If you all remember, I submitted a proposal suggesting that the RA should vote on any Constitutional changes before the Cabinet.

That was apparently defeated by the previous Cabinet (although I never received formal word on this).

I now request if anyone can give me information on WHEN the previous Cabinet rejected it. Since elections were around the beginning of November, I have purposely waited a little MORE than a month (the dead-bill period) before asking this. However, I had fully intended to resubmit this but obviously I want to be sure that the month period has passed.

Any news on this would be welcome.
ask tresville
Keep in mind that all the Constitution requires is that a majority of the Cabinet approve the proposal within a 15 day period, and the Speaker ought to know when a proposal was presented to the elected Cabinet members.

I'm not sure that there ever was a Cabinet meeting towards the end of the last administration with a quprum present, and any approvals would have been done by PM. Wizard, I thought you were elected as Interim Speaker by then. As far as I know, however, the proposal failed in the Cabinet, since the required number of approvals by individual Cabinet members was never'd have to check s2 to confirm.
I will try to look back in my records/on s2 to see the exact date, but if I remember correctly, I did not assume the Speakership until after Oct. 18 (which was the date the Interim Speaker voting thread ended).

Tres posted that he would put my proposal up for Cabinet approval on Oct. 14, as seen on s2.

I also did ask him after roughly 2 weeks had expired about the status, but he never responded, nor (to my knowledge) did he post the Cabinet decision.

However, I think I am right in saying that the proposal has definitely been dead longer than one month, and closer to two months.