

In performing a background check on Kaslande, I have found he is a person of interest in several regions.

I will be able to cite specifics if/when my sources clear me to do so, but I'm sure some of you already know.

I will be approving his application, however, I felt it pertinent to notify the cabinet that I also consider him a 'person of interest' and that his movements in the region should be under a bit of discreet scrutiny.
Nasi outed him as a spy. TWP are also looking into him (it seems because of pressure from Nasicournia) ;)

Personally, I have no problem with him being here as Kaselande, he's obviously not spying and I'd prefer to have him where we can see him.

Dei, Why won't Nasi let you talk about what they've been shouting about for the last couple of days? Is there more to this than petty infiltration?
I'm chatting on IRC with him now. He seems more curious than anything else, but did ask if there was anything he could do in the Ministry. I'm not sure what that meant but thought I'd mention it.
Ah, then I apologise.


I think in light of the allegations about him, we'd be well advised to keep him away from confidential areas, but other than that I see no problem with him being here. Just use the same kind of conditions we have with PopeHope (No NPA, No DC, No Deputy)