Embassy of The West Pacific

The government of The West Pacific has established its governing Charter its contents may be found here.
I am going to close The West Pacific Embassy.

When CC3 was initiated all treaties The West Pacific held were anulled, and therefore there is no reason for this to be here. I had hoped to leave it open, so happenings in The West Pacific would be reported here. However, the potential for oppposing sides in the curent arguments to consider this equally theirs, could well lead to the embassy becoming little more than an argument room.

I apologise to anyone who may be offended by this, however this is not intended as a sign of favouritism towards anybody in The West Pacific. I feel closing the embassy now will stop any possible future problems that may occur.

Any member of The West Pacific remains welcome on our forums. I shall be reporting back as much infomation to The North Pacific people as possible, and I welcome any of West Pacific people to post their views in the debate currently ongoing.

I, and I'm sure the rest of The North Pacific do as well, hope that The West Pacific will return to stability quickly, and the good and long standing friendship between our two regions can be formalised once again,
