THE Pacific


The Pacific

Govenment Style: Francoist Oligarchic Senate, with limited democracy.

Govenment Officials:

Mammothistan: Protector of Pacific Society (Delegate)
Unlimited: Senator of Intelligence
Sir Paul: Senator of Media Affairs
BlackAdder: Senator of Diplomacy
Warrior Thorin: Senator of Administration
Pierconium: Senator of Justice
Doppelganger: Senator of Security
The New Duce: Senator of Economics

Popular Members: See above. Then add Goddessness, Risellia, Quy, Gordonel, Myrth and Krulltopia. I know I'm forgetting some people.

Foreign Policy: Viciously isolationist, though willing to ally themselves with individuals or groups within regions if it is serving the interests of Francoism.

Alliances: I have sent my inquiry about this to BlackAdder, and I am waiting for a response.

Treaty Partners: See above.

Possible Points of Conflict with TNP: The only conflicts that I can readily see are primarily historical in nature. The PRP have a long history of ADN antagonism, and the NP has a long history of eing allies of the ADN.

Other Infomation of Interest: Francos Spain's memory is constantly kept in mind by all members of the People's Republic of the Pacific. He is revered almost to the point of deificaton. Plus, Francoism is a very interesting philosophy.

As I'm sure your all aware the PRP has pretty much dissolved.

Soon after the announcement of the new NS rule changes, BlackAdder announced this hearlded the end of the August Revolution, and had brought it to its logical conclusion. Although the belief the feeders would no longer be able to defend themselves may also have had something to do with it. Following much wailing and gnashing of teeth, and perhaps the realisation that all was not that bad, the region as a whole called for The Pacific to show what its made of and go down like heros.

Ivan Moldavi/Periconium, holding the reigns of 'BlackAdder goes Forth' the delegate nation, made a clear statement of intent...

A lot of people have stated a lot of things without actually asking my opinion on the matter.

That is a mistake.

The Republic is dead. That will not change.

The Pacific lives on, but under new rules. The great purge will continue until I am satisfied with the results.

And called for an endorsement campaign to withstand the 'puppetmaster attack'. Whether there is any such attempt on the Pacific remains unclear. Various report on the purges have been made, Ivan himself has indicated over 700 nations have been ejected. Whether this is in response to an identifiable threat, for personal gratification, or just to test out the new NS rules, only he could say.

Many Pacificians have since pledged their loyalty, announcing the reign of IM/P as the logical next step from the PRP, and The Pacifics only hope to survive the userite invasions.

The link to the PRP forum has since been removed from The Pacifics main page, and although not directly advertised, it appears the PPP will be the main focus of Pacific power for the forseeable future.

The PPP has since merged into the NPO (the old ones are always the best).

BlackAdder has announced the appointment of 6 senators, and confirmed Pierconium as his regent.

The newly appointed senators are:

Moo Cows
Six Guns

Exact details on the NPO's governmental structure are understandably hazy at the moment. Peirconium has said the NPO government being aimed at currently will be a totalitarian transitional one. How long this will last, or what will be revealed later is unknown.

The NPO has released its new civil code, which is unsuprisingly hardline. Reproduced here for the benefit of anyone who might have broken them already:

The Civil Code for Uniform Justice and Order in The Pacific

These offenses are punishable by banishment to the Realms of Rejection.

Section I, Civil Disobediance:

101: A declaration of dislike for the Delegate of The Pacific or his policies with intent to subvert the Government.

102: Insulting or spreading calumny about a member of the Government in public or in telegram.

103: Frequent posts of an inappropriate subject on the Regional Messageboard or official government forum.

104: Harassment of a fellow Pacifican either in public, by telegram or by personal message.

105: Giving your endorsement to a nation with whom you are not familiar personally. (All nations in The Pacific are familiar with the nations that govern them.)

106: Unauthorized use of another nation's flag or other details as your own.

107: Objectionable nation name, flag or motto.

Section II, Political Accountability:

201: Expression of dislike for the policies of The Pacific Government or those Governments allied with or declared friendly by The Pacific Government.

202: Expression of views considered counter to those of The Pacific Government.

203: Failure to become aligned with the Delegate via UN endorsement and political policy.

Section III, Treason:

301: Seeking more than 30 endorsements.

302: Being a puppet of a banned nation.

303: Assisting those seeking more than 30 endorsements.

304: Belonging to a subversive organization.

Basically the word of the Emperor is law.
Oi, you lot! Get outta my diplomatic info thread. :mad:

*shakes fist*


The Pacific has shown its iron fist once again, this time aimed squarely at recruiters. In a move some described as a 'lightning strike', Emperor BackAdder ruthlessly ejected a notorious and persistant recruiter, known only by his trademark calling card, a giant 'H' etched into a regions RMB.


I joke of course...
I think there is enough info floating around here for people to get a good grounding in this particular topic. Should this situation worsen, I suspect people will know about it before I can post it here.

I'll post a retrospective report on the TNP/TP 'Bay of Boars' standoff to let future MoEA's know about it.