Allied States of Euroislanders


The Allied States of EuroIslanders

Govenment Style
Socialist Democracy

The ASE is govened by the Assembly of Allied States, to which every member is welcome to join. The Assembly votes on most matters of home and foreign affairs. All members are welcome to propose amendments to the ASE Charter.

The specific roles of a govenment are distributed among various committees, which discuss and rule on their repsective area. In many ways this has removed the need for specific govenment roles, for example the Defense Co-ordination Committee fulfils the role of the MoD. An individual can be a member of a variety of committees, and members of individual committees may have varied roles. However, trying to pin down an individual as a Minister of Defense, is all but impossible as every member of the committee is equally responsible for its actions.

Govenment Officials

Founder - EuroSoviets
Delegate - Danitoria


Defence Coordination - Performs the same role as the MoD
Diplomatic Supervision - Performs same role as MoFA
Euthynai Direction - Essentially the Attorney General of the ASE
General Administration - Responsible for site admin, as well as acting as a MoIIA/Intelligence Services
Information Distribution - Media services of the ASE
General Recruitment Committee - Heads recruitment campaigns.

Popular Members

The ASE has a reasonably small number of regular posters, including the above individuals:

St Oz

Foreign Policy

The ASE are a strictly defender organisation, and acts accordingly. They are a welcoming and friendly region, and have many embassies in existance.


Unsuprisingly, the ASE have a strong relationship with the RLA, and many of their foreign deployments are in association with the RLA.
Equally they have strong relations with many individual regions.
(Finding infomation on individual alliances is tricky, and may require sometime to verify the older one. I'll post an accurate list once I've done).

Points of Conflict

The individual members of the ASE are relaxed and friendly. On an idividual level, region to region I see little or no points of conflict.

Their strong ties to the RLA may cause conflict, depending on our course in dealing with the RLA.