Embassy of Stars

Thank you, Minister. I have informed our Secretary of State of the new forum locale, and we should be seeing an attache arriving directly.
And dust ain't the half of it.

I have no report, as we have no activity. Freaks had a baby (Freaks's wife, anyway), and that pretty much sums up the last month or so.
We're not big fans of surprises.

Honestly, the fact that we got sufficiently motivated to actually get up and do it is what should be surprising.
Six months? It's been a year today!

Anyway, since nothing is happening, nothing has been posted. The Lexicon and HIVE tried to invade, but we didn't want to play. The region has been sealed against intruders, and we're all just hanging out on the porch shooting the breeze, as it were.
:rofl: You forgot to mention that we lost our delegate who CTEd, the successor did notice he became delegate only after he was already back to being a normal citizen and our longterm delegate took over again.
One of the most exiting moments in Stars since a very very long time.
But nobody really cared and preferred hugging each other on the RMB. :hug: