England's Regional Update
17th March 2007
“Don’t worry, we’re not dead!”
Region - Forum - Wiki
Current Population: 202
Current Delegate (days): West-Side (58)
Endorsements (%possible): 69 (69.70%)
Region & Forum
- In January our previous delegate, Safalra, announced his resignation. In his resignation speech he accused the previous delegate, His Majesty, of secretly maintaining control of the region and refusing to hand over power. This caused considerable controversy and argument. Safalra has now moved to Canada.
- A delegate election was called and Disposablepuppetland (West-Side), Ithania and Hirota stood for the delegacy. Hirota dropped out of the running half way through due to prospects in another region, but Ithania gained considerable support and made it a close race. In the end though, DPL(West-side) held the lead and was announced delegate.
- Glerica created a publication called the Glerican Herald, which provided full coverage of the election, including interviews with each candidate.
“England's BEST Newspaper. Granted, we're the only one, but that doesn't make it any less important”---- Chief Editor: Veronica "Revolution" Reggie
- In February a new cabinet was elected
- Deputy Delegate - Zapatisa
- Foreign Minister - Ithania
- Recruitment Minister - Sanctaphrax
- Defence & Intelligence Minister - New Drakensberg Range
- All secret documents of the previous administrations were opened to the public as part of the present delegate’s transparency initiative. Forum upgrades have been made in order to ensure that the populace are fully aware of all actions being taken by the Cabinet in their name.
- Adamsgrad updated the History of England with events from the latter half of 2006 and early 2007.
- A new Merit Award was set up to honour members of England for their efforts. The first two awards were presented to Glerica (for The Glerican Herald) and Adamsgrad (for updating the History of England)
- “Dear Leety” (ably assisted by Ithania) has been a complete success. This Agony Uncle thread has yielded genuine, kinky, tearful, and comical advice for the citizens of England.
- England declared war on Canada. After many days of fierce fighting a stalemate was reached in what can only be described as a sticky mess. Both side retired to lick their wounds...mmmm! The Herald covered the war in full.
- In March Glerica announced the beginning of The Glerican Games which has received considerable praise, controversy, streaking, and tears.
- A much missed member, Youngtung, has returned to England and his presence is already having a wonderfully positive effect on the community.
- The England Stock Exchange has been re-established with 9 corporations joining within a few short days. Ranging from cheese exports to the company responsible for the Xavierian Xanthrochromatic Sphere of Xenigon (commonly known as the Sun).
Throughout this time our population has varied between 180 and 210.
Glerica in “Blatant Lies”:The story of the above character is a fickle one. Firstly he was born, fully clothed and formed from the genetic experiments of a crazy shaved albino gorilla who partook in championship golf. Due to this experiment, Yonkings has a detachable arm, which he sometimes uses to get things of high shelves and so on.
His ally, a small American Mouse called Hammy, utilised Yonkings' gifts into a super-colider, capable of bringing the earth hover-cars, super-dooper-computers and to give humans the ability to easily scratch ALL of their backs. Unfortunatly, just before Hammy activated this wonderful invention, he was shot by a NASA agent who was aiming for Yonkings' head.
He now roams the hills of northern England, waiting for his mouse to return.
Safalra On How To Heard Cows:I'm now a true Devonian - I herded my first cow (well, actually a bull) today, down at the local farm. The tactic is to walk towards it waving a stick back and forth and saying something (such as 'Away! Away!') until it backs down, while ignoring the fact that its horns are very spikey and it could probably kill you.
Proper job.
UN Voting:
Radiological Terrorism = 4–3–1 For
Repeal "Hydrogen Powered Vehicles" = 5–3–0 For
Repeal "The Right to Form Unions" = 1-5-1 Against
Repeal "UN Biological Weapons Ban" = 2-1-2 Abstain
Climate Refugee Commission= 3-3-0 Abstain
UN Economics Prize = 8-2-0 Against
His Majesty. Jan 7th 2007:Sorry to hear you steping down Saf, but the vicious attack on members of the region was uncalled for and unprofessional as leader. I now know what you were talking about when you said on the regional messageboard about creating a statement to present to the region.
May I add that at one point in your leadership you were away for nearly 30 days, without an explanation to the region at all.
Some things have improved with you in power, for starters, when I resigned it gave people hope of greater activity and perhaps more cabinet responsibility.
I am afraid we have always disagreed with certain cabinet handlings in the past, but try to look at it from the point of view that we started our region without cabinet elections and created a hugely successful region in doing so.
Its sad to see infighting trying to rear its ugly head in England again, I always wanted to just log on and have fun, chat to friends and enjoy the free time I have on this forum and in NS.
His Majesty. Jan 8th 2007:This all reminds me of something Resine once said to me when I tried to organise activity and bring back some old nations that once loved the game.
I don't really think I want to have any involvement in England's delegacy or nationstates, I'm past caring about pointing the figure or Saf trying to create some storm about how or what I do without any evidence. I have never got involved with what Saf wants to do with the region, never asked to have someone booted or created trouble- he could boot me today and be in control as he is our leader. I've acted fairly and always listened to others and even offered the odd suggestion on how activity could be increased to him.
I remember when I first appointed Saf to the cabinet, I asked him at the time if he was interested in running for delegate and he said he was too busy with real life studies, I haven't seen any other evidence to argue against this to be honest. I just wish he would say I'm too busy for the role and hand it over rather than make a judgement about leaving the region and causing problems.
I'm too busy in real life at the moment, I hadn't logged on to NS for three days at one point suggesting I may have finally got free of NS. I think this is the nail in the coffin.
Good luck whatever you decide to do Saf, If you go no hard feelings, this is a game and regional politics are part of it, but attacking a long serving ex delegate is uncool in my book.
HM:Regional security was at risk. The moderators were called in. What else could I do when it was apparent that our Founder was in trouble but to ask you first and then telegram Tyrr asking him.![]()
England's Regional Update
28th April 2007
Convention or Codification?
Region - Forum - Wiki
Current Population: 202
Current Delegate (days): West-Side (100)
Endorsements (%possible): 63 (61.76%)
- Deputy Delegate - Glerica
- Foreign Minister - Ithania
- Recruitment Minister - Sanctaphrax
- Defence & Intelligence Minister - Youngtung
Region & Forum
- In late March the positions of Deputy Delegate and Minister of Defence & Intelligence became vacant. Congratulations go to our new Ministers Glerica and Youngtung; their constant diligence and dedication prove that they’re deserving of the new positions!
- After extensive debate with the Founders of the Regional Forum a one week poll was held to decide whether future Delegates should be awarded admin powers for the duration of their tenure. A resounding 93% majority clearly showed the communities opinion on this.
Constitutional Reform and a New EraResults of the Poll:For – 14
Against – 1
Abstain – 2
Total – 17
- Delegate Disposablepuppetland has been conscientiously drafting the Members’ Rights in conjunction with the forum community in order to enshrine fundamental liberties. This successful codification seems to have sparked enthusiasm for further constitutional reform while others see extra documents as restrictive and overly complex.
- Glerica and Ithania have been working on codifying The Electoral Procedure with a great deal of help from the community. Compromises have been made on several points of contention but there are still issues which need resolving over campaign regulations.
- A debate on Cabinet accountability and Separation of the Powers is in progress with both new and old members offering their perspectives on issues or their perceived solutions to the situation.
Community and Entertainment
- The region has been celebrating the return of longstanding and missed members of its community. Hirota, Britain’s Empire, and Broab are exceptional and intelligent individuals that left a huge impact on England’s history. With their return it is certain that life in England will get far better and our collective IQ will raise a few points!
- The Glerican Games reached their eventful conclusion with carchery! There were allegations of fowl play with laxatives, springs, and implanted metal plates; claims of racist remarks against dolphin noses (until they got some fish and gold medals), and sexual insecurity but the games are considered a resounding success! Medal winning athletes were greeted with cheers while losers had their citizenship revoked.
Medal Results:Third Place: Leetuania with 10 points.
Second Place: Sea Dolphin Lovers with 11 points
First Place: Disposablepuppetland with 12 points
- In other news The Glerican Herald has gone international! The newspaper is considered the best in England (not just because it’s the only one) and aims to bring the world “impartial stories concerning the region”… and make a few billion fronds in the process.
- Regional spam output has massively increased with the “Have you ever…” thread taking kinky turns and the Word Association game gaining over 6000 posts. The community is looking forward to celebrating the 50,000 posts mark.
Glerica had his Merit Award upgraded to a lovely Silver for his constant work in the region and unique ability to bring humour to every situation.
Disposablepuppetland accepted a Bronze Merit Award for his service as Delegate and for creating the Merit Award in the first place. His resistance proved futile against begging, pleading, and puppy dog eyes.
His Majesty was awarded the Order of Britain in recognition of his devotion to the region of England as Delegate from November 2003 to August 2006, as well as his numerous other contributions.
Leetuania was awarded the Order of England for consistent efforts to keep a positive atmosphere, his counselling as an agony-uncle, his knowledge of naked BBQs, service in the Ministries and indispensable advice on red wine.
Lazarus Service Star
England gladly came to the aid of the rightful Delegate of Lazarus in late April as part of an international operation. To mark the energy military service brought to the region MoDI Youngtung has awarded the Lazarus Service Star to Atraxes, New Drakensberg Range, Xenigon, Govindia, Idiocracy, Glerica, Britain's Empire, Fuzzatude, Brackania, and Ithania.
UN Voting
Repeal “Metric System” = 3-5-1 Against
Maritime Neutrality Convention = 5-0-0 For
Cultural Heritage in War = 11-3-0 For
Repeal “Mutual Recognition of Borders” = 3-4-1 Against
Repeal “Sexual Freedom” = 5-4-1 For
UN Bio Agent Convention = 5-4-0 For
Youngtung in “Something Strange Up North”:Wow... This has to be the most off-topic strand ever...
It's interesting though how everything eventually boils down to Hitler...
Atraxes:The quest for tastier strudels is infinitely more noble than the field of economics!Turpitude:I have seen women who could crush onyx cufflinks in their jaws. Fabulous entertainment.Youngtung:*talking to everyone else* You see, they actually found out that they were siblings separated at birth due to the fact that their father was an evil Sith lord. Of course their mother was a loyalist and was protected by the Jedi. BE, being the boy, was taken to the dust ball known as Canada where he farmed maple syrup out of the condensers. Ithy was adopted and whisked off to a beautiful area where she grew up with everything she could ever want...
Week 2Tiny the T-rex:![]()
Both of his heads are HUGE!
Week 3Earl of Yonkings:![]()
"A Brazilian on the 15th Liz ? No problem, would one like her tush done also?"
Nations from all corners of NS are welcome to join in with the contest.Hirota:![]()
Iran's effort to put a donkey into space continues apiece
His Majesty in dear leety:Is it Ithiachu now then instead of Ithania now?
Leetuania in Happy birthday P-17:As I said no alchomohol in sightand sadly no dresses in sight either, just a load of sweaty men cooped up in a warship. (Ahhhh happy days :rolleyes: )
Resine in my first website commission:I've never seen a Catholic Mass have a topic though. Oh, I've seen thousands of intentions, feasts, memorials, and solemnities, but never a topic. Wierd. Now, I'm trying to decide if that's just a quirk of British English or if that's what the Church gets when there's a discontinuity of a couple hundred years.![]()
Tiny the T-rex in UN Funding act:No prob, Id. I'm not the total arse some would make me out to be, y'know.
Awww, thank you very much for your kind words, they’re appreciated a great deal.I'm glad to see that you will not be leaving the game Ithania and best of luck as a Senator in The West Pacific.
I’m afraid I don’t have the authority to sign any such document and our Foreign Minister is a little busy implementing his new policies but rest assured that this is at the top of our list and we’ll be requesting an embassy as soon as possible.Getting an Embassy for England would be very simple, if you wish to do so please read the agreement in this thread and if you would like to continue, merely update the template and post it in your Consulate here.
Embassy Agreement between The North Pacific and England
Recognising The North Pacific government as the legitimate governing body of The North Pacific and England government as the legitimate governing body of the England both regions agree to an exchange of embassies.
1. It must be understood that both regions remain sovereign as do each region's nations.
2. Both regions will agree to not involve each other in any Military or Political conflicts. This agreement in no way obliges either party to act in either Military or Political nature. Should any party attempt to involve each other in said affairs, this agreement can be seen as null and void.
3. Each region will place an embassy in the region of the other, in order to further communication between the two nations. The embassy will act as a voice of the region within the other, and will respect the laws of foreign soil. This will be done with due process and by request.
4. The regions entering into this contract agree to encourage their nations to register and participate on the other's forum, so that both regions can get to know each other and so our friendship may be strengthened. Additionally, members of each region shall have an automatic invitation to all festive occasions in either region.
5. Both regions agree to co-operate in promoting and passing better UN resolutions.
6. This treaty is between The North Pacific and England only and does not affect any current or future treaties.
7. Both regions agree to maintain activity within their embassies and recognise that their embassy may be closed if it remains inactive for more than 30 days.
8. The treaty may be reviewed and Terminated by the Governing Bodies of either Region should any of the terms of this agreement be violated.
Foreign Minister for England