The Lion Star Military Cooperation Pact
Asserting the common beliefs of the peoples of the RLA and The North Pacific that all regions should be free from malevolent outside forces, this treaty establishes an agreement between the signatories.
1. In the event of an attack by outside forces, each side will consider itself obligated to act in defence of or in liberation of the regions that are party to this treaty. Each side must of course follow the legislative procedures set down by their laws prior to military interventions against any force which is not a raider/invader organisation. This shall include only the member-regions of the RLA and The North Pacific.
2. The Regional Assembly of The North Pacific, the Security Council of the North Pacific and the Cabinet of the North Pacific shall be considered by the RLA to have such authority as to order an intervention in TNP territory in the event of an attack on The North Pacific regardless of whether those forces claim nativity.
3. Interventions in RLA regions are implicitly authorised upon any defender or defender organisation spotting an attack by raiders / invaders.
4. The Red Liberty Alliance and The North Pacific fully condemn the actions of raiders / invaders regardless of what name or banner they go under and each signatory promises to consider helping the other in liberations and defences that occur at update each morning. Neither will be under any obligation to do so.
5. To that end, the RLA and TNP agree to keep each other appraised of changes in the officers of their respective military forces in that such changes are relevent to cooperation.
6. Both the RLA and TNP military heirarchies agree to make a good faith effort to share intelligence that is relevent to ther other party.
7. Ninety days from the date of the last signature appended to this treaty, the RLA and The North Pacific agree to send representatives to a mutually agreed upon spot wherein the status of the military cooperation pact shall be reviewed. Changes, reductions or expansions of the pact may be discussed at this meeting.
Signed on behalf of The North Pacific
Signed on behalf of the Red Liberty Alliance
editorial note: approved by referendum of the registered voters of The North Pacific, 14 - 23 October 2005