TNP Law 1
Oath of Office
Section 1: Scope of Effect
1 - All government officials, including Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Prime Minister, UN Regional Delegate, Attorney General, and other offices created hrough Ministerial Directive, Legislation through The North Pacific Legal Code, or Amendment to The Constitution of The North Pacific, be they elected or appointed to office, to ensure and protect the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Regional Security, shall henceforth be required to take the Oath of Office listed in Section 2 of this Act before assuming their elected or appointed role within The Government of The North Pacific.
2 - All Government Officials, as listed in Clause 1 of this Section, shall be required to take the Oath of Office listed in Section 2 of this bill within one week of assuming office. Any Government Officials already in office at the time of this bill's passage shall be required to take the Oath of Office listed in Section 2 of this bill within one week of this bill's passage, or face removal from office, in accordance with Section 3, Clause 2 of this Act.
Section 2: Oath of Office
The following Oath of Office shall be required for all Government Officials, as according to Section 1 of this Act:
Section 3: Penalties for Violation
1 - This Oath shall be binding on all government officials as previously covered, and violations of said Oath may be ground for indictment of impeachment charges in a legal Court of The North Pacific, pursuant to the guidelines and procedures laid out in Article IV of The North Pacific Constitution, The North Pacific Legal Code, and the guidelines of The Ministry of Justice.
2 - Any Government Official required to take the Oath of Office as listed in Section 1, Clause 1 of this bill that fails to do so within the allotted time set forth in Section 1, Clause 2 of this Act shall be subject to removal from office following a trial as set forth in Article IV of The North Pacific Constitution, The North Pacific Legal Code, and the guidelines of The Ministry of Justice.
Editorial Note: Oath of Office referred to in Article V, Section 5, Clause D of TNP Constitution, July 2005 Revision.
Official Flag
The following flag, as designed by ThelDRan, is adopted as the official flag of The North Pacific:
This Act shall be effective upon its adoption.
Election Dates
The designated months for elections pursuant to Article II, section one of the Constitution as revised shall be August, November, February and May.
This Act shall take immediate effect.
Editorial Note: Section One of TNP Law 3 later incorporated into Article III, Section 1, Clause 2) first sentence, of TNP Constitution, July 2005 Revision as approved at a constitutional convention.
Criminal Trial Procedures
Editorial Note from Constitutional Convention proposal adopted by referendum on 30 June - 6 July 2005: Provision to be transferred into the North Pacific Legal Code as TNP Law 4 on Criminal Trial Procedures.
TNP Law 19 replaced the former text of Law 4 with a totally revised text which is shoown below.
Section 1. Duties of Attorney General in Trial Proceedings.
A - The Attorney General shall be the Chief Prosecutor in The North Pacific and shall be the default prosecutor for all cases brought to trial in The Court of The North Pacific.
B - If the Attorney General is charged, then a prosecutor shall be selected by the Chief Justice in a timely manner that is not arbitrary or capricious.
C - The Attorney General may also choose to delegate the Prosecutor's role to a Regional Assembly member.
Section 2. Trial Preparations.
A- The Attorney General or the prosecutor shall file a statement of criminal charges against one or more defendants in The Court of The North Pacific. A defendant shall enter a plea within 72 hours of the filing. In the event no plea is entered by that time, a plea of “not guilty” is assumed to have been made by such defendant.
B - The defendant, prosecutor and their legally recognized representatives shall have not more than seven days following the filing of charges and the entry of a plea to prepare all testimony transcripts and other evidence for presentation to a jury before a trial begins. For extraordinary cause shown, the Court may grant an extension of not more than seven additional days for the pre-trial preparation period. All evidence and testimony transcripts shall be ready for presentation to the jury before the trial begins.
C - If the defendant refuses to participate or requests counsel, a public defender shall be provided. The appointment shall be completed within seven days after the charges are filed.
D- Once criminal charges are filed, neither the accuser, the defendant, or any party legally recognized as representing them, may reveal or discuss any details of the charge prior to or during the trial except in open Court during the course of the presentation of evidence at trial or where specifically asked to do so by the presiding officer of the trial or a legal appointee of the Court.
E - If discussion about the charge, or subjects related to the charge, is already ongoing at the time that the charge is made, the accuser, the defendant, any party legally recognized as representing either of them, or the jury pool, are forbidden to continue participating in such discussions. Such ban shall continue until the case is resolved and closed by the proper legal official, as mandated by the Constitution, The North Pacific Legal Code, or any other laws of the Region.
Section 3. Jury Selection.
A - A trial jury pool of not less than 20 eligible Regional Assembly members shall be randomly drawn by the Chief Justice during the first week of each judicial three-month term.
B - No later than seven days after a plea is entered, five jurors will be randomly selected by the presiding officer from a jury pool of Regional Assembly members.
C - Any member of the jury pool who has expressed bias as to the particular case or who has served on a jury in the past three months will be automatically excluded from the trial jury.
D - If either counsel believes one of the jury pool members is unfit to serve on the trial jury for reasons of bias or a conflict of interest, the claim will be presented to the Court within 24 hours. Within 24 hours thereafter, the presiding officer will review the claim and if he/she finds it valid, the next available juror will be chosen for the trial from the random drawing list. Once the trial is started, the juror is required to complete their obligation.
Section 4. Trial Procedure.
A - The presiding officer shall list the charges against the defendant and give instructions to the jury regarding the procedures for deliberations, verdict, and recommended sentences if the defendant is found guilty.
B - The prosecutor will then present all of the evidence and the testimonil trescripts of its witnesses relating to the charges. Afterwards, the Nation on trial (or their counsel) will present all of the evidence and the testimony transcripts of its witnesses relating to the defense. Normally all of the evidence and testimony transcripts will be posted by each side at the same time within 24 hours after the Court directs the party to present its evidence.
Section 5. Jury Deliberations.
A - After both sides have presented their cases, the jury will deliberate on the verdict and, if the Nation is found guilty, determine the sentence. A majority of the jurors is required to reach a verdict and pass a sentence.
Section 6. Conclusion.
A - Once the jury has reached a verdict, it will be delivered to the presiding officer to be announced. The trial will be concluded once the presiding officer confirms and enforces the verdict.
Election Procedures
Editorial Note: TNP Law 5 was enacted as part of the North Pacific Legal Code as part of a constitutional amendment on the revision and consolidation of election procedures adopted by referendum of the regional assembly on 27 September - 4 October 2005.It was amended by a constitutional amendment (affecting sections 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 of this Law) which was adopted by the regional assembly to create an office of UN vice delegate on 9 October - 15 October 2005.
Editorial Note: TNP Law 20 amended sections 2 and 3 of TNP Law 5 and were incorporated into the current text.
Editorial Note: A constitutional amendment which merged registered voter status into the Regional Assembly membership was adopted by a referendum held 27 February- 6 March 2006.
Section 1: Election Commissioners
The Election process shall be organized and overseen for each election cycle by one or more Election Commissioners who shall be determined as follows:
A - Unless the outgoing incumbent serving as Prime Minister plans to be a candidate for election to any office in the Cabinet, including the UN Delegate, or for Speaker of the Regional Assembly in that election cycle, the outgoing Prime Minister shall serve as an Election Commissioner.
B - Unless the outgoing incumbent serving as Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs plans to be a candidate for election to any office in the Cabinet, including the UN Delegate, or for Speaker of the Regional Assembly in that election cycle, the outgoing Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs shall serve as an Election Commissioner.
C - In the event either or both the Prime Minister and the Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs intend to be candidates for election, then the Prime Minister and the Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs shall designate, with the consent of a majority of the remaining Cabinet Ministers, not less than one nor more than two persons to serve as Election Commissioners for that election cycle. Each designee shall declare their intention not to be a candidate for election during that election cycle to any office and shall have previously served in office as an elected UN Delegate, as Prime Minister, as an elected Cabinet Minister, as Speaker of the Regional Assembly, or as a Justice of The Court of The North Pacific.
D- The designation of Election Commissioners shall be completed not less than 15 days prior to the beginning of the voting period for elections as designated in Section 2.
E - The Election Commissioners may request the ability to view IP addresses of Nations, or request the assistance of the off-site forum administrators, during this period to verify votes.
Section 2. Declarations and Nominations of Candidacy
A - Any member Nation of the Region that is a registered voter and that is not ineligible to serve by any limitation of service provision or additional qualification for office in the Constitution, may declare its candidacy for Prime Minister or any elected Cabinet Minister.
B- Any member Nation of the Region that is a registered voter who has elected membership in the Regional Assembly and that is not ineligible to serve by any limitation of service provision or additional qualification for office in the Constitution, may declare its candidacy for Speaker of the Regional Assembly or for a seat on the Security Council.
C - Any member Nation with UN member status located within the Region that has registered to vote and that is not ineligible to serve by any limitation of service provision or additional qualification for office in the Constitution, may declare its candidacy for UN Delegate or UN Vice Delegate. Such Nation that has UN membership shall have resided in The North Pacific for at least three months, and shall have been active on the Regional off-site forum for at least one month at the time of nomination or declaration of candidacy for election to the office of Delegate or Vice Delegate. In addition, any candidate for UN Vice Delegate must meet the requirements for the Office of Delegate, including any term limitations that might apply to that candidate.
D- Such declarations may be made during a seven day period starting 10 days prior to the designated voting period for the election cycle for the next term of office. Alternatively, any three Nations that are registered voters may nominate a Nation as a candidate for UN Delegate, UN Vice Delegate, Prime Minister, a specific elected Cabinet Minister, Speaker of the Regional Assembly or for a seat on the Security Council during a seven day period starting 10 days prior to the designated voting period for the election cycle for the next term of office. The Election Commissioners or their designees shall verify the eligibility of each Nation that declares or is nominated as a candidate, and shall publish the certified list of candidates for each office or position one day prior to the beginning of the voting period.
E. In no instance may a candidate declare, be nominated for, or be elected to more than one office during any given election cycle, whether such office is the Office of UN Delegate, the Office of UN Vice Delegate, the Office of Speaker, or any Cabinet-level position, as defined in the Constitution. This limitation does not apply to candidates for the Security Council.
Section 3. Voting Procedures
A - No later than the day immediately preceding the beginning of a voting period in an election cycle, the Election Commissioners or their designee shall post a topic on the Regional off-site forum for voting in the election describing the procedure for casting votes. The Election Commissioners shall determine whether a separate thread will be used for UN Delegate and UN Vice Delegate election voting from all other voting in the election. Nations may also vote by private message to a designated user account at the off-site regional forum, and the Election Commissioners shall post each such vote received in the official tally of the election returns.
B - One week following the opening of the voting period, the Election Commissioners shall close the voting thread and tally the votes. Once the results are ascertained, the Election Commissioners shall post a certificate of results at the off-site regional forum and shall declare which candidates have been elected. It will include a statement concerning the voting period for any required runoff election where the results so require.
C - In elections for the Security Council, where there are candidates for the Security Council who are also a candidate in the same election for either the office of UN Delegate, or for the office of Speaker of the Regional Assembly, and who is elected either as Delegate or as Speaker, the Election Commissioners are directed to disregard any votes cast for such candidates in determining which candidates have been elected to Security Council.
Section 4. Runoff Elections
A - When an Office has no candidate obtaining a majority, the two highest-placed candidates shall enter into a runoff.
B - If the second-highest candidate position is tied, the candidates so tied shall enter into a runoff with the highest-placed candidate.
C - If there is a tie for the highest-placed candidate position, only those candidates so tied shall enter into a runoff election.
D - The runoff election shall utilize the same procedures as for the initial round of elections. A plurality shall determine the winner of the runoff election.
E - In the event of a tie in any office other than the UN Delegate, the incoming UN Delegate has the right to cast a vote to break the tie, pursuant to Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution. In the event of a tie in a runoff election for UN Delegate, the incoming Cabinet shall vote to break the tie, pursuant to Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution.
Section 5. Campaigning
A - The Election Commissioners or their designee shall post a message on the Regional off-site forum formally declaring the start of the declaration and nomination period for the election cycle which will commence the campaign period. The Election Commissioners or their designee shall also post one message per day on the NationStates Regional Civil Headquarters Message Board announcing the campaign period and elections.
B - All candidates shall be permitted to post a campaign topic thread on the Regional offsite forum.
C - Candidates for UN Delegate and Vice Delegate shall be permitted to post campaign notices on the Regional Civil Headquarters Message Board located on the region's page at Candidates for UN Delegate and Vice Delegate shall not post more than one such message on the Regional Civil Headquarters Message Board per day. Posting more than one such notice within 24 hours will constitute a forfeiture of their candidacy for election as UN Delegate or Vice Delegate for the Region, and may be subject to NationStates Moderator intervention. Candidates for UN Delegate and UN Vice Delegate may contact UN member Nations within the Region via telegram to advertise their campaign, but no candidate may send more than one telegram to any single Nation during the campaign period, unless said nation has replied to a telegram sent by the candidate.
Section 6. Additional Procedures for Election for UN Delegate and Vice Delegate for the Region.
A - The Nation elected as Delegate and the Nation elected as Vice Delegate under the procedures in the Constitution and the North Pacific Legal Code is are the formal designees of the region who is are to be designated as the UN Delegate and UN Vice Delegate for the Region by the voluntary endorsement of UN member Nations within the Region for the three month term upon declaration of the election in the canvass of results by the Election Commissioners.
B - The Election Commissioners shall include in the certificate of results a statement as to which candidate has been designated as the Delegate and the Vice Delegate in the election. The Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs will promptly notify all UN member Nations residing in the Region of the determination of the election results. The notification will include a request to all UN member Nations to unendorse the incumbent Delegate and Vice Delegate, if necessary, and a request that they endorse the newly designated Delegate and Vice Delegate. However, no Nation may be compelled to endorse or unendorse any Nation with respect to the Regional Delegacy or the Vice Delegate. The Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs may request the aid of any Nation he deems necessary to complete this procedure as expeditiously as possible. It is specifically intended that the newly elected Delegate and Vice Delegate are to be installed in office in accordance with NationStates procedures for the determination of a Delegate of a region within 2 weeks of the certification of the election.
Section 7. Violations
A - Any person found to have cast more than one vote, through one or more Nations, shall have their votes invalidated, and if the votes were cast using more than one UN member Nation, the Election Commissioners shall report such fact to the NationStates Moderators as evidence of UN Multiing.
B - Outright endorsement swapping with respect to the election of the UN Delegate and Vice Delegate is prohibited.
C - Slander of any candidates for office, including the incumbents of such offices, or of other Nations is prohibited.
D - Violation of the provisions in this Constitution or The North Pacific Legal Code on the part of any candidate for election will result in a immediate review by the Attorney General to determine if charges should be filed under Article V of this Constitution, and may include the possibility that a regional ban may be imposed in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution or The North Pacific Legal Code.
Ministry of Communications
Section 1. The North Pacific Wire.
The North Pacific Wire shall be the official News Publication of the region. The North Pacific Wire shall be administered by the Ministry of Communications.
Ministry of Defense
Section 1. Organization of North Pacific Army
A - The Minister of Defense (MOD) may organize The North Pacific Army (NPA) in any type of military system he/she would like with the support of the majority of the NPA.
B - The Minister may choose a Position to oversee the everyday deployment of the Army or may keep this position for him/her self. Any person selected to hold said position would have no authority to propose or accept any Treaties between governments or organizations.The duties of the position will be specified by the MoD.
Section 2.The Auxiliary Branch of The North Pacific Army.
A - There shall be an Auxiliary branch of the North Pacific Army (NPA).
B- This branch will be under the control of the Minister of Defense (or chosen subordinate) and will not have a separate leader. The specific name of the auxiliary branch is decided by the Minister of Defense with majority support from the NPA members.
C - Members of the auxiliary branch will not possess the right of NPA members to be exempt from disclosing to the Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs the identity of the player's UN nation with respect to their voter registration
D - Members of the auxiliary branch are not required to post a pledge stating their acceptance of the NPA Code, but must be registered voters.
Section 3. NPA and Auxiliary Member Status
A - The MOD is responsible for updating and organizing the List of NPA members/Auxiliary no less frequently than once a Month. He/she must check the status of all such members and is responsible for demoting members to the Auxiliary branch or promoting a member's status as a full NPA member.
B - Prior to any election or referenda, or at the request of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Immigration (MOIA&I) or the Court of the North Pacific, the MOD must confirm the UN nation of any NPA member to the MOIA&I or to the Court. Until said confirmation, the vote of a NPA member may not be counted and the NPA member may not be selected for jury service.
C - Members seeking to join the North Pacific Army (NPA) are required to be registered voters prior to making application to the NPA. Acceptance shall be decided by the Minister of Defense and not by the deputy or other designee of the Minister of Defense.
D - All accepted members of the North Pacific Army shall be required to post their pledge in acceptance of the NPA Code. Until said pledge is posted an accepted member cannot be considered a full NPA Member. If the required pledge has not been posted with in a week, the accepted member will automatically be placed in the Auxiliary branch of the North Pacific Army.
Section 4. The NPA Code
A - There is adopted an NPA Code which shall read as follows:
B- A posted acceptance of the NPA Code should contain the following statement:
Section 5. NPA Endorsement of candidates for Minister and Deputy Minister of Defense.
To stand for election as the Minister of Defense, a candidate shall have received the endorsement of a majority of the nations then in active service in the North Pacific Army within 14 days prior to the period for nomination or declaration of candidacy. Members of the North Pacific Army may endorse one or more candidates that stand for election as Minister of Defense in the same election. To be appointed as the Deputy Minister of Defense, a candidate shall have received the endorsement of a majority of the nations then in active service in the North Pacific Army within 14 days prior to appointment.
[Editorial Note: Section 5 was transferred into the Legal Code and amended by a constitutional amendment that revised and consolidated provisions concerning the Cabinet, passed by the Regional Assembly 18-30 November 2006, and approved by the Cabinet on 1 December 2006.
Ministry of Immigration and Internal Affairs
Section 1. Registered Voter Status
A - The Ministry of Immigration and Internal Affairs (MIIA), shall hereby be responsible for updating the status of the Registered Voters no less frequently than once a month on the same date of each month. The Ministry shall also be responsible for updating the status of registered voters not less than 14 days before the voting period for any elections begin. The MIIA may choose whatever date they wish to update the status of members during each month, but must continue to do it on the same date of each month during the term.
B - The Ministry of Immigration and Internal Affairs must post in one thread a schedule in regards to pending applications of nations who are registering to vote and have filed voter registration applications. The schedule must include the date and at which time the application will be accepted, denied, or is otherwise acted upon.
C - The Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs has the discretion to confidentially inquire of other government offices involved with the diplomatic, military, or intelligence functions of the government as to any information concerning the applicant for registered voter status that such officers may possess or which may be brought to the attention of the Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs by other parties which may involve the applicant's compliance with the requirement of Article II, section 1 of the Constitution, or compliance with the elements of the oath as a registered voter contained in Article II, section 2 of the Constitution. Based upon such information, the Minister may post public inquiries of the applicant for registered voter status concerning the provided information, and to require the applicant to post appropriate explanations in response to the Minister's inquiries. Every application for registered voter status shall be considered pending for no less than 7 days from when the Ministry of Immigration and Internal Affairs acknowledges his application.
Editorial Note: A constitutional amendment which merged registered voter status into the Regional Assembly membership was adopted by a referendum held 27 February- 6 March 2006.
Section 2. Recruiting
The region shall have a recruitment team lead by the MIIA or a chosen subordinate. The purpose of this team is to recruit new members of the forum. These members may only operate within the region and may not advertise in any regional message board other than that of The North Pacific. The MIIA may choose a member to lead the Recruitment team and create the structure for Recruiting activities.
Section 3. Use of Proxy Servers To Conceal Identity.
A - The use of a proxy server by a forum user to conceal a forum user's host server is declared to be a security risk to the region. The use of a proxy server by a Member Nation that is a member of The North Pacific Army or The North Pacific Intelligence Agency shall require the prior express authorization of such entity which may be disclosed confidentially to other government officials in the performance of their official duties.
B - Use of a proxy server by a member Nation that applies for registered voter status within the region is prohibited, and constitutes a criminal offense that may subject the violator to a permanent ban from the regional forum, ejection from the region by the UN Delegate, or both. This provision may be enforced prior to, or subsequent to, a trial in the manner provided by law.
C - The use of a proxy server by an applicant for registered voter status is grounds for automatic denial of the registered voter application.
Editorial Note: A constitutional amendment which merged registered voter status into the Regional Assembly membership was adopted by a referendum held 27 February- 6 March 2006.
Ministry of External Affairs
Section 1. External Affairs Forum and Diplomatic Corps.
A - The Minister of External Affairs has full organizational control of the External Affairs Category and the Diplomatic Corps. The Minister (or chosen Deputy) is required to update the List of Diplomatic Corps. members, monthly.
B - Diplomatic Corps. Members are required to be Registered Voters.
Section 2. Embassies, Consulates, and Interest Sections.
A - The Minister of External Affairs (MoEA) shall require every other region seeking an embassy in The North Pacific to compose a document stipulating the specifics of any diplomatic, political, and military relationships between the regions.
B - [Reseerved. Editorial Note: The former text of this Clause B was repealed by TNP Law 12.
C - Should there be any embassies that The North Pacific has not yet accepted due to changes in this law, the embassy will remain, but any document specifying the relations between regions is not binding until amendments to the treaty or agreement have been approved by both regions in accordance with this Law. The status of all embassies must be updated monthly by the Ministry of External Affairs.
D - The MoEA or deputy may close the Embassy of any region if (1) the regional government of that region that requested the embassy no longer exists, (2) the region is deleted at NationStates, (3) the region violates the specified rules in the embassy document, (4) the Regional Assembly votes to close the embassy, or (5) no document specifying the relations between regions exists.
E - Consulates do not require any Alliance/Treaty/Agreement document, but must post within their consulate at the official Regional off-site forum this agreement:
F - Any consulate may be upgraded to an embassy by requesting an embassy and fulfilling the requirements of Clauses A and B of this section concerning embassies.
G - Interest Sections do not require any Alliance/Treaty/Agreement documents, and may be established by a region having an embassy or a consulate to represent the interests of some other region that does not currently maintain diplomatic, political or military relationship with The North Pacific. Establishment of a Interest Section does not create a diplomatic, political or military relationship, but merely facilitates the ability of the region hosting the Interest Section in its Embassy or Consulate to represent the interest of some other region.
H - The Minister of External Affairs or the Prime Minister may withdraw the region from a treaty should the terms be breached. Editorial Note: Clause H was amended by TNP Law 12.
Section 3. Military Relations
A - Definition. As used in this section, “military relationship document” refers to any treaty, agreement, or other diplomatic document that provides for a military relationship, or the avoidance of military conflict, between The North Pacific and any other region or multi-regional organization. Such documents may provide for non-agression pacts, mutual defense arrangements, military alliances, military co-operation, and joint military operations. Such documents may also include authority for military engagements by The North Pacific forces without further specific authorization by the Cabinet, the Security Council, or the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific.
B - Endorsement by Minister of Defense. Any military relationship document requires the endorsement of the Minister of Defense before it is presented to the Cabinet or to the Regional Assembly for approval. The Minister of Defense shall advise the Prime Minister of his endorsement or his refusal to endorse the document within five days.
C - Approval by Security Council. Whenever such military relationship document:
(1) requires approval by the Cabinet to be ratified, or
(2) such document does not receive the timely endorsement of the Minister of Defense within five days, or
(3) such document includes prior authorization to commit the forces of The North Pacific to any potential military engagement,
then the Security Coucil shall approve such military relationship document prior to ratification by the Cabinet or the Regional Assembly, as appropriate.
D - Ratification by Regional Assembly or Cabinet. Whenever such military relationship document:
(1) creates an alliance, entente, or coalition between the parties to the document; or
(2) includes any provision that by its terms would have the force of law within The North Pacific; or
(3) has an open-ended term, or a term of a stated period of ninety days or more;
then such military relationship document requires ratification by the Regional Assembly in accordance with Article II Section 4 of the Constitution. Any other military relationship document may be ratified by the Cabinet.
E - Posting of Documents. Military relationship documents must be posted in the embassy of the appropriate region or organization within the official Regional off site forum once it is ratified by the Cabinet or the Regional Assembly. Such documents shall also be posted in the legal archives within the official Regional off site forum.
F - Approval of Specific Deployments. Whenever a military relationship document does not authorize specific military deployments by its terms, the Security Council may approve military deployments in appropriate circumstances.
G - Amendment. The Minister of External Affairs or the Prime Minister may propose amendments to an existing military relationship document concerning military relationships.
(1) Where the document originally required Security Council approval, the amendment shall be approved by the Security Council.
(2) Where the document originally required Cabinet ratification, the amendment shall require Cabinet approval, unless the amendment includes a provision that would require Regional Assembly approval. In such instances, the amendment shall require ratification by the Regional Assembly.
(3) Where the document originally required Regional Assembly ratification, approval of the amendment shall require approval by the Regional Assembly.
(4) The Minister of Defense shall have five days to endorse the amendment prior to its submission to the Cabinet, the Security Council, or the Regional Assembly, as appropriate.
H - Withdrawal. The Minister of External Affairs or the Prime Minister may submit a proposal to withdraw or terminate a military relationship document.
(1) Where the document required Security Council approval, withdrawal shall require approval by the Security Council.
(2) Where the document required Cabinet ratification, withdrawal shall require approval by the Cabinet.
(3) Where the document required Regional Assembly approval, withdrawal shall require approval by the Regional Assembly.
Section 4. Political Relations.
A - The Prime Minister, with the advice of the members of the Cabinet, may negotiate and conclude treaties and other agreements concerning political relationships with other regions.
B - A treaty is required for the establishment of a commonwealth relationship, a protectorate relationship, in which another region will accede to becoming a commonwealth, protectorate, or colony of The North Pacific.
C - No treaty or other agreement may provide for a political relationship in which The North Pacific would assume the status of a commonwealth, protectorate, or colony of some other region.
D - Other political agreements may be negotiated that provide for the creation of other forms of political relationships with other regions.
- A treaty that provides for establishment of a commonwealth relationship shall expressly provide for the rights of nations of the other region to acquire full and equal citizenship and registered voter status in The North Pacific under the provisions of this Constitution.
F - The Minister of External Affairs or the Prime Minister may submit a proposal to the Speaker to withdraw from a treaty or other agreement which in order to be effective, must be approved at a referendum of the registered voters of the region.
Section 5. Multi-Regional Organizations.
A - The provisions of this law may be applied to Treaties or Agreements between The North Pacific with Multi-Regional Organizations.
Amendments to Election Procedures
Editorial Note: A constitutional amendment which creates the Office of Vice Delegate also included coordinating amendments to Sections 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 of TNP Law 5. The amendments made by these provisions are incorporated into and reflected in the current text of TNP Law 5, Election Procedures.
Editorial Note: A constitutional amendment which merged registered voter status into the Regional Assembly membership was adopted by a referendum held 27 February- 6 March 2006.
Change the Official Regional Forum
Section 1. Change of Official Forum authorized.
Pursuant to Article II, Section 3, Clause 3 of the Constitution of The North Pacific, as revised from and after 7 July 2005, which provides in pertinent part that: "3) No government official shall have the authority to change the designated off-site forum for regional governance without approval of a majority of the members of the Regional Assembly," the government of The North Pacific is authorized to establish a new forum at http://s13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?act=idx to exercise the functions of all designated forums and subforums related to the government currently based at http://s2.invisionfree.invalid/The_North_Pacific/
Section 2.
The United Federation of Hersfold is designated as the initial root administrator of the new official forum at http://s13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?act=idx.
Section 3.
This act shall take effect upon its adoption pursuant to Article II, Section 3, Clause 3 of the Constitution, which requires approval by a majority of the members of the regional assembly, and shall be implemented by all officials of the various entities of the TNP government as expeditiously as possible thereafter.
Amendments to Ministry of External Affairs
Editorial Note: A constitutional amendment which amended procedures for embassy documents in Article II Section 4 of the Constitution also included an amendment to TNP Law 9. The amendments are incorporated into and reflected in the current text of TNP Law 9, Ministry of External Affairs.
Establishment of time limitations for the filing of judicial proceedings in The Court of The North Pacific
Section 1. Definitions
As used in this law:
(A) A "Statute of Limitations" places a time limit on pursuing a legal claim in relation to wrongful conduct. After the expiration of the stated period, the victim or the Government loses the right to file a claim seeking criminal punishment or any other remedy as to that claim, unless an exception applies as provided in the Constitution or the Legal Code.
(B) “Accrual” refers to the beginning of an applicable time period for a claim. The limitations period does not begin until the act, or the last act of a series, is committed by some actor. If the victim or the Government does not learn of the act until a later time, then the limitations period does not begin until the act, or the last act of a series, is discovered, or should have been discovered, by the victim or the Government.
( C ) The presiding officer may determine any issue of fact that exists as to the application of the provisions of this law in an appropriate judicial proceeding.
Section 2. General Time Limitation of Actions
Any action filed in the Court of The North Pacific based upon any ground stated in Article V, Section 5 of the Constitution, or that otherwise seeks a punishment or remedy as a result of injury to a member nation of this region, or any other nation, or of the Region generally, shall be commenced within sixty days after the right to file an action accrues.
Section 3. Time Limitations for Actions Based on Conduct that Occured Prior to 7 July 2005.
Any action filed that relates to a claim that accrued prior to 7 July 2005 must be filed in the Court of The North Pacific no later than 7 July 2006.
Section 4. Time Limitations for Actions Filed Subsequent to 6 July 2005 and Prior to 1 May 2006.
Any action filed that related to a claim that accrued subsequent to 6 July 2005 and prior to 1 May 2006 must be filed in the Court of the North Pacific no later than 1 September 2006.
Section 5. Impeachment Proceedings.
Any action in the nature of an impeachment proceeding may not be brought once the current term of the officeholder expires, or the officeholder leaves office.
Section 6. Effective Date
This Law shall take effect on 1 May 2006.
Wartime Provisions
Section 1: Wartime Provisions
No player maintaining a nation in a region at war with TNP may maintain a nation within TNP, or participate in the governance thereof, for the duration of hostilities. Any player found doing so will be stripped of membership in the Regional Assembly and subject to banishment from the region. A "region at war" is any region which has made a formal declaration, or made acts of war against The North Pacific, or vice versa, as deemed by decision by the Security Council. War does not constitute actions taken by or against the North Pacific Army unless the conflict meets the conditions above. A state of war exists until a formal peace treaty, surrender terms, or similar, is/are recognized.
Editorial Note: TNP Law 14 was adopted by the Regional Assembly 1 August -11 August 2006.
Military Agreements Amendment to Ministry of External Affairs
Editorial Note: TNP Law 15 amended Section 3 of TNP Law 9. The amendment is incorporated into and reflected in the current text of TNP Law 9, Ministry of External Affairs.
Cabinet Procedures
Section 1. Application.
Unless clearly stated otherwise in this Law, “Minister” refers to those Cabinet-level positions other than the UN Delegate for the Region, the Vice Delegate, and the Prime Minister.
Section 2. Vacancy in a Minister’s Office; Deputy Minister as Interim Minister.
A - The Deputy Minister succeeds to a Minister's position on an interim basis until the next election should the elected Minister resign, vacate, or otherwise be unable to hold office.
B - Where a vacancy occurs in any Cabinet Ministry and no Deputy for that Minister is then installed in office, the Prime Minister shall appoint a Deputy Minister who is qualified to serve as a Cabinet Minister, subject to a confirmation referendum of the Regional Assembly.
C - In that instance, the appointee shall serve as Minister on an acting basis until the referendum election is completed.
D - If confirmed as a result of the referendum, that appointee shall thereupon assume the position of Minister for the interim until the next election for that office.
E - A vote of the Regional Assembly is required to approve a motion for confirmation of such an appointment by the Prime Minister. If, after seven days, a quorum of the Regional Assembly has participated and at least 50 per cent of those voting approve of the motion to confirm the appointment, the appointee shall remain in office to serve on an interim basis until the next election.
F - If the motion for confirmation fails to receive such approval, then the appointee is not confirmed to serve as that Cabinet Minister, and the Prime Minister shall promptly propose another nominee for Deputy Minister, who shall act then as minister, subject to approval of a motion for confirmation in a referendum by the Regional Assembly.
G - Service by a Deputy Minister does not constitute a Cabinet-level position unless serving as a Cabinet Minister on an interim basis until the next election for that office.
H - Designees for Deputy Minister must adhere to the same requirements as for Ministers, including term limitations, in the event a Deputy Minister must serve as a Minister during the term of office.
I - Deputy Ministers may not hold another position in any Cabinet-level position or as a Deputy Minister to more than one Minister, while holding the position as Deputy Minister.
Section 3. Removal of a Cabinet-level positionholder due to inactivity.
A - As used in this section, “inactivity” refers to the failure of the holder of a Cabinet-level position to post in their Ministry or the cabinet forums for more than 14 consecutive days without prior public notice, or prior private notice to the Prime Minister and the Deputy Minister of the particular Ministry.
B - When the holder of a Cabinet-level position becomes inactive, the Prime Minister may thereafter present a motion to the Cabinet to remove the inactive position-holder from office. If the Prime Minister is inactive, then any other Minister may present a motion to the Cabinet.
C - If a majority of the Cabinet vote in favor of the motion, the inactive position-holder is removed from office. If the inactive position-holder logs into his or her forum user account at any time before the motion is presented, the position-holder may resume their active status in office as if the inactivity had not occurred.
D - The vacancy procedures of Section 2 shall apply in the event of removal of a Minister. In the event of the removal of the Delegate, Vice Delegate, or the Prime Minister due to inactivity, then the provisions of the Constitution concerning a vacancy in that office shall apply.
[Editorial Note: TNP Law 16 was enacted as part of a constitutional amendment that revised and consolidated provisions concerning the Cabinet, passed by the Regional Assembly 18-30 November 2006, and approved by the Cabinet on 1 December 2006.
TNP Law 20 amended Clause H of Section 2 of Law 16. TNP Law 24 amended Clause A of Section 3 of Law 16
The North Pacific University
Section 1. Creation.
A - The North Pacific University is created as an autonomous, independent institution of learning, scholarship and knowledge of The North Pacific.
B - The University may contain one or more special institutes or schools for the training of personnel to be used in the diplomatic, security, law enforcement, judicial, military, or other functions of the Regional Government.
C - The University shall have standing to be a party in a proceeding in any regional judiciary entity.
Section 2. Mission Statement.
A - The goal of the University includes, but is not limited to, the creation of an environment where members’ experience and lessons learned may be shared in an instructional setting for the betterment of all players of Nationstates and the game itself. Further, the University may commission original research which includes, but is not limited to, any aspect of gameplay and the history of Nationstates and The North Pacific.
Section 3. The Board of Regents.
A - The Board of Regents of The North Pacific University is created as the governing body of the University. It shall consist of seven elected members. The elected members shall serve six month terms.
B - The Board of Regents shall elect its own chair, who may vote on any matter before the Board.
C - In the event of an emergency, or where such an action is deemed necessary or appropriate, the chair may refer an appropriate matter to the regional government[, when in the chair's judgment, such a referral is warranted.
D - The Board shall be elected in the first week of March and September by an election in the Regional Assembly. Regents shall be members of the Regional Assembly in good standing during their term. The Board of Regents shall be elected by plurality vote of the Regional Assembly Vacancies on the board shall be filled by a special election in the Regional Assembly. In all instances, there will be a nomination period not to exceed one week, and a voting period not to exceed one week
E - The Board shall have power to adopt and modify rules and policies concerning student admissions, course offerings, general faculty procedures, and degree certifications, as well as any other appropriate statements of rules and policy. The Board may adopt procedures for its business. The rules shall provide for who shall preside at deliberations of the board in case of the absence of its chair, and who may serve as Acting Chancellor in case of the Chancellor's absence or inactivity at any time during the Chancellor's term.
Section 4. Chancellor.
A- The chief administrator of the University is the Chancellor. The Chancellor shall be appointed by the Board of Regents during the first week of the months of June and December of each year, and shall serve a six month-term.
B - The Chancellor shall be a ex-officio, non-voting member of the Board of Regents. The Chancellor shall be a member of the Regional Assembly during their term of office.
C - The Chancellor shall be accountable to the Board of Regents for the administrative and operational functions of the University.
D - The Board of Regents shall have power to remove the Chancellor for cause, and that removal may be reviewed by appeal to the Court of The North Pacific.
Section 5. Effective Date.
This law as amended takes effect on its adoption.
Editoral Note: TNP Law 17 was enacted by the Regional Assembly on 13-20 January 2007.Law 25, which amended Law 17 was enacted by the Regional Assembly on 13-20 November 2007.
Transfer of The North Pacific Wire
Editorial Note: This law, approved by the Regional Assemby 13-20 January 2007, amended TNP Law 6 and transferred responsibility for The North Pacific Wire from the Ministry of Culture and Education to the Ministry of
Cmunications. The text of TNP aw 6 reflects that amendment.
Revision of Criminal Trial Procedures; Time Standards
Editorial Note: Law 19, adopted by the Regional Assembly 16-24 March 2007, was a revision of TNP Law 4, and the text of Law 4 has been edited to reflect this revision. Section 2 provides that the Law takes effect immediately upon adoption.
Electoral Elligibility Reform
Editorial Note: Law 20, adopted by the Regional Assembly 3-10 April 2007, amended certain candidate and voter eligibility provisions in Law 5 and Law 15. The texts of Law 5 and Law 16 have been updated to reflect these amendments. The legislation also included two Constitutional amemdments approved by the regional Assembly as part of the same proposal, and which were approved by the Cabinet on 10-16 April 2007.
Defining Duality
Section 1: Definitions
A - "Duality" is hereby defined as the right of a Regional Assembly member to possess different personas within The North Pacific, its RMB, official IRC channel, or official forums, or in outside regions, groups, or any of their modes of communication. When possessing the right of duality, the words and actions of a non-Regional Assembly persona of a Regional Assembly member cannot be used against him/her in judicial proceedings in The North Pacific.
Section 2: Limitations
A - The right of duality is given, by default, to each Regional Assembly member.
B - In charges of treason, espionage, or sedition against a Regional Assembly member, the member does not possess the right of duality for the purposes of the trial.
C - When under a non-Regional Assembly persona, participating in or planning invasions, defenses, or liberations of regions (The North Pacific and her treatied allies, excepted) shall not be considered treason on the part of that Regional Assembly member.
D - When under a non-Regional Assembly persona, participating in or planning activities against the North Pacific Army when it is not acting in defense of The North Pacific or any of her treatied allies shall not be considered treason on the part of that Regional Assembly member.
E - Exceptions may be given to North Pacific Army and North Pacific Intelligence Agency members, with the consent of and notification by the Minister of Defense or NPIA Director, respectively, when on officially sanctioned missions.
16 October 2007
TNP Law 1
Oath of Office
Section 1: Scope of Effect
1 - All government officials, including Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Prime Minister, UN Regional Delegate, Attorney General, and other offices created hrough Ministerial Directive, Legislation through The North Pacific Legal Code, or Amendment to The Constitution of The North Pacific, be they elected or appointed to office, to ensure and protect the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Regional Security, shall henceforth be required to take the Oath of Office listed in Section 2 of this Act before assuming their elected or appointed role within The Government of The North Pacific.
2 - All Government Officials, as listed in Clause 1 of this Section, shall be required to take the Oath of Office listed in Section 2 of this bill within one week of assuming office. Any Government Officials already in office at the time of this bill's passage shall be required to take the Oath of Office listed in Section 2 of this bill within one week of this bill's passage, or face removal from office, in accordance with Section 3, Clause 2 of this Act.
Section 2: Oath of Office
The following Oath of Office shall be required for all Government Officials, as according to Section 1 of this Act:
I, (insert forum username), do hereby solemnly swear that during my duly elected/appointed term as (insert government position), I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in a legal, responsible, and unbiased manner, not abusing my power, committing misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, in any gross or excessive manner. I will act only in the best interests of The North Pacific, not influenced by personal gain or any outside force, and within the restraints of my legally granted power. As such, I hereby take up the office of (insert government position), with all the powers, rights, and responsibilities held therein.
Section 3: Penalties for Violation
1 - This Oath shall be binding on all government officials as previously covered, and violations of said Oath may be ground for indictment of impeachment charges in a legal Court of The North Pacific, pursuant to the guidelines and procedures laid out in Article IV of The North Pacific Constitution, The North Pacific Legal Code, and the guidelines of The Ministry of Justice.
2 - Any Government Official required to take the Oath of Office as listed in Section 1, Clause 1 of this bill that fails to do so within the allotted time set forth in Section 1, Clause 2 of this Act shall be subject to removal from office following a trial as set forth in Article IV of The North Pacific Constitution, The North Pacific Legal Code, and the guidelines of The Ministry of Justice.
Editorial Note: Oath of Office referred to in Article V, Section 5, Clause D of TNP Constitution, July 2005 Revision.
Official Flag
The following flag, as designed by ThelDRan, is adopted as the official flag of The North Pacific:

This Act shall be effective upon its adoption.
Election Dates
The designated months for elections pursuant to Article II, section one of the Constitution as revised shall be August, November, February and May.
This Act shall take immediate effect.
Editorial Note: Section One of TNP Law 3 later incorporated into Article III, Section 1, Clause 2) first sentence, of TNP Constitution, July 2005 Revision as approved at a constitutional convention.
Criminal Trial Procedures
Editorial Note from Constitutional Convention proposal adopted by referendum on 30 June - 6 July 2005: Provision to be transferred into the North Pacific Legal Code as TNP Law 4 on Criminal Trial Procedures.
TNP Law 19 replaced the former text of Law 4 with a totally revised text which is shoown below.
Section 1. Duties of Attorney General in Trial Proceedings.
A - The Attorney General shall be the Chief Prosecutor in The North Pacific and shall be the default prosecutor for all cases brought to trial in The Court of The North Pacific.
B - If the Attorney General is charged, then a prosecutor shall be selected by the Chief Justice in a timely manner that is not arbitrary or capricious.
C - The Attorney General may also choose to delegate the Prosecutor's role to a Regional Assembly member.
Section 2. Trial Preparations.
A- The Attorney General or the prosecutor shall file a statement of criminal charges against one or more defendants in The Court of The North Pacific. A defendant shall enter a plea within 72 hours of the filing. In the event no plea is entered by that time, a plea of “not guilty” is assumed to have been made by such defendant.
B - The defendant, prosecutor and their legally recognized representatives shall have not more than seven days following the filing of charges and the entry of a plea to prepare all testimony transcripts and other evidence for presentation to a jury before a trial begins. For extraordinary cause shown, the Court may grant an extension of not more than seven additional days for the pre-trial preparation period. All evidence and testimony transcripts shall be ready for presentation to the jury before the trial begins.
C - If the defendant refuses to participate or requests counsel, a public defender shall be provided. The appointment shall be completed within seven days after the charges are filed.
D- Once criminal charges are filed, neither the accuser, the defendant, or any party legally recognized as representing them, may reveal or discuss any details of the charge prior to or during the trial except in open Court during the course of the presentation of evidence at trial or where specifically asked to do so by the presiding officer of the trial or a legal appointee of the Court.
E - If discussion about the charge, or subjects related to the charge, is already ongoing at the time that the charge is made, the accuser, the defendant, any party legally recognized as representing either of them, or the jury pool, are forbidden to continue participating in such discussions. Such ban shall continue until the case is resolved and closed by the proper legal official, as mandated by the Constitution, The North Pacific Legal Code, or any other laws of the Region.
Section 3. Jury Selection.
A - A trial jury pool of not less than 20 eligible Regional Assembly members shall be randomly drawn by the Chief Justice during the first week of each judicial three-month term.
B - No later than seven days after a plea is entered, five jurors will be randomly selected by the presiding officer from a jury pool of Regional Assembly members.
C - Any member of the jury pool who has expressed bias as to the particular case or who has served on a jury in the past three months will be automatically excluded from the trial jury.
D - If either counsel believes one of the jury pool members is unfit to serve on the trial jury for reasons of bias or a conflict of interest, the claim will be presented to the Court within 24 hours. Within 24 hours thereafter, the presiding officer will review the claim and if he/she finds it valid, the next available juror will be chosen for the trial from the random drawing list. Once the trial is started, the juror is required to complete their obligation.
Section 4. Trial Procedure.
A - The presiding officer shall list the charges against the defendant and give instructions to the jury regarding the procedures for deliberations, verdict, and recommended sentences if the defendant is found guilty.
B - The prosecutor will then present all of the evidence and the testimonil trescripts of its witnesses relating to the charges. Afterwards, the Nation on trial (or their counsel) will present all of the evidence and the testimony transcripts of its witnesses relating to the defense. Normally all of the evidence and testimony transcripts will be posted by each side at the same time within 24 hours after the Court directs the party to present its evidence.
Section 5. Jury Deliberations.
A - After both sides have presented their cases, the jury will deliberate on the verdict and, if the Nation is found guilty, determine the sentence. A majority of the jurors is required to reach a verdict and pass a sentence.
Section 6. Conclusion.
A - Once the jury has reached a verdict, it will be delivered to the presiding officer to be announced. The trial will be concluded once the presiding officer confirms and enforces the verdict.
Election Procedures
Editorial Note: TNP Law 5 was enacted as part of the North Pacific Legal Code as part of a constitutional amendment on the revision and consolidation of election procedures adopted by referendum of the regional assembly on 27 September - 4 October 2005.It was amended by a constitutional amendment (affecting sections 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 of this Law) which was adopted by the regional assembly to create an office of UN vice delegate on 9 October - 15 October 2005.
Editorial Note: TNP Law 20 amended sections 2 and 3 of TNP Law 5 and were incorporated into the current text.
Editorial Note: A constitutional amendment which merged registered voter status into the Regional Assembly membership was adopted by a referendum held 27 February- 6 March 2006.
Section 1: Election Commissioners
The Election process shall be organized and overseen for each election cycle by one or more Election Commissioners who shall be determined as follows:
A - Unless the outgoing incumbent serving as Prime Minister plans to be a candidate for election to any office in the Cabinet, including the UN Delegate, or for Speaker of the Regional Assembly in that election cycle, the outgoing Prime Minister shall serve as an Election Commissioner.
B - Unless the outgoing incumbent serving as Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs plans to be a candidate for election to any office in the Cabinet, including the UN Delegate, or for Speaker of the Regional Assembly in that election cycle, the outgoing Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs shall serve as an Election Commissioner.
C - In the event either or both the Prime Minister and the Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs intend to be candidates for election, then the Prime Minister and the Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs shall designate, with the consent of a majority of the remaining Cabinet Ministers, not less than one nor more than two persons to serve as Election Commissioners for that election cycle. Each designee shall declare their intention not to be a candidate for election during that election cycle to any office and shall have previously served in office as an elected UN Delegate, as Prime Minister, as an elected Cabinet Minister, as Speaker of the Regional Assembly, or as a Justice of The Court of The North Pacific.
D- The designation of Election Commissioners shall be completed not less than 15 days prior to the beginning of the voting period for elections as designated in Section 2.
E - The Election Commissioners may request the ability to view IP addresses of Nations, or request the assistance of the off-site forum administrators, during this period to verify votes.
Section 2. Declarations and Nominations of Candidacy
A - Any member Nation of the Region that is a registered voter and that is not ineligible to serve by any limitation of service provision or additional qualification for office in the Constitution, may declare its candidacy for Prime Minister or any elected Cabinet Minister.
B- Any member Nation of the Region that is a registered voter who has elected membership in the Regional Assembly and that is not ineligible to serve by any limitation of service provision or additional qualification for office in the Constitution, may declare its candidacy for Speaker of the Regional Assembly or for a seat on the Security Council.
C - Any member Nation with UN member status located within the Region that has registered to vote and that is not ineligible to serve by any limitation of service provision or additional qualification for office in the Constitution, may declare its candidacy for UN Delegate or UN Vice Delegate. Such Nation that has UN membership shall have resided in The North Pacific for at least three months, and shall have been active on the Regional off-site forum for at least one month at the time of nomination or declaration of candidacy for election to the office of Delegate or Vice Delegate. In addition, any candidate for UN Vice Delegate must meet the requirements for the Office of Delegate, including any term limitations that might apply to that candidate.
D- Such declarations may be made during a seven day period starting 10 days prior to the designated voting period for the election cycle for the next term of office. Alternatively, any three Nations that are registered voters may nominate a Nation as a candidate for UN Delegate, UN Vice Delegate, Prime Minister, a specific elected Cabinet Minister, Speaker of the Regional Assembly or for a seat on the Security Council during a seven day period starting 10 days prior to the designated voting period for the election cycle for the next term of office. The Election Commissioners or their designees shall verify the eligibility of each Nation that declares or is nominated as a candidate, and shall publish the certified list of candidates for each office or position one day prior to the beginning of the voting period.
E. In no instance may a candidate declare, be nominated for, or be elected to more than one office during any given election cycle, whether such office is the Office of UN Delegate, the Office of UN Vice Delegate, the Office of Speaker, or any Cabinet-level position, as defined in the Constitution. This limitation does not apply to candidates for the Security Council.
Section 3. Voting Procedures
A - No later than the day immediately preceding the beginning of a voting period in an election cycle, the Election Commissioners or their designee shall post a topic on the Regional off-site forum for voting in the election describing the procedure for casting votes. The Election Commissioners shall determine whether a separate thread will be used for UN Delegate and UN Vice Delegate election voting from all other voting in the election. Nations may also vote by private message to a designated user account at the off-site regional forum, and the Election Commissioners shall post each such vote received in the official tally of the election returns.
B - One week following the opening of the voting period, the Election Commissioners shall close the voting thread and tally the votes. Once the results are ascertained, the Election Commissioners shall post a certificate of results at the off-site regional forum and shall declare which candidates have been elected. It will include a statement concerning the voting period for any required runoff election where the results so require.
C - In elections for the Security Council, where there are candidates for the Security Council who are also a candidate in the same election for either the office of UN Delegate, or for the office of Speaker of the Regional Assembly, and who is elected either as Delegate or as Speaker, the Election Commissioners are directed to disregard any votes cast for such candidates in determining which candidates have been elected to Security Council.
Section 4. Runoff Elections
A - When an Office has no candidate obtaining a majority, the two highest-placed candidates shall enter into a runoff.
B - If the second-highest candidate position is tied, the candidates so tied shall enter into a runoff with the highest-placed candidate.
C - If there is a tie for the highest-placed candidate position, only those candidates so tied shall enter into a runoff election.
D - The runoff election shall utilize the same procedures as for the initial round of elections. A plurality shall determine the winner of the runoff election.
E - In the event of a tie in any office other than the UN Delegate, the incoming UN Delegate has the right to cast a vote to break the tie, pursuant to Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution. In the event of a tie in a runoff election for UN Delegate, the incoming Cabinet shall vote to break the tie, pursuant to Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution.
Section 5. Campaigning
A - The Election Commissioners or their designee shall post a message on the Regional off-site forum formally declaring the start of the declaration and nomination period for the election cycle which will commence the campaign period. The Election Commissioners or their designee shall also post one message per day on the NationStates Regional Civil Headquarters Message Board announcing the campaign period and elections.
B - All candidates shall be permitted to post a campaign topic thread on the Regional offsite forum.
C - Candidates for UN Delegate and Vice Delegate shall be permitted to post campaign notices on the Regional Civil Headquarters Message Board located on the region's page at Candidates for UN Delegate and Vice Delegate shall not post more than one such message on the Regional Civil Headquarters Message Board per day. Posting more than one such notice within 24 hours will constitute a forfeiture of their candidacy for election as UN Delegate or Vice Delegate for the Region, and may be subject to NationStates Moderator intervention. Candidates for UN Delegate and UN Vice Delegate may contact UN member Nations within the Region via telegram to advertise their campaign, but no candidate may send more than one telegram to any single Nation during the campaign period, unless said nation has replied to a telegram sent by the candidate.
Section 6. Additional Procedures for Election for UN Delegate and Vice Delegate for the Region.
A - The Nation elected as Delegate and the Nation elected as Vice Delegate under the procedures in the Constitution and the North Pacific Legal Code is are the formal designees of the region who is are to be designated as the UN Delegate and UN Vice Delegate for the Region by the voluntary endorsement of UN member Nations within the Region for the three month term upon declaration of the election in the canvass of results by the Election Commissioners.
B - The Election Commissioners shall include in the certificate of results a statement as to which candidate has been designated as the Delegate and the Vice Delegate in the election. The Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs will promptly notify all UN member Nations residing in the Region of the determination of the election results. The notification will include a request to all UN member Nations to unendorse the incumbent Delegate and Vice Delegate, if necessary, and a request that they endorse the newly designated Delegate and Vice Delegate. However, no Nation may be compelled to endorse or unendorse any Nation with respect to the Regional Delegacy or the Vice Delegate. The Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs may request the aid of any Nation he deems necessary to complete this procedure as expeditiously as possible. It is specifically intended that the newly elected Delegate and Vice Delegate are to be installed in office in accordance with NationStates procedures for the determination of a Delegate of a region within 2 weeks of the certification of the election.
Section 7. Violations
A - Any person found to have cast more than one vote, through one or more Nations, shall have their votes invalidated, and if the votes were cast using more than one UN member Nation, the Election Commissioners shall report such fact to the NationStates Moderators as evidence of UN Multiing.
B - Outright endorsement swapping with respect to the election of the UN Delegate and Vice Delegate is prohibited.
C - Slander of any candidates for office, including the incumbents of such offices, or of other Nations is prohibited.
D - Violation of the provisions in this Constitution or The North Pacific Legal Code on the part of any candidate for election will result in a immediate review by the Attorney General to determine if charges should be filed under Article V of this Constitution, and may include the possibility that a regional ban may be imposed in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution or The North Pacific Legal Code.
Ministry of Communications
Section 1. The North Pacific Wire.
The North Pacific Wire shall be the official News Publication of the region. The North Pacific Wire shall be administered by the Ministry of Communications.
Ministry of Defense
Section 1. Organization of North Pacific Army
A - The Minister of Defense (MOD) may organize The North Pacific Army (NPA) in any type of military system he/she would like with the support of the majority of the NPA.
B - The Minister may choose a Position to oversee the everyday deployment of the Army or may keep this position for him/her self. Any person selected to hold said position would have no authority to propose or accept any Treaties between governments or organizations.The duties of the position will be specified by the MoD.
Section 2.The Auxiliary Branch of The North Pacific Army.
A - There shall be an Auxiliary branch of the North Pacific Army (NPA).
B- This branch will be under the control of the Minister of Defense (or chosen subordinate) and will not have a separate leader. The specific name of the auxiliary branch is decided by the Minister of Defense with majority support from the NPA members.
C - Members of the auxiliary branch will not possess the right of NPA members to be exempt from disclosing to the Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs the identity of the player's UN nation with respect to their voter registration
D - Members of the auxiliary branch are not required to post a pledge stating their acceptance of the NPA Code, but must be registered voters.
Section 3. NPA and Auxiliary Member Status
A - The MOD is responsible for updating and organizing the List of NPA members/Auxiliary no less frequently than once a Month. He/she must check the status of all such members and is responsible for demoting members to the Auxiliary branch or promoting a member's status as a full NPA member.
B - Prior to any election or referenda, or at the request of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Immigration (MOIA&I) or the Court of the North Pacific, the MOD must confirm the UN nation of any NPA member to the MOIA&I or to the Court. Until said confirmation, the vote of a NPA member may not be counted and the NPA member may not be selected for jury service.
C - Members seeking to join the North Pacific Army (NPA) are required to be registered voters prior to making application to the NPA. Acceptance shall be decided by the Minister of Defense and not by the deputy or other designee of the Minister of Defense.
D - All accepted members of the North Pacific Army shall be required to post their pledge in acceptance of the NPA Code. Until said pledge is posted an accepted member cannot be considered a full NPA Member. If the required pledge has not been posted with in a week, the accepted member will automatically be placed in the Auxiliary branch of the North Pacific Army.
Section 4. The NPA Code
A - There is adopted an NPA Code which shall read as follows:
The North Pacific Army is established as a mobile army of UN nations pledged to the greater good of The North Pacific.
First and foremost, its duty will be to defend The North Pacific from any hostile or aggressive attack from any party.
In times when the first duty is not called upon, the North Pacific Army, in recognition of the dangers and damage invaders cause to the welfare of innocent peoples and regions, is granted the mandate to counter the forces of such invaders/griefers/crashers.
In this manner, the NPA is, at its core, a defender organization. In the best interests of the general populace, it shall enter and defend regions against aggressive attacks. It does not seek to be imperialistic or controlling. Instead, it aims to maintain or return control of the region to the region. It will not attempt to interfere in regional affairs besides trying to repulse or expel invader forces.
As a member of the NPA, I hereby swear to the following...
- I swear to serve The North Pacific in all situations, whether it be peace or war.
- I understand that "The North Pacific" refers to the greater good of the region and its residents and not necessarily to the sitting government of The North Pacific.
- I swear that at no time shall I hold any allegiances that conflict with the best interests of The North Pacific. If a conflict of interest should occur at any time, I swear to uphold the best interests of The North Pacific, or if that is impossible, I swear to remove myself from this position voluntarily. Conflicts of interest are defined as: any Military position, government position or involvement with Regions/Orgs. which The North Pacific Government or The North Pacific Army is taking defensive or offensive action against.
- Should the democratically-selected government ever be forced into exile; I swear to uphold the my oath and endeavor to help restore the democratically elected government, which I recognize as the legitimate governing body of the North Pacific.
- I swear that I shall defend The North Pacific against any and all hostile or aggressive attacks.
- I swear that I shall not engage in invader activity while being a member of the NPA.
- I swear that I shall not commit acts of espionage or treason against the NPA or The North Pacific.
- I swear that I shall not fraternize with enemies of The North Pacific except on an Out-of-Character basis or unless specifically allowed.
- I swear to maintain proper decorum and conduct becoming of NPA members during and outside of missions.
- I swear I will abide by the guidelines set forth by the NPA Handbook.
- I swear I shall not lie or otherwise deceive my superior officers regarding my activities on and involving NationStates.
- I understand that in adherence to these rules will result in commensurate punishment, to be assigned by the Minister of Defense or an officer appointed by him/her.
- Should I ever find myself incapable of upholding these standards, I have the right to rescind my membership in the NPA.
B- A posted acceptance of the NPA Code should contain the following statement:
I, Member name, hereby pledge that I understand the above and will honorably perform the duties required of me and uphold the laws established above for the NPA.
Section 5. NPA Endorsement of candidates for Minister and Deputy Minister of Defense.
To stand for election as the Minister of Defense, a candidate shall have received the endorsement of a majority of the nations then in active service in the North Pacific Army within 14 days prior to the period for nomination or declaration of candidacy. Members of the North Pacific Army may endorse one or more candidates that stand for election as Minister of Defense in the same election. To be appointed as the Deputy Minister of Defense, a candidate shall have received the endorsement of a majority of the nations then in active service in the North Pacific Army within 14 days prior to appointment.
[Editorial Note: Section 5 was transferred into the Legal Code and amended by a constitutional amendment that revised and consolidated provisions concerning the Cabinet, passed by the Regional Assembly 18-30 November 2006, and approved by the Cabinet on 1 December 2006.
Ministry of Immigration and Internal Affairs
Section 1. Registered Voter Status
A - The Ministry of Immigration and Internal Affairs (MIIA), shall hereby be responsible for updating the status of the Registered Voters no less frequently than once a month on the same date of each month. The Ministry shall also be responsible for updating the status of registered voters not less than 14 days before the voting period for any elections begin. The MIIA may choose whatever date they wish to update the status of members during each month, but must continue to do it on the same date of each month during the term.
B - The Ministry of Immigration and Internal Affairs must post in one thread a schedule in regards to pending applications of nations who are registering to vote and have filed voter registration applications. The schedule must include the date and at which time the application will be accepted, denied, or is otherwise acted upon.
C - The Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs has the discretion to confidentially inquire of other government offices involved with the diplomatic, military, or intelligence functions of the government as to any information concerning the applicant for registered voter status that such officers may possess or which may be brought to the attention of the Minister of Immigration and Internal Affairs by other parties which may involve the applicant's compliance with the requirement of Article II, section 1 of the Constitution, or compliance with the elements of the oath as a registered voter contained in Article II, section 2 of the Constitution. Based upon such information, the Minister may post public inquiries of the applicant for registered voter status concerning the provided information, and to require the applicant to post appropriate explanations in response to the Minister's inquiries. Every application for registered voter status shall be considered pending for no less than 7 days from when the Ministry of Immigration and Internal Affairs acknowledges his application.
Editorial Note: A constitutional amendment which merged registered voter status into the Regional Assembly membership was adopted by a referendum held 27 February- 6 March 2006.
Section 2. Recruiting
The region shall have a recruitment team lead by the MIIA or a chosen subordinate. The purpose of this team is to recruit new members of the forum. These members may only operate within the region and may not advertise in any regional message board other than that of The North Pacific. The MIIA may choose a member to lead the Recruitment team and create the structure for Recruiting activities.
Section 3. Use of Proxy Servers To Conceal Identity.
A - The use of a proxy server by a forum user to conceal a forum user's host server is declared to be a security risk to the region. The use of a proxy server by a Member Nation that is a member of The North Pacific Army or The North Pacific Intelligence Agency shall require the prior express authorization of such entity which may be disclosed confidentially to other government officials in the performance of their official duties.
B - Use of a proxy server by a member Nation that applies for registered voter status within the region is prohibited, and constitutes a criminal offense that may subject the violator to a permanent ban from the regional forum, ejection from the region by the UN Delegate, or both. This provision may be enforced prior to, or subsequent to, a trial in the manner provided by law.
C - The use of a proxy server by an applicant for registered voter status is grounds for automatic denial of the registered voter application.
Editorial Note: A constitutional amendment which merged registered voter status into the Regional Assembly membership was adopted by a referendum held 27 February- 6 March 2006.
Ministry of External Affairs
Section 1. External Affairs Forum and Diplomatic Corps.
A - The Minister of External Affairs has full organizational control of the External Affairs Category and the Diplomatic Corps. The Minister (or chosen Deputy) is required to update the List of Diplomatic Corps. members, monthly.
B - Diplomatic Corps. Members are required to be Registered Voters.
Section 2. Embassies, Consulates, and Interest Sections.
A - The Minister of External Affairs (MoEA) shall require every other region seeking an embassy in The North Pacific to compose a document stipulating the specifics of any diplomatic, political, and military relationships between the regions.
B - [Reseerved. Editorial Note: The former text of this Clause B was repealed by TNP Law 12.
C - Should there be any embassies that The North Pacific has not yet accepted due to changes in this law, the embassy will remain, but any document specifying the relations between regions is not binding until amendments to the treaty or agreement have been approved by both regions in accordance with this Law. The status of all embassies must be updated monthly by the Ministry of External Affairs.
D - The MoEA or deputy may close the Embassy of any region if (1) the regional government of that region that requested the embassy no longer exists, (2) the region is deleted at NationStates, (3) the region violates the specified rules in the embassy document, (4) the Regional Assembly votes to close the embassy, or (5) no document specifying the relations between regions exists.
E - Consulates do not require any Alliance/Treaty/Agreement document, but must post within their consulate at the official Regional off-site forum this agreement:
I, member name , representing the region name, do hereby understand that this consulate in no way forces The North Pacific into any Military or Political Alliance or relationship. I understand that this consulate may be closed at anytime by the Minister of External Affairs for whatever reason. I hereby pledge to follow the rules and regulations of this forum.
F - Any consulate may be upgraded to an embassy by requesting an embassy and fulfilling the requirements of Clauses A and B of this section concerning embassies.
G - Interest Sections do not require any Alliance/Treaty/Agreement documents, and may be established by a region having an embassy or a consulate to represent the interests of some other region that does not currently maintain diplomatic, political or military relationship with The North Pacific. Establishment of a Interest Section does not create a diplomatic, political or military relationship, but merely facilitates the ability of the region hosting the Interest Section in its Embassy or Consulate to represent the interest of some other region.
H - The Minister of External Affairs or the Prime Minister may withdraw the region from a treaty should the terms be breached. Editorial Note: Clause H was amended by TNP Law 12.
Section 3. Military Relations
A - Definition. As used in this section, “military relationship document” refers to any treaty, agreement, or other diplomatic document that provides for a military relationship, or the avoidance of military conflict, between The North Pacific and any other region or multi-regional organization. Such documents may provide for non-agression pacts, mutual defense arrangements, military alliances, military co-operation, and joint military operations. Such documents may also include authority for military engagements by The North Pacific forces without further specific authorization by the Cabinet, the Security Council, or the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific.
B - Endorsement by Minister of Defense. Any military relationship document requires the endorsement of the Minister of Defense before it is presented to the Cabinet or to the Regional Assembly for approval. The Minister of Defense shall advise the Prime Minister of his endorsement or his refusal to endorse the document within five days.
C - Approval by Security Council. Whenever such military relationship document:
(1) requires approval by the Cabinet to be ratified, or
(2) such document does not receive the timely endorsement of the Minister of Defense within five days, or
(3) such document includes prior authorization to commit the forces of The North Pacific to any potential military engagement,
then the Security Coucil shall approve such military relationship document prior to ratification by the Cabinet or the Regional Assembly, as appropriate.
D - Ratification by Regional Assembly or Cabinet. Whenever such military relationship document:
(1) creates an alliance, entente, or coalition between the parties to the document; or
(2) includes any provision that by its terms would have the force of law within The North Pacific; or
(3) has an open-ended term, or a term of a stated period of ninety days or more;
then such military relationship document requires ratification by the Regional Assembly in accordance with Article II Section 4 of the Constitution. Any other military relationship document may be ratified by the Cabinet.
E - Posting of Documents. Military relationship documents must be posted in the embassy of the appropriate region or organization within the official Regional off site forum once it is ratified by the Cabinet or the Regional Assembly. Such documents shall also be posted in the legal archives within the official Regional off site forum.
F - Approval of Specific Deployments. Whenever a military relationship document does not authorize specific military deployments by its terms, the Security Council may approve military deployments in appropriate circumstances.
G - Amendment. The Minister of External Affairs or the Prime Minister may propose amendments to an existing military relationship document concerning military relationships.
(1) Where the document originally required Security Council approval, the amendment shall be approved by the Security Council.
(2) Where the document originally required Cabinet ratification, the amendment shall require Cabinet approval, unless the amendment includes a provision that would require Regional Assembly approval. In such instances, the amendment shall require ratification by the Regional Assembly.
(3) Where the document originally required Regional Assembly ratification, approval of the amendment shall require approval by the Regional Assembly.
(4) The Minister of Defense shall have five days to endorse the amendment prior to its submission to the Cabinet, the Security Council, or the Regional Assembly, as appropriate.
H - Withdrawal. The Minister of External Affairs or the Prime Minister may submit a proposal to withdraw or terminate a military relationship document.
(1) Where the document required Security Council approval, withdrawal shall require approval by the Security Council.
(2) Where the document required Cabinet ratification, withdrawal shall require approval by the Cabinet.
(3) Where the document required Regional Assembly approval, withdrawal shall require approval by the Regional Assembly.
Section 4. Political Relations.
A - The Prime Minister, with the advice of the members of the Cabinet, may negotiate and conclude treaties and other agreements concerning political relationships with other regions.
B - A treaty is required for the establishment of a commonwealth relationship, a protectorate relationship, in which another region will accede to becoming a commonwealth, protectorate, or colony of The North Pacific.
C - No treaty or other agreement may provide for a political relationship in which The North Pacific would assume the status of a commonwealth, protectorate, or colony of some other region.
D - Other political agreements may be negotiated that provide for the creation of other forms of political relationships with other regions.
- A treaty that provides for establishment of a commonwealth relationship shall expressly provide for the rights of nations of the other region to acquire full and equal citizenship and registered voter status in The North Pacific under the provisions of this Constitution.
F - The Minister of External Affairs or the Prime Minister may submit a proposal to the Speaker to withdraw from a treaty or other agreement which in order to be effective, must be approved at a referendum of the registered voters of the region.
Section 5. Multi-Regional Organizations.
A - The provisions of this law may be applied to Treaties or Agreements between The North Pacific with Multi-Regional Organizations.
Amendments to Election Procedures
Editorial Note: A constitutional amendment which creates the Office of Vice Delegate also included coordinating amendments to Sections 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 of TNP Law 5. The amendments made by these provisions are incorporated into and reflected in the current text of TNP Law 5, Election Procedures.
Editorial Note: A constitutional amendment which merged registered voter status into the Regional Assembly membership was adopted by a referendum held 27 February- 6 March 2006.
Change the Official Regional Forum
Section 1. Change of Official Forum authorized.
Pursuant to Article II, Section 3, Clause 3 of the Constitution of The North Pacific, as revised from and after 7 July 2005, which provides in pertinent part that: "3) No government official shall have the authority to change the designated off-site forum for regional governance without approval of a majority of the members of the Regional Assembly," the government of The North Pacific is authorized to establish a new forum at http://s13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?act=idx to exercise the functions of all designated forums and subforums related to the government currently based at http://s2.invisionfree.invalid/The_North_Pacific/
Section 2.
The United Federation of Hersfold is designated as the initial root administrator of the new official forum at http://s13.invisionfree.invalid/TNP/index.php?act=idx.
Section 3.
This act shall take effect upon its adoption pursuant to Article II, Section 3, Clause 3 of the Constitution, which requires approval by a majority of the members of the regional assembly, and shall be implemented by all officials of the various entities of the TNP government as expeditiously as possible thereafter.
Amendments to Ministry of External Affairs
Editorial Note: A constitutional amendment which amended procedures for embassy documents in Article II Section 4 of the Constitution also included an amendment to TNP Law 9. The amendments are incorporated into and reflected in the current text of TNP Law 9, Ministry of External Affairs.
Establishment of time limitations for the filing of judicial proceedings in The Court of The North Pacific
Section 1. Definitions
As used in this law:
(A) A "Statute of Limitations" places a time limit on pursuing a legal claim in relation to wrongful conduct. After the expiration of the stated period, the victim or the Government loses the right to file a claim seeking criminal punishment or any other remedy as to that claim, unless an exception applies as provided in the Constitution or the Legal Code.
(B) “Accrual” refers to the beginning of an applicable time period for a claim. The limitations period does not begin until the act, or the last act of a series, is committed by some actor. If the victim or the Government does not learn of the act until a later time, then the limitations period does not begin until the act, or the last act of a series, is discovered, or should have been discovered, by the victim or the Government.
( C ) The presiding officer may determine any issue of fact that exists as to the application of the provisions of this law in an appropriate judicial proceeding.
Section 2. General Time Limitation of Actions
Any action filed in the Court of The North Pacific based upon any ground stated in Article V, Section 5 of the Constitution, or that otherwise seeks a punishment or remedy as a result of injury to a member nation of this region, or any other nation, or of the Region generally, shall be commenced within sixty days after the right to file an action accrues.
Section 3. Time Limitations for Actions Based on Conduct that Occured Prior to 7 July 2005.
Any action filed that relates to a claim that accrued prior to 7 July 2005 must be filed in the Court of The North Pacific no later than 7 July 2006.
Section 4. Time Limitations for Actions Filed Subsequent to 6 July 2005 and Prior to 1 May 2006.
Any action filed that related to a claim that accrued subsequent to 6 July 2005 and prior to 1 May 2006 must be filed in the Court of the North Pacific no later than 1 September 2006.
Section 5. Impeachment Proceedings.
Any action in the nature of an impeachment proceeding may not be brought once the current term of the officeholder expires, or the officeholder leaves office.
Section 6. Effective Date
This Law shall take effect on 1 May 2006.
Wartime Provisions
Section 1: Wartime Provisions
No player maintaining a nation in a region at war with TNP may maintain a nation within TNP, or participate in the governance thereof, for the duration of hostilities. Any player found doing so will be stripped of membership in the Regional Assembly and subject to banishment from the region. A "region at war" is any region which has made a formal declaration, or made acts of war against The North Pacific, or vice versa, as deemed by decision by the Security Council. War does not constitute actions taken by or against the North Pacific Army unless the conflict meets the conditions above. A state of war exists until a formal peace treaty, surrender terms, or similar, is/are recognized.
Editorial Note: TNP Law 14 was adopted by the Regional Assembly 1 August -11 August 2006.
Military Agreements Amendment to Ministry of External Affairs
Editorial Note: TNP Law 15 amended Section 3 of TNP Law 9. The amendment is incorporated into and reflected in the current text of TNP Law 9, Ministry of External Affairs.
Cabinet Procedures
Section 1. Application.
Unless clearly stated otherwise in this Law, “Minister” refers to those Cabinet-level positions other than the UN Delegate for the Region, the Vice Delegate, and the Prime Minister.
Section 2. Vacancy in a Minister’s Office; Deputy Minister as Interim Minister.
A - The Deputy Minister succeeds to a Minister's position on an interim basis until the next election should the elected Minister resign, vacate, or otherwise be unable to hold office.
B - Where a vacancy occurs in any Cabinet Ministry and no Deputy for that Minister is then installed in office, the Prime Minister shall appoint a Deputy Minister who is qualified to serve as a Cabinet Minister, subject to a confirmation referendum of the Regional Assembly.
C - In that instance, the appointee shall serve as Minister on an acting basis until the referendum election is completed.
D - If confirmed as a result of the referendum, that appointee shall thereupon assume the position of Minister for the interim until the next election for that office.
E - A vote of the Regional Assembly is required to approve a motion for confirmation of such an appointment by the Prime Minister. If, after seven days, a quorum of the Regional Assembly has participated and at least 50 per cent of those voting approve of the motion to confirm the appointment, the appointee shall remain in office to serve on an interim basis until the next election.
F - If the motion for confirmation fails to receive such approval, then the appointee is not confirmed to serve as that Cabinet Minister, and the Prime Minister shall promptly propose another nominee for Deputy Minister, who shall act then as minister, subject to approval of a motion for confirmation in a referendum by the Regional Assembly.
G - Service by a Deputy Minister does not constitute a Cabinet-level position unless serving as a Cabinet Minister on an interim basis until the next election for that office.
H - Designees for Deputy Minister must adhere to the same requirements as for Ministers, including term limitations, in the event a Deputy Minister must serve as a Minister during the term of office.
I - Deputy Ministers may not hold another position in any Cabinet-level position or as a Deputy Minister to more than one Minister, while holding the position as Deputy Minister.
Section 3. Removal of a Cabinet-level positionholder due to inactivity.
A - As used in this section, “inactivity” refers to the failure of the holder of a Cabinet-level position to post in their Ministry or the cabinet forums for more than 14 consecutive days without prior public notice, or prior private notice to the Prime Minister and the Deputy Minister of the particular Ministry.
B - When the holder of a Cabinet-level position becomes inactive, the Prime Minister may thereafter present a motion to the Cabinet to remove the inactive position-holder from office. If the Prime Minister is inactive, then any other Minister may present a motion to the Cabinet.
C - If a majority of the Cabinet vote in favor of the motion, the inactive position-holder is removed from office. If the inactive position-holder logs into his or her forum user account at any time before the motion is presented, the position-holder may resume their active status in office as if the inactivity had not occurred.
D - The vacancy procedures of Section 2 shall apply in the event of removal of a Minister. In the event of the removal of the Delegate, Vice Delegate, or the Prime Minister due to inactivity, then the provisions of the Constitution concerning a vacancy in that office shall apply.
[Editorial Note: TNP Law 16 was enacted as part of a constitutional amendment that revised and consolidated provisions concerning the Cabinet, passed by the Regional Assembly 18-30 November 2006, and approved by the Cabinet on 1 December 2006.
TNP Law 20 amended Clause H of Section 2 of Law 16. TNP Law 24 amended Clause A of Section 3 of Law 16
The North Pacific University
Section 1. Creation.
A - The North Pacific University is created as an autonomous, independent institution of learning, scholarship and knowledge of The North Pacific.
B - The University may contain one or more special institutes or schools for the training of personnel to be used in the diplomatic, security, law enforcement, judicial, military, or other functions of the Regional Government.
C - The University shall have standing to be a party in a proceeding in any regional judiciary entity.
Section 2. Mission Statement.
A - The goal of the University includes, but is not limited to, the creation of an environment where members’ experience and lessons learned may be shared in an instructional setting for the betterment of all players of Nationstates and the game itself. Further, the University may commission original research which includes, but is not limited to, any aspect of gameplay and the history of Nationstates and The North Pacific.
Section 3. The Board of Regents.
A - The Board of Regents of The North Pacific University is created as the governing body of the University. It shall consist of seven elected members. The elected members shall serve six month terms.
B - The Board of Regents shall elect its own chair, who may vote on any matter before the Board.
C - In the event of an emergency, or where such an action is deemed necessary or appropriate, the chair may refer an appropriate matter to the regional government[, when in the chair's judgment, such a referral is warranted.
D - The Board shall be elected in the first week of March and September by an election in the Regional Assembly. Regents shall be members of the Regional Assembly in good standing during their term. The Board of Regents shall be elected by plurality vote of the Regional Assembly Vacancies on the board shall be filled by a special election in the Regional Assembly. In all instances, there will be a nomination period not to exceed one week, and a voting period not to exceed one week
E - The Board shall have power to adopt and modify rules and policies concerning student admissions, course offerings, general faculty procedures, and degree certifications, as well as any other appropriate statements of rules and policy. The Board may adopt procedures for its business. The rules shall provide for who shall preside at deliberations of the board in case of the absence of its chair, and who may serve as Acting Chancellor in case of the Chancellor's absence or inactivity at any time during the Chancellor's term.
Section 4. Chancellor.
A- The chief administrator of the University is the Chancellor. The Chancellor shall be appointed by the Board of Regents during the first week of the months of June and December of each year, and shall serve a six month-term.
B - The Chancellor shall be a ex-officio, non-voting member of the Board of Regents. The Chancellor shall be a member of the Regional Assembly during their term of office.
C - The Chancellor shall be accountable to the Board of Regents for the administrative and operational functions of the University.
D - The Board of Regents shall have power to remove the Chancellor for cause, and that removal may be reviewed by appeal to the Court of The North Pacific.
Section 5. Effective Date.
This law as amended takes effect on its adoption.
Editoral Note: TNP Law 17 was enacted by the Regional Assembly on 13-20 January 2007.Law 25, which amended Law 17 was enacted by the Regional Assembly on 13-20 November 2007.
Transfer of The North Pacific Wire
Editorial Note: This law, approved by the Regional Assemby 13-20 January 2007, amended TNP Law 6 and transferred responsibility for The North Pacific Wire from the Ministry of Culture and Education to the Ministry of
Cmunications. The text of TNP aw 6 reflects that amendment.
Revision of Criminal Trial Procedures; Time Standards
Editorial Note: Law 19, adopted by the Regional Assembly 16-24 March 2007, was a revision of TNP Law 4, and the text of Law 4 has been edited to reflect this revision. Section 2 provides that the Law takes effect immediately upon adoption.
Electoral Elligibility Reform
Editorial Note: Law 20, adopted by the Regional Assembly 3-10 April 2007, amended certain candidate and voter eligibility provisions in Law 5 and Law 15. The texts of Law 5 and Law 16 have been updated to reflect these amendments. The legislation also included two Constitutional amemdments approved by the regional Assembly as part of the same proposal, and which were approved by the Cabinet on 10-16 April 2007.
Defining Duality
Section 1: Definitions
A - "Duality" is hereby defined as the right of a Regional Assembly member to possess different personas within The North Pacific, its RMB, official IRC channel, or official forums, or in outside regions, groups, or any of their modes of communication. When possessing the right of duality, the words and actions of a non-Regional Assembly persona of a Regional Assembly member cannot be used against him/her in judicial proceedings in The North Pacific.
Section 2: Limitations
A - The right of duality is given, by default, to each Regional Assembly member.
B - In charges of treason, espionage, or sedition against a Regional Assembly member, the member does not possess the right of duality for the purposes of the trial.
C - When under a non-Regional Assembly persona, participating in or planning invasions, defenses, or liberations of regions (The North Pacific and her treatied allies, excepted) shall not be considered treason on the part of that Regional Assembly member.
D - When under a non-Regional Assembly persona, participating in or planning activities against the North Pacific Army when it is not acting in defense of The North Pacific or any of her treatied allies shall not be considered treason on the part of that Regional Assembly member.
E - Exceptions may be given to North Pacific Army and North Pacific Intelligence Agency members, with the consent of and notification by the Minister of Defense or NPIA Director, respectively, when on officially sanctioned missions.
16 October 2007