General Rules


Forum Rules
Improper language and vulgar references are grounds for getting a member blocked. Remember, NationStates is a public website which can be viewed by anyone.

Multying - (having more than one registered name on the forum) is frowned upon and is an underhanded thing to do - Trust is an important commodity in the forum, multing will damage your credibility. Having non-UN "puppets" is perfectly acceptable.

NB/ AOL shares IP addresses so it is possible to have the same address as someone else, if this happens to you and you are accused of "Multying" please inform a moderator/administrator.

War - Roleplaying conflict is to many a big part of NationStates, threads about role-play war should be started in the Role Play forum. If you are interested in Military action or diplomacy the North Pacific has an army you can join for the purposes of liberating regions from unfair delegates, as well as a Diplomatic Corps. Any new member is welcome to join them. The North Pacific Army tactics are discussed in the forum and carried out in Nation States throught the use of UN nations, please see the military forum for more information....*note that The North Pacific is a peaceful region...we consider ourselves defenders...not crashers so any invasions we are involved in are for the good of said region!!!

Role Playing - You may well be wondering, how exactly does one participate in the role-playing section of the forum? Well, you merely use words to add to the story. For all the information and Rules please go to RP Rules, a comprehensive guide to roleplay in the North Pacific.

Flame Baiting - when you start making personal attacks on another users character to provoke them into flaming (insults).

Griefing - as NS puts it, "Griefing is playing with the primary aim of annoying or upsetting other people. If you do this, the game moderators may take action against you."

Spamming Short Pointless Annoying Message. Posting rubbish, posting unrelated topics in the wrong forum. Also, unwanted Telegrams or Personal Messages (TM's or PM's). Repeat offenses can lead to your nation being deleted.

Thread Hijacking - is when you post a reply or series of replies that are not part of the thread topic. This is many times unintentional and can be fixed as long as you redirect the conversation to the original topic. All Forums have a main topic (diplomacy, the ban list, etc). When starting a new thread, make sure you do so in the proper forum.

Warning level is the bar under your name when you log in. It is used by MODS as a way to punish improper behavior and at the same time a way to control the poster. When this is activated a MOD can either make the member check with him/her before every post, restrict the member from posting for a specified time, or block a member from logging in for a period of time.

Nation States Rules and Tips
Straight from the NS FAQ:

I didn't receive my UN e-mail from NationStates!
First, check your nation settings and make sure that you have entered an e-mail address, and that the address is correct. If it is, your e-mail is probably being blocked by an anti-spam filter. This might be something in your e-mail client, but more likely is a program running on your ISP's server. Anti-spam filters aren't perfect, and so sometimes block e-mail from NationStates. Unfortunately there's not much you or I can do about this.

I'm going on vacation--what should I do?
In your nation's Settings, check the box marked "Vacation Mode" and click "Update Settings". This will stop your nation from receiving new issues and grant it a longer grace period before it gets deleted for inactivity: 60 days.

How do I delete my nation?
You can't. I decided it's better to have people upset because they can't start over with the same nation name than people upset because their nations got accidentally deleted.

If you don't log your nation in, it will be deleted automatically in 28 days.

So I'm a UN member. Now what?
The UN is your chance to mold the rest of the world to your vision, by voting for resolutions you like and scuttling the rest. However, it's a double-edged sword, because your nation will also be affected by any resolutions that pass. (You can't just obey the resolutions you like and ignore the rest, like real nations do.)

The first thing to do is inspect the current UN resolution at vote (if there is one). If you agree, vote for it; if you don't, oppose it. Depending on how ardent you feel, you can also debate the issue in the forum, or wire telegrams to other nations.

Second, you can endorse other UN members, which is a way to signal that you like their policies, or their leader, or their cool flag, or whatever. The nation with the most endorsements in each region is appointed Regional Delegate (see below), and gets to wield additional influence.

Finally, you can propose your own resolutions. If approved, these go in the queue to be voted on by the entire UN. You may, however, be required to possess a minimum number of endorsements first.

I have more than one nation. Can they all join the UN? (called Multlying)
No. You may only have one nation in the UN at any given time. To enforce this, UN member nations must supply an e-mail address.

What if I sneak them in using other e-mail addresses?
First up, don't. This is against the rules, and other people will be annoyed with you when they find out. It's a low, underhand thing to do. And the chances of getting caught are pretty high: the game uses four different methods to detect cheaters.

Nations that rort the UN in this way will be expelled and prevented from re-joining. If you do it with multiple nations, they'll all be deleted, including your main nation. If you're especially annoying, you'll be banned from making any new nations, too. But don't make me do that.

Can I invade other people's regions?
Yes. The practice of "region crashing," where a group of nations all move to a region with the aim of seizing the UN Delegate position, is part of the game. Certain groups within NationStates are particularly adroit at this, and can attack very quickly.

Once I've taken over a region, can I eject everyone else?
No. Region crashing by itself is a legitimate tactic to seize power, but ejecting large numbers of nations is griefing. It can be a fine line between region crashing and griefing. Players who enjoy launching invasions should take care to stay on the right side.

What can I post?
You can discuss and argue about almost anything, so long as it's vaguely relevant to politics or NationStates and doesn't fall into any of the categories below. You don't have to be politically correct, but you must maintain a minimum standard of behavior.

What can't I post?
Any content that is:
  • Obscene
  • Illegal
  • Threatening
  • Malicious
  • Defamatory
  • Spam
This applies to your nation's name, motto, and other customizable fields, any messages you write, images you post, or any other content you upload or link to NationStates. If you do, your nation will be deleted. See the site's Terms & Conditions for details.

Also prohibited is the practice of "griefing." Griefing is playing with the primary aim of annoying or upsetting other people. If you do this, the game moderators may take action against you.

Another player posted something offensive!
People get offended at different things, so first make sure it falls into one of the above categories. If it does, please report it to the game moderators using the "Getting Help" page.

Because our moderators are players who have volunteered to help out of the goodness of their hearts, please deal with lesser disputes without involving them. For example, if someone spams your regional message board, your region's Founder or UN Delegate can eject them.

Info From members
Creation Region/Maternity Region/Feeder Regions (where new nations are created) are the Pacific Regions, ie; The North Pacific, The South Pacific, The West Pacific and The Pacific.

RR or Rejected Realms - Where you will wind up if you break a rule or repeatedly break the rules set forth on the forums and such for each Region. You cannot be banned from the Rejected Realms.

Founder Regions Are Regions that people create, they are noted under the Delegate spot of the Region. Anybody can create a new region.

General ettiquette in The North Pacific
In the North Pacific we do not elect our delegate; any person can run for the delegacy. The only rule is that youu have to make your intentions and views known, if you try to gain the delegacy without making your intentions known you will be booted out of the region if you gain too many endorsements (i.e. a similar amount as the current UN delegate). You will have notice from the current delegate about his/her intentions to boot said nation.

Banishment (ejection)
The North Pacific never banishes a nation for life - you can be ejected from the region, but not banned.

Endorsement Swapping
Not illegal, but it is frowned upon by most of the community. Endorsement swapping is when you trade your endorsement for another with the sole intent of gaining endorsements.

Value of endorsements are:
  • To become delegate.
  • To establish UN membership.
  • To show your like and support of another nation.
Unless you are running for delegate 2 is really all you need (for the ability to submit UN proposals), although it is nice to have a few more to show the support you have gained of others.

What most members suggest is that you make yourself known, get to know a nation before you endorse them, or endorse someone for any reason other than just getting there endorsement in return.

Duties of a Delegate

1. To welcome new members to the region by telegram and via the forum.

2. To arbitrate and settle any disputes or disagreements between members of the region.

3. To communicate effectively with other nations. All PM's and telegrams should be replied to, whether from members of the region or nations from another region.

4. To update the World Factbook Entry at regular intervals, informing nations of any important regional developments or links to interesting topics in the forum.

5. To vote on UN resolutions. In a democratic region such as the North Pacific the delegate should vote in accordance with the wishes of the majority of the members of the region. The delegate should also examine new proposals that are up for approval.

6. Where necessary, to provide leadership!

Members that helped compile this list...Tresville, Magicality, LadyRebels, Rocketman, Sydia (<---Also corrected and greatly organized this post)...Special thanks to Wilkshire and Treenudity!!