Speaker Wizardofoz01:Correction: At the request of our UN delegate and our Minister of Communications to keep this voting thread open for the full length of time, I will not close this vote until Dec 4 at the aforementioned time.
However, with a putative majority of RA members voting for the move, there is no barrier in my mind to open the new forum, etc etc.
With this authorization from the Speaker of the Regional Assembly of The North Pacific, I hereby declare this forum, the new Official Forum of The North Pacific, open for business. Welcome, everyone.

Obviously, with a new forum, there will be some small difficulties at first as everything gets set up and actually running. In order to help reduce some of this wait, several Ministers (those I could find) were contacted last night and given a few hours to set up their respective forums. So if you see any posts dated before now, don't panic - that's probably why.
With our region being organized at several different levels, many of us require a different permission mask than others. If you require such a mask, please contact me as soon as possible so that you can access the areas you need to view. I will try to process masking requests as quickly as possible during this transition period.
Now just as a reminder to everyone, this is still an Invisionfree forum, and we are still bound by Invisionfree rules. I know we just went through a rather distressing time due to actions by certain individuals, but that is no excuse to violate those rules. Please do not harass The twoslit experiment on this forum, just as you would not harass anyone else. He is as much a member of our region as anyone else here, and deserves the respect we give everyone else.
So, welcome, have fun, champange's on the table in the corner, don't burn the place down, yada yada so forth. Have at it.