V Smells of cabbage!
Dalimbar Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot - TNP Nation Cassiars Nov 28, 2005 #3 I will rule the world some day, I know it :B): V Is kinda kinky
Namyeknom TNPer Nov 28, 2005 #4 Only on the weekend, when I call myself Mandy... V Would like to meet Mandy.
Dalimbar Your Friendly Neighbourhood Despot - TNP Nation Cassiars Nov 28, 2005 #6 *Whistles* Course, lol *chuckles* V Is clearly going to a insane asylum soon.
Ator People TNPer Nov 28, 2005 #11 Hey, we took a warzone! Was once (or still is) a member of the ADN VV
Sirixis TNPer Nov 29, 2005 #14 Yes, of course, before I could walk like every good Canadian. v is pro-football.
GoalVA TNPer Nov 29, 2005 #17 I know it, but ignore it. V once stole the wallet of an Oxford professor.
Haor Chall The Power of the Dark Side TNP Nation Haor Chall Nov 29, 2005 #18 Well... I thought he was from Cambridge... v is an RV.
Namyeknom TNPer Nov 29, 2005 #20 Card carrying pacifist at your service! If war breaks out, I'll be in the cupboard, using my clothing as a toilet... V fearlessly stupid.
Card carrying pacifist at your service! If war breaks out, I'll be in the cupboard, using my clothing as a toilet... V fearlessly stupid.
Haor Chall The Power of the Dark Side TNP Nation Haor Chall Nov 29, 2005 #22 Only ones large enough to hide in. v is part of the thread title police.
Haor Chall The Power of the Dark Side TNP Nation Haor Chall Nov 29, 2005 #25 Monday afternoons, until teatime, actually. v is a crafty swine.
Namyeknom TNPer Nov 29, 2005 #32 Shhh! I though we were keeping that quiet... :p V would love to be hugged by me...