
  1. Pikabo

    To Cage a Vermilion Bird [INVITE ONLY]

    帝國2220年8月2日 22:33 Sun's Day Zhujing, South Iteria Mark Geissen fondly recollects the time his mother yelled at him, "Don't become a journalist! You'll make enemies!" Judging by the metal large ring clasped cold and heavy around his ankle, anchoring him with a thick long chain to the middle of...
  2. Pikabo

    [RETCONNED] Children of Heaven

    Mid of night, you come; daybreak, away you go. You come like a dream of spring, O brief, so brief; Gone as the morning clouds to where I'll never know. In the reign of the Zhen Dynasty, a beautiful flower was given up to selfish men. The Forgettable Life of the White Peony I Dongjing...