
  1. Andrenne

    m/1851 to m/03 - Andrennian Military Rifles - 1851-2022

    OOC Notes! The title is unorthodox because it is meant to be the title of an in-character book. This thread serves as both in-character "pages" of this book and as an out-of-character reference for Andrennian military firearms. The title may be updated at a later date. I will be updating posts...
  2. Andrenne

    There Will Be Bloodshed [Semi-Open]

    Continued from this post. Anyone that wishes to reply may do so as long as they inform me of what they’re posting before hand and I give your participation in the thread a seal of approval. 1:17 AM, April 23rd, 2021 Miita, Andrenne Booms echoed throughout the city of Miita. Granted, at the...
  3. Andrenne

    Thaunicca: A Religion of Ash

    To those who are on the TNPRP Discord, you'll know that I've been doing a lot of worldbuilding with a religion named Thaunicca. If you don't know what Thaunicca is, it's a pagan religion from my main nation, Andrenne. It is essentially a forced marriage of Norse paganism and ideas and...