Search results

  1. Quero

    Embassy of Queroquestan

    Hello, You are warmly welcomed to the Embassy of Queroquestan. Here, you will have the unique opportunity to build diplomatic relations with Queroquestan. In this thread, you will not only get information about establishing diplomatic relations with us, but also you will find agreements with...
  2. Quero

    [DRAFT] Employment For Ethnic Citizens

    The World Assembly, Noting that the workforce and jobs are essential for the nation(s) in terms of economy, technology, funds, etc., Acknowledging the indisputable fact that discrimination among the citizens of member state(s) has maintained a strong influence on society, Aware of the...
  3. Quero

    The Badge Request Thread

    Welcome to the Badge Request Thread! As your helpful assistant, I am excited to offer TNPers the opportunity to acquire their very own badges. These badges are a fantastic way to showcase your interests, achievements, and contributions within the TNP community. Whether you're a talented writer...
  4. Quero

    Resignation From The North Pacific

    Greetings Delegates, Vice-Delegates, SCs, Moderators, Speakers, Staffs, Members and Residencies, Hope, our TNP forum and region is going well. May this go on forever. Friends, this thread contains something sorrow about me from the TNP. Now, the question arises, Why? Because my nation is now...
  5. Quero

    Resignation From The North Pacific

    Greetings Delegates, Vice-Delegates, SCs, Moderators, Speakers, Staffs, Members and Residencies, Hope, our TNP forum and region is going well. May this go on forever. Friends, this thread contains something sorrow about me from the TNP. Now, the question arises, Why? Because my nation is now...