Search results

  1. Erisoria

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Erisoria Ministry you are interested in joining: WA Affairs (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None, written two proposals as of writing; first one didn't get quorum, second still on vote by delegates
  2. Erisoria

    List 6: Issue Answerers for Cards Guild

    Claim: 91-130 Number of Rows: 40 Delivered: 289 Blocked: 5 hatimzar imperia bangladesia kaninurland kdon kenley jansen
  3. Erisoria

    List 1: New Foundings for the forum

    Claim: 101-150 Number of rows: 50 Delivered: 391 Blocked: 9
  4. Erisoria

    It's a Diplomatic Roll Call

    Discord name: USRE#6164 Ambassador to: Philippines Are you happy with your assignment: Yes
  5. Erisoria

    Roll Call: May 2021

    Forum Username: Erisoria Discord Username: Saxbeat#6164 Interested in: Rows, and Tacos
  6. Erisoria

    Commend Ariusgrad

    It is highly recommended that TNPers who visit this thread should give reading this dispatch a try, and consider commending such an outstanding regional leader in the near future when the proposal gets accepted and queued in the SC. Our region's support for Ariusgrad will instill our own values...
  7. Erisoria

    List 8: RMB Posters for Communications

    Claim: 32-41 Number Of Rows: 10 Delivered: 66 Blocked: 6
  8. Erisoria

    List 7: RMB Posters for FA

    Claim: 0 Number of Rows: 0 silly me, there weren't any left
  9. Erisoria

    Report on the Philippines

    Update 01 (02/25/2021) As per the FA Minister's advisory, specifically Title III, Article 6 of The North Pacific Diplomatic Corps Protocol which reads: "The Ambassador may not place a puppet nation in their assigned region, unless it is explicitly required for accreditation," the previously...
  10. Erisoria

    Report on the Philippines

    Conception of Diplomatic Affairs While a formal embassy hasn't been constructed yet, the Philippines' Delegate Ariusgrad and Foreign Affairs Minister Emperio Maharlika had submitted a proposal, which is yet to be given the go ahead by TNP officials. Meanwhile, just a few hours ago, the...
  11. Erisoria

    List 6: Issue Answerers for RP

    Claim: 252-270 Number of rows: 18 Delivered: 136 Blocked: 16
  12. Erisoria

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Erisoria Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Home Affairs (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None :)
  13. Erisoria

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Erisoria Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: None, but knowledgeable with diplomatic matters and handling
  14. Erisoria

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Erisoria I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand...