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  1. Tim Kasto

    Pallaith for Delegate VI: There and Back Again
  2. Tim Kasto

    Question for the Vice Delegate

    I applaud Gorundu for keeping the VD accountable for his actions. We need more people like her.
  3. Tim Kasto

    Candidacy Declarations: May 2024 Special Judicial Election

    My is Tim Kasto why is it Sir Kasto on the ballot?
  4. Tim Kasto

    Change Has Come for All of Us - Opening Statement May 2024

    Damn. yall gonna have a chief of staff? This is like super democratic, lots of subject matter experts in this government. I liek it
  5. Tim Kasto

    Change Has Come for All of Us - Opening Statement May 2024

    Biggest cabinet I have ever seen. Nice
  6. Tim Kasto

    Results May 2024 General Election

    Maybe the new VD can get around to posting that VD report.
  7. Tim Kasto

    Results May 2024 General Election

    Imagine losing
  8. Tim Kasto

    Closing Address: May 2024

    How about you take a much deserved great break?
  9. Tim Kasto

    Voting: May 2024 General Election

    Delegate: 1. Robespierre Would you like to reopen nominations? Yes Vice Delegate: Abstain Would you like to reopen nominations? No Speaker: 1. Abstain Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  10. Tim Kasto

    Office of the Vice Delegate

    Can we get a SITREP?
  11. Tim Kasto

    Robespierre for Delegate - Tout pour le Nord!

    Thank you, Robespierre.
  12. Tim Kasto

    Robespierre for Delegate - Tout pour le Nord!

    What is your favorite color?
  13. Tim Kasto

    Simone for Delegate - For All of Us - Your Delegate, Empowering You

    I am glad to see a minister endorse this campaign
  14. Tim Kasto

    Chipoli for Vice Delegate 3.0

    Will you promise to be late with your VD reports?
  15. Tim Kasto

    Simone for Delegate - For All of Us - Your Delegate, Empowering You

    Will you promise to persecute Ukrainians in the region. I am pro-Ukrainian persecution
  16. Tim Kasto

    Office of the Vice Delegate

    When will we expect another update?
  17. Tim Kasto

    Office of the Vice Delegate

    bro did you delete my previous comment previous comment: when is next update kinda sus VD deleting comments
  18. Tim Kasto

    Office of the Vice Delegate

    When will we expect another update?
  19. Tim Kasto

    [SC, defeated] - Declaration on Griefing

    Against. The worst thing I have ever read
  20. Tim Kasto

    [SC - defeated] - Declaration Against Slavery And Its Violence

    Against. The worst thing I have ever read
  21. Tim Kasto

    [SC, passed] - Liberate Eclipsis

    Against. The worst thing I have ever read
  22. Tim Kasto

    [SC, not in queue] - Injunct Eclipsis

    Against. The worst thing I have ever read
  23. Tim Kasto

    [GA, passed] - Fair Work Visas Act

    Against. The worst thing I have ever read