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    Voting: November 2020 Judicial Election

    Court Justice: 1. Comfed 2. Vivanco Would you like to reopen nominations? No
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    [SC - FAILED] Condemn Northern Borland

    Against. I don't see high stats as a reason to condemn someone.
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    It's got too much alcohol in and you die. I wish for humanity to be smarter.
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    Distribution: The Northern Lights - Issue XXXII

    Posted in Gay's discord. Their forum is dead so that's the only place to put it, I hope that's ok.
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    Where's your wish?
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    Granted but an army of crawfish attack you. I wish for equality.
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    Granted, you get a new hot-wheels car toy. I wish bees weren't endangered.
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    Tug of War

    just uh.. ^^^ this Scores (from what I've seen please correct me to get proper count of wins for either side) Boys: 1 Girls: 0 --- 50
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    Rome collapsed faster due to weak supports in the buildings. I wish we had world peace.
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    Word Association

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    Last letter -> First letter

    Mama(aaaaaa oooooooooooo~ didn't mean to make you cry)
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    Tug of War

    Given that 100 was a win condition for one team, I feel we have a winner now so should tally the win and restart from 50
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    Roll Call: September 2020

    Name: Seridian Assigned Embassies (if any): None yet since I just got added into the ministry very recently Are your World Factbook Submissions completed: No but I don't think I have any to make yet since I only just joined this ministry. Why are koalas the best animals?: That is purely...
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    until only one person is alive irl, nobody will have definitely won for certain, as that final person can always just become the winner.
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    Special Event - Ministry of Cards Motto Nominations

    The Region's Ace which roughly translates to Quod de carcere regionem
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    Tug of War

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    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: Seridian Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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    Former English Colony Security Council Application

    I support this. FEC seems like a great person,
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    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Seridian I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand...